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A green and white image with a half circle of the planet earth and a multicolored cityscape in front of it. the graphic reads Milwaukee Prevention Journal

In this Issue:

  • News
  • Events & Webinars
  • Community Resources
  • Los Recursos Familial en Español
  • Family Resources in English
  • Job Opportunities

Spotlight On: Eliminating Tobacco-Related Disease and Death: Addressing Disparities

A Report of the Surgeon General

Effectively preventing people from using tobacco products requires dismantling the social and structural barriers in place that are disproportionately affecting minority populations.

The marketing of menthol cigarettes and introduction of flavorful vapes have manipulated consumers, especially young people, into thinking these products are appealing. By making tobacco less appealing, as well as less addictive, affordable, and available, we can decrease the tobacco industry's influence on society if we work together.

The Surgeon General’s report outlines tobacco prevention and control strategies that have the potential to reduce tobacco-related disparities. Disparities in the use of tobacco products continue to be observed by race and ethnicity, level of income, level of education, sexual orientation and gender identity, occupation, geography, behavioral health status, and disability status. 

Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States, but this doesn't have to be the case. By implementing comprehensive tobacco prevention and control measures, we can reduce the devastating health impacts of tobacco use and create a healthier, more equitable society for all.

Learn More


People Who Smoke and Vape Needed

Avenues Study

UW Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention

Quit smoking and get paid up to $445!

Do you smoke and also vape? Are you 21 or older? Do you live in driving distance of Milwaukee or Madison? If so, there are different Avenues that may help you address your relationship with nicotine.

Be a part of the group of 500 people in the study. They'll explore different avenues, such as:

  1. Medications—participants will get either varenicline or nicotine patch.
  2. Counseling approach—participants will either be encouraged to just quit smoking (and keep vaping) or to quit both smoking and vaping.
  3. Counseling intensity—participants will get either one coaching session or four sessions.
Learn More and Sign Up

Winter Warming Rooms Now Available

The Milwaukee Coalition on Housing and Homelessness has announced that several designated warming centers will offer nightly shelter across Milwaukee.


Centers will operate from 8 p.m. to 7 a.m. with priority placement at 7 p.m. for individuals who have been verified to be sleeping outdoors by Street Outreach professionals.


Trained staff will be on-site to provide a therapeutic and safe environment. A network of volunteers will also be available to make referrals to community-based resources through IMPACT Connect. Meals will be provided by community partners including The Gathering of Wisconsin, St. Vincent DePaul, and Street Angels.


For more information about these overnight shelter locations, please use the link below.

Learn More

Webinars and Events

Working with Individuals at Elevated Risk for Suicide via Telehealth

Wednesday, December 4

Telehealth has grown exponentially in the mental health field since the start of the pandemic. This course from UW-Green Bay Behavioral Health Partnership will build off of the self-paced Suicide Risk Assessment and Intervention via Telehealth course by first providing a review and expanded discussion on the key skills and knowledge learned. This training will use didactic approaches to review and case examples to illustrate how use the skills. The overall goal of this training will be to help implement information learned into actual clinical practice.

Fee: $15 members; $30 partial members; $60 nonmembers

The webinar is scheduled from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. on December 4 via Zoom.

Register Now

Improving Behavioral Health Care for Older Adults in the Criminal Justice System

Wednesday, December 4

This webinar from SAMHSA's Gains Center will explore the current need for improved behavioral health strategies for aging adults and critical partnerships between jails, prisons, and public and private community-based agencies. Emerging best practices for addressing the behavioral health needs for aging populations in jails, prisons, and upon reentry will also be presented.

The webinar is scheduled to begin at 1:30 p.m. on December 4.

Register Here

Screenagers - Under the Influence: Addressing Vaping, Drugs & Alcohol in the Digital Age

Thursday, December 5

This is CADCA's screening of "Screenagers Under The Influence: Addressing Vaping, Drugs, and Alcohol in the Digital Age." After the film, the co-filmmaker, Lisa Tabb, will do a Q&A. This screening is for community coalition professionals so that they can decide if they want to show it for their communities.

Exploring the latest research and learning more about the personal experiences of teens and families, the film highlights the changing landscape of the substances themselves, offering solutions for how we can best empower teens as they face decisions about what they will and will not be influenced by.

Watch the trailer and learn more about the film here.

Register for 11 a.m.
Register for 2 p.m.

International Human Rights Day Celebration

Saturday, December 7

Join the City of Milwaukee Equal Rights Commission, the United Nations Association of Greater Milwaukee, and the Milwaukee Turners for the annual International Human Rights Day celebration on Saturday, December 7.

This hybrid event is scheduled from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Turner Hall Palm Garden at 1034 N. Vel Phillips Avenue and on Zoom.

Attend in Person
Attend via Zoom

Setting the Intention: Goal Setting for Prevention Practitioners and Organizations

Monday, December 9

The end of the calendar year is a perfect time to reflect on how far your prevention efforts have come and to plan for where you want to go professionally. Join the Prevention Technology Transfer Center Network (PTTC) for an uplifting and forward-focused session to help you identify and set your 2025 goals—both for yourself and for your prevention organization. Explore best practices for setting SMARTIE (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-bound, Inclusive, and Equitable) goals. Participate in interactive exercises to take stock of your current professional experience and determine how to enhance their efficacy and satisfaction. Then articulate your action steps to support your goals for 2025.

This webinar is scheduled to begin at 12 noon on December 9.

Register Now

QPR Question Persuade Refer

Suicide Prevention Training

Tuesday, December 10

We can all save lives.

