The Newsletter of
Bellevue High School PTSA
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The Bellevue High School PTSA Fall Fundraising campaign is in full swing, and we need YOUR support! Your donations are the key to keeping BHS one of the top schools in the state! With your help, the PTSA can continue to fund essential programs like extended tutorials, college prep support, mental health and resilience counseling, and grants for academics, athletics, and school clubs. Every donation, big or small, counts towards creating a brighter future for our students. We are aiming for participation from 100% of the families in our community to raise $50,000! All donations - large and small - will help us to reach our goal!
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Thank you so much to those who have already donated! We are halfway towards our goal!
If your company offers matching, please take a moment to submit a match request and stretch your donation. Bellevue High PTSA’s tax id number is 91-1459440. If you donate through a company giving portal please email fundraising@bellevuehighptsa.com so we can add you to the Donor Honor Roll.
Should you prefer to write a check, please make it out to Bellevue High PTSA and mail it to 10416 SE Wolverine Way, Bellevue, WA 98004.
Join us in this exciting fundraising campaign and help us continue to support excellence and opportunity at BHS. Let’s make this year unforgettable—donate today and make an impact!
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Brooke Andersen
Rebekah Brown
John & Julie Franck
Xiaohui Gu and Dan Ou
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Krista Hughes
Meghan Lewison
Joe and Michelle Razore
Kyung Sam Shinn
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Amelie Agraviador
Laura Bede
Yanling Chen
Elaine Chong
Erin Croman
Kristi Diederich
Rie & Francis Franze
Stephanie Gampper
Christian & Chasma Gerron
Piper Hanson
Chang Huang
Masao Ishida
Juniper Li
Li Li
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Loretta (Tao) Liu & Lijiang Fang
Yanping Lu
Julie Lynch
Oeltjen Family
Farnaz Oskoui
Christie Ritchie
Jaclyn Schwartz
Jun Wu
Heather and Bill Serres
Denise Stolte-Reinisch
Bradley & Tanya Stoney
Troy Tidwell
Xu Yang
Yun Gao & Michael Zhang
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Julie Baker
Ying Chen
Yue Chen
Jeff Cody
Maricar Herradura
Rebecca Johnston
Jae hee Kim
Feng E Li
Miaoqin Lu
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Yang Lu
Jennifer Martin
Dana Min
Michelle Privat Obermeyer
Amy Pellegrini
Jia Wei
Ann Yap
Jing Zhang
Le Qun Zhang
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We’re thrilled to have shared wonderful candles as part of our staff appreciation for October. These delightful gifts were a small but heartfelt way to express our gratitude for the hard work and dedication to our students.
Once again, we are deeply thankful to the volunteers and BHS parents for their support and contributions.
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The BHS Class of 2025 in partnership with the Princeton Review is offering full-length Mock SAT or ACT tests. The sign-up fee is $30 for ACT or SAT mock tests and $60 for taking both. All proceeds benefit the BHS Class of 2025 graduation activities.
Test dates: available from Nov 9 to Dec 9, 2024.
Test format: Online
Students can take it anywhere any time between Nov 9 to Dec 9.
Link for Signing-up for SAT/ACT mock tests:
Sign up ASAP (by Nov 30, 2024)
Questions: email BHSclass2025mocktest@gmail.com
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Did you know another benefit of Bellevue High School PTSA membership is access to our school directory? With secure online or app access, DirectorySpot will be launching in Dec. providing members with student, parent and teacher/staff info as well as class lists. If you have a current membership, be on the lookout for an email with login credentials. And if you still have plans to join, all new and returning parents, guardians, students, staff, and interested community members are invited! It's never too late to PTSA.
Your annual membership supports important academic needs, is an active voice on decisions that impact your child's health, safety, and quality of education and helps build a stronger, more inclusive, school community.
To sign up go to: http://www.bellevuehighptsa.com/wp/joinptsa/
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Wolverine Guard (WG) is a Bellevue High PTSA sponsored award that recognizes students who perform 100+ hours of community service in the 12-month period from May 1st to April 30th of each school year. Each student who reports 100 or more approved hours will earn the Wolverine Guard Community Service Award. Last year 116 Bellevue High students earned Wolverine Guard, with Wolverine Guard recipients completing over 14,000 combined hours of service in our community.
- ALL BHS students from 9-12 grades are eligible for WG should they meet the requirements.
- Students who earn WG in a given school year will receive a certificate to recognize their community service. Students who earn WG in at least two of their four years at BHS will qualify for a WG Blue/Gold Honor Cord at graduation; students with 4 years of service at BHS will also be awarded the WG Distinction Community Service Award.
- Application must include volunteer time logs. Log forms should be detailed and with signed (non-digital) signatures from volunteer coordinators.
- Volunteering is done through a non-profit organization (usually a 501c3 organization).
- The PTSA WG program is separate from the Bellevue School District volunteer hours requirement for graduation. We DO NOT coordinate with Naviance and will only accept Wolverine Guard time logs.
Applications are due midnight on April 30th, 2025. No late applications will be accepted!
Review guidelines and WG application and time logs at PTSA Wolverine Guard page: https://www.bellevuehighptsa.com/wp/wolverine-guard/.
Any questions, please reach out to Michelle Pflaum and Sherry Fang at wolverineguard@bellevuehighptsa.com.
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Come out and watch a very talented group of theater students put on the final show of 2024. CLUE!
Shows will be performed December 5th at 7 PM, December 6th at 7 PM, and December 7th at 2 PM and 7 PM. Don't miss it!
Tickets on sale at Hometown ticketing soon! Or buy at the door!
