Dear saints,

Among the snarkier Episcopalians, there is a game of “Sermon Bingo” that has made the rounds. Each player consults their scorecard during the homiletical moment, on the prowl for such developments as: “Jesus is not mentioned,” “C.S. Lewis is referenced,” “The wrong readings were consulted, but the sermons is preached regardless,” and my personal favorite, “The priest mentions shame and/or Brené Brown but ignores the lectionary.” If you get bingo, you must immediately stand and shout “Hallelujah!” making it appear is if you’re responding to the sermon. All this, by way of introduction to say that I found a Brené Brown quote that seems relevant to the moment, and if you stand and shout during the next sermon I will know you that just won bingo. Brown writes: “People are hard to hate close up. Move in.”  
What she’s saying, I think, is that the lines that divide us are social constructs. They are artifacts of culture, and we can overcome them by getting closer to one another. How might we "move in" toward those who differ from us?
We could talk at length about the social influences that exacerbate our divisions. We could offer symposia on targeted news channels, the tendency of like-minded folks to live next to each other, and the challenges of disinformation from today’s social media environment. Those would all be worthwhile pursuits. 
Or, hear me out, we could eat together. We could break bread with people who agree with us, and some who don’t. We could share a meal with folks who have more resources than us, and those who have fewer. We could host the homeless through Covenant Community’s Thanksgiving Dinner. We could make dinner for the neighborhood after the Welcome Table service on Sunday nights. We could get together with extended members of our family. We could take up the Surgeon General’s invitation to eat with friends and strangers in 2025. Yes to all of that. 
One of the gifts of Thanksgiving is that we are culturally inclined to sit down for a meal, at a table, with real people, in a room. The trope is that we’ll try to avoid spicy subjects, which is probably wise. But there’s something rare about getting people together over a table who might not normally dine in the same space. There’s something beautiful about it, in the end. 
Here we are, with our varied jobs, outfits, perspectives, and voting history. But that turkey sure is moist, isn’t it. And how are your kids doing? And how are you, really? What an opportunity to "move in,"’ to understand the world from someone else’s perspective. I wonder if we might bridge some kind of socio-political divide over a slice of peCAAHN pie. 
Christians have been doing this for a long time. One of the best recipes for church comes from the Acts of the Apostles: “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and the prayers” (2:42). Jesus does some of his best work over snacks and meals. So too can we.
Happy thanksgiving, friends. I thank God, deeply, for you, for this extraordinary community. 

The Rev. Dr. Andrew Barnett, Senior Associate Rector for Program

P.S.: Jesus was mentioned, so you did not get bingo.


First Sunday of Advent

Sunday, December 1, Church

Weekly Service Times

  • 8:00 a.m. (Traditional Language, No Music) 
  • 9:00 a.m. (Contemporary Language, Choral Music) 
  • 11:15 a.m. (Contemporary Language, Choral Music) 
  • 5:00 p.m. The Welcome Table (Contemporary Language, Jazz Music) 

ANNOUNCEMENT: The live stream of our Sunday worship services is now available at, and on Feel free to join us via your preferred platform and be sure to give us a follow! 

ANNOUNCEMENT: There will be no Thanksgiving Day Service this year. The church office will be closed on Thursday and Friday in celebration of the Thanksgiving holiday.

PARKING: Overflow parking is available at the Bank of America—please enter on North Ave. Please request an additional validation ticket from an usher in the church narthex upon arrival or exit. Use both validation tickets upon exiting the Bank of America parking deck to park free of charge. Be aware, also, that on Sundays in Midtown Atlanta, street parking is free. 

ATTENTION: Beware Email Scammers this Holiday Season

Please remain vigilant against email scammers pretending to be Simon or another member of the clergy or staff, including those who might appear to use a legitimate All Saints' email address. We will never ask you to buy gift cards, send us money individually, or fulfill any task for us on a personal basis. If you have any suspicion about an email you receive from someone who looks like they could be from All Saints', please call or text the staff member in question to double check. 

Tuesday, December 24: Christmas Eve

  • 1:00 p.m.: A Service of Nine Lessons and Carols with Adult Choir (No Communion)
  • 3:00 p.m.: Christmas Eve Worship with Communion and Children's Choirs
  • 5:00 p.m.: Christmas Eve Worship with Communion and Youth Choirs
  • 7:00 p.m.: Christmas Eve Worship with Communion and Adult Choir and string ensemble
  • 10:00 p.m.: Christmas Eve Worship with Communion and Adult Choir and string ensemble

*Nursery is open 2:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

*The 3:00 p.m., 5:00p.m., and 7:00 p.m. services will be live streamed.