The QPR mission is to reduce suicidal behaviors and save lives by providing innovative, practical and proven suicide prevention training. The signs of crisis are all around us. We believe that quality education empowers all people, regardless of their background, to make a positive difference in the life of someone they know.

This two-hour interactive introduction to suicide awareness and prevention will also cover statistics and intervention strategies. This workshop will be held on December 10 from 1 to 2:30 p.m.


Verbal De-Escalation Techniques

Tuesday, December 17

During this virtual workshop, you will learn how to increase safety by utilizing verbal de-escalation techniques. Participants will explore foundational information on how to reduce the level of conflict through self-knowledge, understand how past experiences influence current behavior, and practice de-escalation. This session will be held from 9 to 10:30 a.m. on December 17 via Zoom. 


Mental Health First Aid Training

Wednesday, December 18

Adult Mental Health First Aid Training provides adults with the tools to assist other adults who may be developing a mental health problem or experiencing a crisis. It teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illness and substance use disorders. This training gives you the skills you need to reach out and provide initial support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem and help connect them to the appropriate care.

This training is held via Zoom from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on December 18.

Register by December 12 

Having a Harm Reduction Conversation

Thursday, December 19

This interactive webinar will review Harm Reduction as both a concept and how it translates in strategies that can apply in a variety of situations with people actively using substances. Participants will review and practice using basic communication skills of Motivational Interviewing for a person-centered approach to "meet people where they are at," and incite motivation to change. This webinar from the Northeast and Caribbean PTTC is scheduled from 9 to 11 a.m. on December 19.

Register Now

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Community Resources

Suicide Prevention Resource Center

SPRC is excited to release their Recommendations for Local Suicide Prevention Infrastructure. These recommendations can help local groups - such as municipalities, counties, and Tribal governments - establish, improve, and sustain a strong local suicide prevention infrastructure.

Learn more here.

Biden-Harris Administration Releases Resources to Help Communities Address Trauma and Mental Health Impacts of Gun Violence

SAMHSA releasedresources intended to help communities address the trauma and mental health impacts of gun violence. These resources are part of additional executive actions announced by the Biden-Harris Administration in September to reduce gun violence and save lives, and part of the larger Biden Unity Agenda for the Nation. Read more here.

Los Recursos Familial en Español

Terapia para latinos

Durante años, la salud mental ha estado estigmatizada en nuestra comunidad y, a veces, ir a terapia con alguien que no entendía nuestra cultura nos hacía sentir incluso peor que cuando empezamos. Piensa en este sitio web como un Yelp para terapeutas que se parecen y hablan como tú. Es posible que incluso hayan crecido en tu vecindario. Aprende más.

NAMI’s Compartiendo Esperanza

Esta presentación bilingüe de 90 minutos es proporcionada por la Alianza Nacional sobre Enfermedades Mentales (NAMI).

Su objetivo es aumentar la conciencia sobre la salud mental en las comunidades latinas abordando temas clave como signos y síntomas de trastornos de salud mental como trastornos de ansiedad, trastorno bipolar, esquizofrenia y depresión.

Brindan orientación sobre cómo hablar sobre salud mental y disminuir el estigma; cómo definir y lograr la recuperación; y recursos disponibles.

Aprende más.

Healthy MKE

De Milwaukee Health Care Partnership y Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Services, el sitio web Healthy MKE ofrece una única fuente de información para los servicios públicos y privados en el condado de Milwaukee, donde los proveedores y los miembros de la comunidad pueden obtener la información que necesitan para ayudarse a sí mismos o a otros. Accede a ellos aquí.

Programa de intervención familiar (FIP)

Objetivo del programa de intervención familiar es eliminar importantes barreras que impiden latinos y afroamericanos individuos y familias de buscar servicios de asesoría tradicional. Este programa de manejo de caso intensivo, basado en el hogar, enfoque familiar ofrece servicios de apoyo a las familias que luchan con el impacto de la adicción a la sustancia y la violencia doméstica. Servicios son proporcionados sin costo a la familia. Para obtener más información sobre el programa de intervención familiar, por favor llame a 414-270-4600. Aprende más.

Family Resources in English

Maternal Mobile Clinic

Froedtert and the Medical College of Wisconsin are bringing a special service to moms in the neighborhoods where they live. The Maternal Mobile Clinic can do blood sugar checks, ultrasound exams, STI screenings, and much more. Read more here.

Dads to Doulas

Addressing the high infant mortality rate among Black babies, Dads to Doulas aims to equip Black men and expectant fathers with the knowledge and skills to advocate for their families from pregnancy through infancy. Learn more here.

Positive Options for Women Entering Recovery

Are you worried about your drinking or other drug use? You aren’t alone. The Positive Options for Women Entering Recovery (POWER) is here to help. The Milwaukee Women’s Center’s POWER provides FREE day treatment for women struggling with alcohol and other drug issues. Click here to learn more or call 414-270-4600 to get help.

Family Intervention Program (FIP)

Struggling with drug and alcohol use can make you feel alone. Not being able to find a counselor who understands your unique treatment needs can make things even harder. The Family Intervention Program is a no-cost, bilingual English and Spanish drug and alcohol treatment program specifically designed for Black and Latinx individuals and families in Milwaukee. To learn more about the Milwaukee Women’s Center’s Family Intervention Program, please call 414-270-4600 or click this link.

Job Opportunities

Download our Mental Health Resource Guide here!

This newsletter was created and delivered to you thanks to the financial support of Milwaukee County Department of Health & Human Services Behavioral Health Services and other funders.

Community Advocates Public Policy Institute | 414-270-2950

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