The FUUSN Chime

Weekly Newsletter of the

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton

December 12, 2024

Illustration looking down on seven people standing on a beige plaid rug inside a circle of chairs

Image by Rozy / Bad Homburg / Germany from Pixabay

Worship Service:

Appreciative Inquiry

Rev. Dr. Debra Haffner and Rev. Joel Miller

Sunday, December 15, 2024 at 10:15am

Rev. Debra and Rev. Joel will share the results of the seven Appreciative Inquiry sessions and what they may tell us about FUUSN’s future mission and vision. Come celebrate our new co-ministers’ first fall with us and hear what they are learning and thinking.

You may also join us on Zoom:

Submit your Joys and Sorrows here.

Some December Services without Zoom

The following services WILL NOT be available on Zoom:

Dec. 21: Winter Solstice Service at 6pm - Rev. Joel Miller

Dec. 24: Christmas Eve Service at 10pm - Rev. Debra and Rev. Joel

Dec. 29: Quaker Service - Anne Watson Born


Screenshot of an email, supposedly from Rev. Dr. Debra Haffner, which reads, " Timely Repsonse & Attention is Requested. Good morning, reply to this email when you get it, your availability is needed, God bless you. Rev. Dr. Debra Haffner, First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton."

Yet More Phishing Spam

Our phisher is at it again. Several FUUSNites have received spam emails supposedly from Rev. Debra requesting assistance. We repeat: our co-ministers and staff will never send requests like this, and we will certainly NEVER request that you purchase gift cards for us. Do not respond to these emails. Report these as spam and delete them.

Please Respect Staff Offices

While it's lovely that folks feel comfortable dropping in to talk to staff, please do not enter staff offices when they are not present unless you are specifically authorized to do so. In particular, do not drop things off in staff offices unless you have received prior permission to do so. It makes it more difficult for staff to do their jobs when they find surprises in their office or are interrupted by folks picking up things they stashed there. If you have donations to drop off, please contact staff before bringing it in.

Book cover with a marbled background with a National Jewish Book Awards Winner logo in the upper right corner and the words, "On Repentance and Repair: Making Amends in an Unapologetic World - Danya Ruttenberg - '[A] brilliant book.' - Rebecca Solnit"

UU Common Read Comes to FUUSN

The Racial Justice Ministry is pleased to invite you to the first round of a new book discussion workshop based on Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg’s On Repentance and Repair: Making Amends in an Unapologetic World, the UU “Common Read” for the 2023-2024 year. The book is an evocative application of the work of Maimonides, a Sephardic rabbi, philosopher, and Torah scholar of the Middle Ages, toward making repair in personal relationships, communities such as FUUSN, and in broader society.  

We will read the book in sections across five weeks, and complete a series of personal reflection, journaling, and discussion activities, with ten community members and two facilitators per group. We intend to offer three groups: two in-person groups and one zoom meeting, likely all on Sundays at varying times of the day, beginning January 12th.  

We have designed this program to be a learning and personal growth experience and an invitation to work purposefully to make the world a better place in which to live. We hope you will find the experience thought-provoking, emotionally impactful, and inspiring in terms of the possibilities for enhancing your own life and the lives of others with whom you come in contact.

Interested? Many of you have already signed on at the Racial Justice table on Sundays. If you haven't yet and are interested in joining, please email Meg Holland, by Dec 2Oth.

Healthy Baby/Healthy Child Holiday Toy Drive - Please Bring in Your Unwrapped Gifts This Sunday

Healthy Baby/Healthy Child is a holiday gift-giving project sponsored by FUUSN in conjunction with the Boston Public Health Nurses. Children whose families are unable to provide gifts for them have been identified by the nurses. This is an opportunity for you and your children to give to others in need during the holiday season.

This year, you can provide a gift in one of two ways:

  • If you stopped by the holiday tree in the Parish Hall on December 1st or 8th, to find out how to purchase a gift for a specific child, please return your unwrapped gifts to FUUSN by Sunday, December 15th .
  • You may still purchase a gift for any age child using the Amazon wish list created by the nurses. The link is: The gifts should be shipped directly to Elise Morantus Petion at the gift registry address and need to be received by Friday December 13th .

Thank you!

