Welcome to Quilting News
March 2023
Message from Lisa
I Can't believe it is March and the best month of the year for me. I will be taking 20 ladies with me on a retreat from March 12-19 and I'm so looking forward to getting away and doing a little sewing and walking on the beach. Not to mention all the fun we will have! So please make your calendars that I'm closed that week.

I did make a little trip to Atlanta, GA to Quilt Com. I called my friend Anita Bishop and Tim and I drove down and had a great time. This show was a little different from Hampton. The vendors were good and they had lots of different quilts to view. I truly looked at the way they were quilted and I fell in Love with the solid quilts. Yes I did bring a bag of goodies home from the show. Next year the show will be in Raleigh, NC and I think a few of my quilting friends might want a road trip. Will keep you posted as it gets closer.

Remember to tell your friends about me and my quilting services. You will get a 10% discount on your next project and your friend will also get 10% off her first quilt. Word of mouth is the best way my business grows. Thanks in Advance.

Excited for all the new things happening at Shining Star! Trixie and I will see you very soon.

Save the Date:
March - 2023
1 - OPEN
2 - Quilter's Daycare
4 - Quilting Sisters' Date Changed
6-8 - OPEN
9 - Quilter's Daycare
12-19 - CLOSED (Away at retreat)
20-22 - OPEN
23 - Quilter's Daycare
25 - Barn Painting Class
27-29 - OPEN
28 - Wooly Friends Road Trip
30 - Quilter's Daycare

April - 2023
3-5 - OPEN
3 - 1st Week of Home of the Free
6 -Quilter's Daycare
8 - Quilting Sisters' (Second Saturday)
10 - 2nd Week of Home of the Free
10-12 - OPEN
13 - Quilter's Daycare
17 -3rd Week of Home of the Free
18 - Wooly Friends Meeting
20 - Quilter's Daycare
24 - 4th Week of Home of the Free
27 - Quilter's Daycare
Quilting Sister's
Do you like to sew for charity? Do you like to sew with friends? Come join our new group of quilter's who have a passion to make items and give back to the community. We will be using the conference room at the Firehouse, 1956 Urbine Road, Powhatan, VA 23139. We start at 9 AM and sew until 3 PM.

DATE CHANGE for March. We will meet the FIRST Saturday due to a conflict with the schedule at the Firehouse.

At our February meeting, we sewed on the Habitat House quilts. We are very excited to be a part of this adventure for a well deserved family. We divided into two groups and completed both of the quilts. Thanks to everyone who came and helped. If you want to be apart of this group, our dues are $25.00 and need to be paid at the next meeting which is this Saturday! Until we see each other... Keep on Quilting my Sister's

For our March meeting, which is THIS Saturday, we will be working on Cat/Dog beds for the local shelters. Bring any scrap batting you may have or any fleece or flannel. We will cut them into small squares and work from a pile of fleece that I have been collecting. Looking forward to working on this project. If you have any questions, just give me a call before Saturday.

Future Projects:
March - Cat Pads for Shelters
April - Firehouse Quilts
May - Firehouse Quilts
June - Service Quilts
Wooly Friends Group
Welcome to a very new and special group of ladies. Our next meeting is Tuesday, March 28th. Doors open at 9 AM. This group has room for more people. So if you have wanted to learn how to do wool projects or where to start, then you need to be at our next meeting.

We had a great time making sprays with Lilacs or Pinecones. It was a fun day.

We will be making a ROAD TRIP on Tuesday, March 28th to Notforgotten Farms in Amherst, VA. The Owner is Lori Brechlin and she is opening the shop us for our group only. She has Wool, Needlework patterns, Threads, Rug hooking, and Cross stitch. We will meet at my studio and depart at 8 am. You will need to pack a lunch and we will carpool to her shop. It is about a 45 minute drive. Anyone can go with us. If you will just RSVP with Lisa so we know how many people are going and how many drivers we will need by Friday the 24th of March I would really appreciate it very much. Thanks to Phyllis for arranging this trip for us.

Future Projects:
March - Road Trip
April - Up in the air....

Lisa now has a Sissix cutter and a few dyes. Just let her know if you want to use one during the meeting to cut something.

New Favorite Wool Site: Old Tattered Flag. I just love all her stuff and thanks for sharing this location with the group. We now have several of the dies.
Beach Retreat
The Studio will be CLOSED from March 12-19, 2023. A group of us will be in Nags Head.

Barn Class for 2023
Our barn class will be a 16" x 16" board (with out the frame) this time. Total is $70 and includes everything from the design drawn and base coated and ready to start painting. This class will be March 25th on a Saturday from 9 to 4. Payment holds your spot. (For those who took the class last time, we will have a different set of designs to choose from for this class!) Looking forward to having Wendy here again! I need to hear from you by March 17th if you want to take the class. Wendy will send out an email with our design choices so she can draw them before the class starts.
I have : Kathy M., Stacey P., Cindy F, and Kathy D.
"New" Weekly Sewing Group - Home of the Free!
This is going to be a fun group. This is about a 7 week class. I will cut you one block from my stash and you will make the remainder of the blocks needed for that row from your stash. By the end of the 7 weeks you will have a beautiful quilt made. You will pick up your packet by March 31st. We will start the first week of April and you can pull out the #1 week and sew along. If you want to sign up for this fun project the cost is $40.00. On April 3rd, I will do a Live Video and post the video on my web site. I will do the weekly sew along and post the video's on my web site. I hope you will have fun with this one like I will. You can add borders to the outside and your quilt should finish about 52" x 70".
Quilters Daycare Group
Quilter's Daycare is a Thursday sew group. Please make sure that you slide over and make room for everyone that wants to sew. We have an additional room that can hold only 4 sewers. We want everyone to feel welcome. We have missed many of you. Your $5 covers your seat charge each Thursday. See you soon! Reminder the door opens at 9 am, not earlier. (I'm with mom getting her up and ready for her day)
A Heart Felt THANK YOU!
I would like to thank everyone for the card and monetary gift that I received. It is true that Cancer patients need all kinds of things you would never think of. I really appreciate everyone at Day Care for all the love and support you have given me. What an amazing group of caring friends you all are.

Love Jan Hanlon
Thank You!
We have a new Purple Bag for our quilting customers. Please bring a bag with your project that you are dropping off. Thanks!
Payment is accepted by Cash, Check, Venmo, Zelle or Paypal.

See you soon! Trixie and Lisa