Thank You to All Who Attended JDOS!
Thank you to all of the students, faculty, staff, and community partners who were involved in the 2023 Jesuit Day of Service! With your help we were able to give back to our local community at 8 different partner sites, including:
More than 350 JCU community members from over 40 students organizations, academic departments, and athletic teams came out to to help on Saturday!
Where will your experience take you next? Stop to reflect on your experience this semester and how it relates to where you were before, where you are now, and where you are going next!
CSSA has designed the "Now What?" Workshop to help you explore your past experiences, think about what's next for you, and provide you with great tools, resources, and connections to get you to where you want to be. Learn about exciting courses to take, service opportunities for next semester, internships at nonprofits, and summer jobs that match your interests.
All students who have participated in community service, immersion trips, and/or nonprofit internships are encouraged to attend!
Date: Monday, May 1, 2023
Time: 5:00 - 6:30 PM
Location: LSC Conference Room
Featuring: A Nacho Bar + Door Prizes!
Join us to learn how to move from experience to action - with a nacho bar included!
Bring a friend!
Student workers are needed to help make Alumni Reunion Weekend a success!
The Office of Alumni Relations is still in need of several workers for Reunion weekend:
- Reunion runs from the morning of Friday, June 9th through the morning of Sunday, June 11th.
- A short orientation will take place on Thursday night (the 8th), or Friday morning.
- Accommodations in Murphy are provided if needed.
- All meals are provided.
It is a fun and busy weekend, and it gives everyone a great chance to meet & connect with our Alumni.
This is considered a paid volunteer position - the stipend for the weekend this year will be $425.
If you are interested, apply through Handshake:
Rainbow Connects is a program at the new University Hospitals Rainbow Center for Women and Children that links patients and families to resources to address needs related to the social determinants of health such as: food insecurity; utility assistance; clothing; furniture; baby supplies etc. Rainbow Connects hosts two full time employees and relies heavily on volunteers. Volunteers screen patients and families for resource needs, direct them to helpful community resources to address those needs, and when possible, follow-up with screened participants to see if they were able to access the resource or have any additional needs. Volunteers work with each family to select 1-2 resources that are seen as a priority.
Please note that this is a YEAR-LONG service commitment for the entire 2023-2024 academic year.
Jenna Kelly '25
Major: Sociology and Criminology; Peace, Justice, and Human Rights
Hometown: Fairport, New York
Favorite Quote: “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change” - Wayne Dyer
One of the service sites I go to is Building Blocks Therapy which provides services for children who are nonverbal and on the spectrum. Building Blocks provides these young kids with structure and fun-filled activities that they can not find in a regular school setting. It also helps provide services for families who want their kids to have the good and happy life they deserve but are unsure of how to provide it. Their services focus on these kids' strengths and use positive reinforcement to help them grow intellectually. They get to know each of these children and their needs as well as their interests, which allows them to truly care about these kids' progress. This service is about teaching these kids that the stereotypes people assign them are not true and it holds them accountable for all the things they can accomplish.
As I stated before there are many presumptions made about those who are on the spectrum due to the lack of education and resources for their community. The main thing I learned from Building Blocks is that when you know one kid with Autism, you know one kid with Autism. Each of these kids are all different in their own way, making it unfair to even try to put all these children under one category. All of these children are nonverbal but this does not make them any less than or incapable of understanding what is going on. I unlearned the assumptions that others spread about those who are on the spectrum because they are all such loving, passionate, and intelligent people, they just view the world differently than us. Just because their brain perceives certain aspects of life differently, it does not make them anything other than different, but we are all different and there is nothing wrong with that.
I have changed in so many ways, but I have learned that those who are disabled are not given enough. It has changed the way I perceive individuals with disabilities because I now understand how hard it is to fit into a country that is not made for anyone outside of the dominant, privileged culture. I now know that there are so many different ways to advocate and provide for those who are different from us, but that it takes a lot of work to get there. Because of this new perspective, I am now invested in spreading awareness for all the unique opportunities that these children should have because many of these resources are not spoken about enough. Additionally, though, it is heartbreaking to understand that someone needs privilege and money in order to get to these services, making me want to advocate for change. It has helped me gain a better understanding of the people I am passionate about and guided me to also consider the special ways that we can provide for those who need us. It has taught me that progress and change, no matter how small, makes a difference. Each kid is deserving of meeting their full potential, and even though not every kid is able to have this, at least people are making a difference for the kids in that program.
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Follow us on social media to get the latest news from CSSA, learn about upcoming opportunities, find ways to stay connected and engaged, read posts by featured students, and learn about all of the great things happening in the Center for Service-Learning and Social Action! We post frequent updates daily, so be sure to stay tuned in!
Connect with us NOW to join the fun!
Dr. Katherine Feely, SND, Ed.D | Director | | 216.397.1966
Blake Yoho | Asst. Dir. Data and Communications | | 216.397.2024
JCU Center for Service-Learning and Social Action
Saint Ignatius Hall | SIH-32