Wendy Atamian, Susan Bartlett

Fill Up Those UUSC Guest at Your Table Boxes by Dec. 22

Our UUSC Guest at Your Table boxes will be collected Sunday December 22. This supports the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee. UUSC advances human rights worldwide. They partner with communities displaced by climate change, work with communities affected by natural disasters and economic hardship, support the right to safety and justice to asylum seekers, defend access to water . This program takes place during the holiday season. Gifts of $150 or more are matched by the UU Congregation in Manhasset, NY. Website for online donations: Donations payable to UUSC can be sent to: Guest at Your Table-UUSC, PO Box 808, Newark, NJ 07101-0808

A woman with dark hair pulled back in a bun wearing glasses and a blue shirt

Farewell from Jenise Aminoff


It pains me deeply to make this announcement, but I have made the difficult decision to leave FUUSN in order to focus more fully on my family’s needs. Don’t panic – I’m not leaving until after the big Martin Luther King, Jr. Day event (see Save the Date below).

I have really enjoyed my time with FUUSN and getting to know all of you. I’ve learned a tremendous amount in a short time, and I’m proud of the accomplishments we’ve made together: creating a whole new web site, improving the Chime newsletter, completing a wildly successful ministerial search, developing better publicity processes, and upgrading our network infrastructure.

You are all so blessed to have such a dynamic and talented community. I admire your dedication and your creativity, and I am grateful that, for a brief time, I was able to be a part of it.

Thanks for everything,

Jenise Aminoff

Take Action

Gear Up: a Training Series for White People to Fight Back under Trump

From December 2024 to February 2025, SURJ, the largest organization in the US that explicitly organizes white communities for justice, is launching its 10-week “Gear Up Training and Action Program” – a powerful opportunity to build our skills, community, and power in the lead up to 2025.

Learn More

The flag of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts displays, on both sides, the state coat of arms on a white field. On a blue shield stands Native American with bow and arrow; the arrow is pointed downward, signifying peace. A white star with five points appears next to the figure's head. A blue ribbon surrounds the shield, bearing the state motto, "Ense Petit Placidam, Sub Libertate Quietem" ("By the Sword We Seek Peace, But Peace Only Under Liberty"). Above the shield is the state military crest: the bent arm holding a broadsword aloft.

Advocate for Changing the Massachusetts Flag

The sight of our state symbol – a settler’s hand holding a sword over the head of an Indigenous figure, with a Latin motto, “She Seeks a Quiet Peace Under the Sword” – has been a longstanding offense to all of us in Massachusetts who care about justice for Native people. Native leaders have been steadfastly calling for our flag and seal to be changed for more than 50 years. Today, Massachusetts is the last state in the country still flying a flag of overt white supremacy. Eighty-two cities and towns in Massachusetts have taken formal votes in support of a new state flag and seal.

Please urge the governor to do what she has promised. She campaigned on pledges to remove barriers of systemic racism and promote the ideals of justice and equity. She has promised to move ahead with creation of a new state flag and seal.

In this moment of national reckoning, Massachusetts needs to take a clear and unambiguous stand for Indigenous rights, racial justice, and harmony between all the people who now share this land. Please take a moment today to email or call Governor Maura Healey with this message, and share this email with other friends in Massachusetts.

Governor’s Office, Boards and Commissions

Massachusetts State House, 24 Beacon St. Room 271-M

Boston, MA 02133

617-725-4010 /

Governor Healey, please swiftly appoint the advisory committee to design a new flag and seal for Massachusetts. A settler’s hand holding a sword over the head of an Indigenous figure is not a symbol we should be teaching to our grade school children. Please see this work through to completion, so that the Commonwealth may have a new state flag and seal that stand for true peace, justice, harmony and equity between all people who now call Massachusetts home.

Events This Week

Parents Night Out - Friday, December 13, 2024, 6-9pm

Member Services and the RE Committee have worked together to offer Parents free childcare for ages 6mo. through 5th grade (6th and 7th graders become helpers) at FUUSN once a month between December and May, starting on December 13.  Reserve space for your kids today and plan that date night (RSVP required)! 

Soul Collage®: Images, Intuition, and Insight with Isabel Phillips, Ed.D - December 14, 2024, 9am-1pm

Take a break from your thinking brain and rest in your imagination and creativity! Follow what fascinates you. There will be images galore, meditative music, and grace-filled time to follow your curiosity and wonder.

SoulCollage® begins with the process of choosing and then combining images on a 5” x 8” card to create your own personal deck of SoulCollage® cards. What you learn from each new card draws you more deeply into your own wisdom, intuition and self-discovery. 

Gift yourself with breakfast followed by three hours of spaciousness in community and see what you might bring into being!

