Looking back over the past year, I have so many stories to tell. First off, I am so incredibly grateful that the Lord has placed me where He has. I realize that my life’s story isn’t one of “Woe is me," but “WOW that’s me!"
I have been challenged in ways that I didn’t know I would be challenged. However, I now see those challenges as opportunities instead of stumbling blocks. I ask myself two questions:
1. What is it that the Lord is trying to teach me? and 2. How do I overcome this and then use it? I am blessed every day to have the opportunity to work alongside those that make up EPH, from the staff and board members, to the donors, the families and especially all those that volunteer. I have an entirely new appreciation for those that lay down their lives, (their wants) for others around them, essentially strangers. Everyday I get to see the beauty that lies within the fabric of this life, the love of mankind. I am certain that EPH, what EPH stands for, and the supporters/volunteers are changing our area for the better - one person, one family, one hand up at a time. A man I look up to once said, “If you could only borrow my eyes and see what I see."
Looking forward, in this next year, my prayer is that our vision is captivated by the Lord. That we borrow His eyes, that we take care of those that are in need and watch as the Kingdom of God transforms our area. Let’s allow our challenges to grow us. I know EPH has and continues to challenge and to transform my life. What is it that the Lord is trying to transform in you?