Clue is a hilarious farce-meets-murder mystery. Based on the iconic 1985 Paramount movie which was inspired by the classic Hasbro board game. The story takes place at a remote mansion, where six mysterious guests assemble for an unusual dinner party where murder and blackmail are on the menu. When their host turns up dead, they all become suspects! Led by Wadsworth – the butler, Miss Scarlet, Professor Plum, Mrs. White, Mr. Green, Mrs. Peacock and Colonel Mustard race to find the killer as the body count stacks up. Clue is the comedy whodunit that will leave both cult-fans and newcomers in stitches as they try to figure out…WHO did it, WHERE, and with WHAT!
Spring Musical Auditions - January 7th, 8th and 9th. More information is coming soon.
Follow us on Instagram at @bellevue.drama
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All parents of BHS Band students…please join us on the first non-holiday Monday of every month, for a chance to learn more about the Bellevue Band Boosters.
Mr. George and Mr. Harvey share all the ins and outs of BHS Band happenings and news about upcoming performances, special events, fundraising efforts, and how you can support your student and the band program. We have a lot of fun!
We have a tremendous year with some big fun events to come… Leavenworth parade, Friday football games, jazz band, seasonal concerts, Disneyland Parade/Disney composer experience…want to know more?
Join us at the BHS Band Booster meetings: Dec. 2nd, Jan. 13th, Feb. 3rd, March 3rd, April 7th, May 12th, June 9th.
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Class of 2025 Parents
We are slowly reaching our goal of 50,000 but still have aways to go. Thank you to everyone that donated to the fall fundraising drive for $125 per family for class of 2025. Please donate below if you are able.
Reminder to have your company match your donation!
Senior (Class of 2025) – Bellevue High PTSA
Spirit Wear Website for Class of 2025
Thanks to Sam Vanappledorn, we have a Class of 2025 spirit wear website where you can order t-shirts and sweatshirts. You can buy this spirit wear by clicking on the link below. All proceeds go to Class of 2025.
BHS Class 2025 Spirit Wear | SamBrand Co | powered by OrderMyGear
Lastly, a few dates to remember..
Purchase a Yearbook Now!
Yearbooks are available for purchase on Touchbase: https://wa-bellevue.intouchreceipting.com/ . Once in TouchBase, find a grey box with the student’s name -> My school -> categories -> Yearbook. Yearbooks will be sold for $80 with ASB, and $90 without ASB through 12/31/24, after which all yearbooks will be priced at $90 regardless.
Senior Photo and Quote/Favorite Memory Submission – 1/31/25 Deadline: Submit your senior photo with a quote or your favorite memory to this link: https://photos.jostens.com/7ZV3PWn
Senior Yearbook Ad Submission – 11/24/24 deadline for lowest rates: Parents can purchase a senior advertisement on Jostens under Yearbook Ads: Bellevue High School BELLEVUE, WA | Jostens
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Rates go up after this deadline. | |
We will post Senior deadlines on the PTA Website as they come up.
Stephanie, Cindy and Kerrie
Senior Class of 2025 Advisors
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Below is the weekly news from the library. If you have any questions, want to find a book, have suggestions, or just want to talk about what you're reading, come see me in the library or send me an email or Teams Chat!
New rules will be enforced in the library starting Monday 11/18!
No eating in the library! Eat your lunch elsewhere and then come to the library to study, read, use the printer, check out a book, talk to your friendly librarian, etc.
If you're in the library during class time you must have a pass from a teacher or be on of three lists: free period, running start, or advanced language independent study.
The back door of the library will be alarmed! Please enter and exit the library through the main doors.
The Bellevue Schools Foundation has awarded the BHS Library $300 to buy new books in languages other than English! I'm super grateful for the support from BSF and I'm excited to add new titles to our World Languages section!
I convinced the district website folks to add a book icon on the school's homepage for the Library (scroll to the right — it's next to PTSA) so you don't have to hunt through a million menus and click a dozen clicks to find us! We also shortened the number of clicks you need to get to the KCLS Teen ebooks and audiobooks page, KCLS Databases, and Destiny Discover — now there are buttons that go straight there from the district website. Whew!
November is Native American Heritage Month. I've got some books on display in the library and as a collection in Destiny Discover for you to browse if you'd like to read books by and about Indigenous people this month.
Have you met our new full-time Tech Specialist? Come by with your tech support needs and welcome Mr. Flores to BHS!
Your student leadership team is collecting Apple Cider donations for their Fall Food Drive over the next two weeks. Please no glass containers, apple cider packets or plastic containers welcome and appreciated! Deliver to the front office.
Chinook Middle School is looking for High School students to be counselors for the 6th grade Spring Science Camp in April, both overnight at Camp Orkila, and during school days at Chinook for the students who aren't going to camp. Contact Ms. Ashley Mata for more information!
I'm excited to read Orbital, by Samantha Harvey, the winner of The Booker Prize that was announced this week, because I really enjoyed the author's last book, The Western Wind. The Booker Prize is an annual award given the best work of fiction written in English and published in the UK or Ireland. One cool feature is that each of the short-listed finalists gets a gorgeous unique artists' binding made of their nominated book — check out this beautiful book art!
Library Specialist
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See's Candy fundraiser! 🎁🍫
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ALL Bellevue High School Athletes committing to sports in college.
Sign together one place, one time.
BHS Senior Signing Day, BHS Main Gym, coming May of 2025
Please email Kelli Mayer, mayerk@bsd405.org include student name, college that our BHS Senior is committing too and what sports.
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The deadlines for submitting Bellevue Blast articles are as follows:
School news and PTSA articles – Friday 6 pm deadline
Athletics and Activities articles – Sunday 6 pm deadline
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We are so excited to announce that Bellevue High PTSA is on Instagram! Follow us @bellevueptsa to be the first to know about our upcoming events and updates!
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Our Address:
10416 Wolverine Way
Bellevue, Washington
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