Space is limited to 10 people, and the cost is $25 which includes breakfast and all card-making materials. Please email Devin to reserve your spot today. Reservation is not complete until payment is received. 

People extend their hands in a circle, each holding a 5-by-7 inch postcard with colorvul images on them, such as a spiderweb, parrot, smiling dark-skinned woman, lightning strike.

Newcomer Potluck - Saturday, December 14, 2024 at 6pm

If you are new or still feel new, or if you are reconnecting after being away for some time, you are invited to a potluck dinner in the Alliance Room at FUUSN on Saturday, December 14th at 6:00 PM until 8:00 PM. Children are welcome and childcare will be provided if desired.

Come talk with other newcomers who are interested in Unitarian Universalism and FUUSN. There will be time to discuss our congregation's services and activities and to ask questions, as well as time just to get to know one another.

Please RSVP to tell us if you can come and what you would like to bring. We will provide beverages.

For years these friendly, informal potluck suppers have been a favorite way for new people and current members to get to know each other better. We look forward to having this opportunity to be with you! 

No-Rehearsal Pageant Rehearsal - December 15, 2024

This year's Christmas Pageant is switching to a no-rehearsal-needed format. That said, if you or your child would like a prominent role in the pageant, we will be holding a brief rehearsal on Sunday, December 15th at 12pm to give you an opportunity to run through the role before the Christmas Pageant Service on December 22nd. You can still participate in the pageant if you do not attend this rehearsal! Contact Devin for further information or to let him know you'd like to help out with the pageant.

UU Plant-Based Eating Club Small-Group Potlucks - Sunday, December 15, 2024 at 6pm

The UU Plant-Based Eating Club is hosting small-group potluck dinners to be held on Sunday, December 15, at 6pm. We will host these plant-based potluck dinners in the homes of multiple PBEC members, with each group comprised of 7-10 people. If you are a PBEC member, you may sign up here, and you will receive an email assigning you to a private home a few days prior to the event. If you are not yet a PBEC member and would like to be, or are not sure if you are on the list, please send an email to

While we intentionally welcome newcomers and anyone who is interested in eating more plant-based food regardless of where they are on their journey, all items brought to our potlucks must be completely plant-based and contain no cheese, dairy, eggs, etc. Recipe suggestions are available. More information about the Plant-Based Eating Club is available here.

Christmas Caroling, Dec. 15th and 17th

Did you miss the caroling at the Holiday Fair? Here are two more opportunites to celebrate the holiday season in song!

  • Sunday, Dec. 15, 12-2pm in Newton Center
  • Tuesday, Dec. 17, 3pm in Evans Park

Contact Anne Watson Born for details and to reserve a songbook.

Events Calendar

Thursday, December 12

6-7:30pm: RE Committee Meeting, online

Friday, December 13

6-7pm: Mentors Dinner, Alliance Room

6-9pm: Parents' Night Out, Nursery

7-9pm: Mentors/COA Meeting, Headstart Room

Saturday, December 14

9am-1pm: Soul Collage, Children's Chapel

6-8pm: Newcomers Potluck, Alliance Room and Kitchen

Sunday, December 15

11:40am-12:15pm: Alternative Coffee Hour, sign up in Parish Hall

12-1pm: Pageant Rehearsal, Sanctuary

12-2pm: Caroling, Newton Center

6-8pm: UU Plant-Based Eating Club - Small Group Potlucks, members' homes

Tuesday, December 17

3-5pm: Caroling, Evans Park

7-9pm: Ops Council Meeting, Children's Chapel

Recurring Events

Wed., 6:30pm: Tai Chi Class

Wed., 7:30pm: Choir Rehearsal

Fri., 11am: Over 60s Walking Group - contact Ruth Comstock for details

Pickleball at McGrath Park: Notify either Brian Gill or Kevan Hartshorn to get on Pickleball play times email list!

Upcoming Events

Holiday Services 2024

December 21: Winter Solstice Service at 6pm

Rev. Joel Miller

On the eve of the winter solstice, we gather to reflect on the ways that the darkness nourishes us and the light beckons us. After readings and music from many traditions’ observances of this longest night, we process outside and offer our hopes for the light to come. This service will not be available on Zoom.

Dec. 22: Christmas Pageant and Carol Sing

Devin Shmueli and Anne Watson Born

Join us for this festive, all-ages celebration of the Christmas Story in word and song, followed by an enthusiastic singing of carols! Bring your Christmas cheer or find it here!

