Saint Mark United Methodist Church

A Message from Our Senior Pastor,

Rev. Carolyn Stephens

Friday, March 31, 2023

Dear Saint Mark Family,


You have been observing an holy Lent for the last five weeks, as you have been journeying with Jesus. Do not stop; you have just one more week to go. Push on through by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit within you. It will be worth it, and you will be indelibly marked and transformed by the spiritual discipline and practice you have taken on during these forty days. 


I want to bring to your attention something that is on my heart, and ask you to join with me in prayer to beseech the Lord for help, and to show us ways we can respond that will bring about change. 


I am sure by now most, if not all, of you have heard about the shooting at an elementary school in Nashville. We have seen the images of terrified and weeping children and parents, and we have seen the coverage all across the news. Thoughts and prayers have been offered, and myriad opinions have been shared on social media. The heartbreaking truth is that this incident was not the first, but one of hundreds, and what is frighteningly true is that it will most likely not be the last. We all know something has to be done to prevent the taking of the lives of children and others by such vicious and cruel means. 


I am asking you to join with me in prayer this coming last week of Lent. If you are able, let us pray every morning at 7am, and again at noon. Let us join together to beseech the Lord to show us how we can respond in effective and transformative ways. I know many have offered prayers. I know many have tried to enact policies. I know. I also know that change can happen when we seek the Lord, and ask for Divine guidance, and respond accordingly. I am reminded of the word God spoke to Solomon, telling him "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 


Our country needs healing from this pervasive evil, and it will happen only through God, and by the actions of those who choose to act as led by God. So please join me in praying next week. Let us call upon the Lord, and let us listen closely to what God lay on our hearts, so we can go forth and do what God instructs us to do. Let us pray, so we can act. 


On another note, next week will be Holy Week, and there will be a number of opportunities for you to participate in different worship experiences, so I want to bring these opportunities to your attention, along with some other things to note.

  1. This Sunday will be Palm Sunday. There will be wonderful music and more wonderful music.
  2. Wednesday, April 5th, will be the last of our Lenten Noon Day Service. 
  3. There will be no midweek retreat or Wednesday supper. We will resume after Easter. 
  4. There will be our Holy Thursday service at 7pm in the sanctuary
  5. There will be an ecumenical Station of The Cross experience, where Saint Mark will join three other churches in Midtown to walk the stations of the cross for a block on Peachtree Street. This will be another good opportunity for Saint Mark to worship and to be out in the community. 
  6. There will be a Good Friday service at 7pm. 
  7. Our Community Easter Egg Hunt will be on Saturday, April 8th, from 12:00pm to 2:00pm. 


Please come on out and be a part of these services and other opportunities, and let us finish strong our Lenten journey.


Continue to observe a Holy Lent, and I look forward to seeing you this Sunday. 


God’s goodness and grace,

Pastor Carolyn.

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