Dec. 24: Christmas Eve Services at 7 & 10pm

Rev. Dr. Debra Haffner and Rev. Joel Miller

7pm: Join us for a beautiful service of lessons and carols to recall the timeless Christmas story and let it enter our hearts anew. Our Sanctuary Choir will sing, and we will end the service with candlelight and “Silent Night.”

10pm: This cherished service brings readings to celebrate Christmas, winter, and new birth alongside musical offerings spanning many genres. Join us for quiet beauty, contemplation and spiritual grounding to ring in Christmas. This service will not be available on Zoom.

Dec. 29: Quaker Service

Anne Watson Born

Our annual Quaker-style service will be held on Sunday December 29, 2024 at 10:15am in the Sanctuary. “…group silence is a type of communion, using both the religious and secular meaning of the word. We are taking sustenance and solace from each other, receiving a blessing of the spirit. We are also communing together, experiencing community, in silence with each other. We are all focused on becoming present to ourselves so that we can become present to others.” (Heather McRae-Wolf) This service will not be available on Zoom.

Christmas Day/First Day of Chanukah Potluck

Rev. Debra and Rev. Joel are hosting a potluck lunch at 1 pm on December 25th for FUUSN members. Please sign up now, and we'll be back in touch about what's needed. Location to be determined based on size of group.

Please RSVP

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer to Provide Coming of Age/Parents Night Out Childcare

Here’s a chance to get to know FUUSN children on a day that isn’t Sunday! We’re offering childcare for younger siblings during Coming of Age, and we're planning several Parents' Nights Out. Volunteer for childcare so that parents can have a night out!   Not-so-fun fact: Did you know that babysitting can cost $25 - $35 an hour?????  


Calling all FUUSN Instrumentalists - Come and Play on Sunday, December 22 at the Pageant Service!

Ukes, guitars, horns, flutes, whatever... We'll be playing Deck the Halls, Jingle Bells, and a great Peter Mayer tune. 


Email Anne Watson Born at for details and charts.

You Can Find All Volunteer Opportunities on our Website

Not sure how to sign up for something? Looking for ways to connect and contribute to our community? Just go to the Volunteer page on our website:

Save the Date

Celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. at FUUSN

January 20, 2024, 9-11am

FUUSN is delighted to announce that we will be hosting the City of Newton's 57th Annual Community Celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. on January 20th at 9am in the Sanctuary. This event will be widely publicized and televised! Rev. Debra will participate, and FUUSN's choir will join the Myrtle Baptist Church's choir in song. Please join us for this historic event.

Over 60s Sponsored Presentation:

Philosophical Religion: FUUSN’s Heritage

January 26, 2025; Alliance Rm/Zoom

12-1:30 pm. Lunch bites provided.

Guest Presenter: Arthur Anderson, J.D., author, researcher. Arthur will remind us of an overlooked history of Greek philosophy which provided the roots of our New England Transcendentalists’ journey as dogmas and creeds became overturned and dismissed, - establishing our Unitarian society! Come join us on this important, eye-opening journey.

Kudos Corner

We did it again at the Holiday Fair! Thanks to the fantastic FUUSN community of volunteers who set up, sorted, baked, pickled, moved tables up and down stairs, unpacked holiday lights and tablecloths, sold/ auctioned uncountable gifts, crafts, books, jewelry, toys, coffee, wreaths and then cleaned it all up. We never lost a beat and had fun connecting with each other as we kept it all going. Our heartfelt thanks to all of you, too many to name individually. We will publish the dollar results as soon as we have them. 

From Laurel Farnsworth, on behalf of the Holiday Fair Committee

At a long table marked "Gifts," four adults in festive dress smile at the wide array of vases, mugs, cards, matryoshka dolls, paperweights, dishes, organizers, dried flowers, and much much more
A beautiful geometric quilt made mostly of chevron shapes in shades of red on a white background
Three women in red shirts stand at a long table and construct wreaths out of evergreen branches and a wide array of decorations in well-organized baskets, including pine cones, artificial fruit and berries, and holiday decorations, berrie

Submit News and Events

Have a news item you want to share? Want to schedule a FUUSN Event? Please use our web forms! Note that any event using physical space at FUUSN must be approved by Agatha, and until you receive confirmation from her, that event will not be scheduled or added to our Events calendar.

Submissions for each newsletter must be sent in by the preceding Tuesday at 9am.

Submit News
Submit an Event

FUUSN Contacts

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton | 617-527-3203

Facebook  Email