Wednesday, December 25: Christmas Day

• 10:00 a.m.: Christmas Day: Holy Communion with music 

*There is no nursery care offered on Wednesday, December 25.

Sunday, December 29

  • 8:00 a.m.: First Sunday of Christmas: Communion, traditional language, no music
  • 10:00 a.m.: First Sunday of Christmas: Communion, contemporary language, Adult choir *There is no Welcome Table on Sunday, December 29.

*There is no nursery care offered on Sunday, December 29.

Sunday Morning Breakfast

Sundays, from 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m., Ellis Hall

Join us for a delicious breakfast and fellowship with the saints before Sunday services in Ellis Hall. The cost is $10 for adults and $8 for kids.

Advent Adventure

Sunday, December 1, 10:20 a.m. – 11:05 a.m., in Ellis Hall

Start the Advent season by making Advent wreaths and crafts for your home, writing cards to send to the homebound and those who may be alone for the holidays, and visiting our Nativity Museum showcasing nativities shared by our parishioners - you can drop off a nativity before the 9:00 service in Ellis Hall. Bring a friend to church and the Adventure! For more information, contact Kathy Roberts at

The Welcome Table: Sunday Evening Worship Service and Dinner  

Sundays at 5:00 p.m., In the Chapel and Ellis Hall  

Before your busy week begins, the Welcome Table is a place to join with others and find rest and refreshment. Come to the Welcome Table: a service with a jazz trio, singing, communion and prayer (together and in ways that speak to us individually). A community dinner for all participants follows the service. 

Would you like to donate a gift for the Giving Tree this Christmas?

Please come to the foyer of Ellis Hall between November 24 and December 8 to select a leaf from the tree. Gifts to be returned by December 15. Email Louisa Merchant to receive information from a leaf electronically:

St. Clare’s Needlepoint Guild 2025 Christmas Ornament Sale

Sunday, December 1, between services in Ellis Hall

St. Clare’s will be selling their 2025 Christmas ornaments for $50 each. Designs include all new pattern designs of angels, poinsettias and more. For more information, please contact Martha Griffith at

Flower Guild Collection for Christmas

On Christmas Eve, the Flower Guild creates a beautiful floral offering, a tradition made possible by the generous donations of this parish. Donations can be made in memory of or in thanksgiving for a loved one. Please make a donation by December 1 to be listed in the bulletin on Christmas Eve. To donate, please visit this link.

Photos of the Week

This past Sunday, November 24, was a day filled with warmth, connection, and reflection as we gathered together as a community at All Saints' Episcopal Church in Midtown Atlanta.

We kicked off the morning with a delicious and lively Sunday Morning Breakfast in Ellis Hall, where parishioners of all ages enjoyed great food and even better conversation. Adults dined for $10, kids for $8—all in the spirit of fellowship before our worship services began.

At the 9:00 a.m. service, we celebrated three baptisms, welcoming little ones and their families into our community of faith. The Rev. Dr. Andrew Barnett delivered a powerful sermon at both the 9:00 and 11:15 a.m. services, inviting us to explore five distinct dimensions of truth.

Later, we continued with One Parish, One Book, diving into Amy Jill Levine’s The Light of the World. Small group discussions, both in-person and via Zoom, created space for thoughtful reflection as we prepare our hearts for the upcoming Advent season.

We also marked the start of the Giving Tree—an opportunity to donate gifts for those in need this Christmas. Visit the foyer of Ellis Hall to choose a leaf from the tree now through December 8. Gifts are due back by December 15. Additionally, our Threads Annual Coat Drive wrapped up, bringing warmth to children in need across the city.

It was truly a day of growth and fellowship, with childcare provided for families and opportunities to reconnect with old friends and make new ones.

As the day wound down, many gathered for The Welcome Table service at 5:00 p.m., where a jazz trio set the tone for a peaceful and reflective worship experience. The service was followed by a nourishing community dinner in Ellis Hall.

We also want to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributed to the 29th Annual Men of Hope Thanksgiving Dinner on Tuesday, November 26. Thanks to your generosity, nearly 400 guests in need were served a warm holiday meal, along with access to vital resources and support.

We are grateful for our All Saints’ family and the ways we come together in faith and service. 💫 And special thanks to Photography Guild member, Jacob Anderson, for his photography contributions this week.

We love meeting newcomers! Our community looks forward to you joining us for upcoming services and events throughout the year! For more information visit and to watch our services online and please visit us at during service times!

You can also view recordings of services and community events at 

Classes and Groups

  • Novel Theology >> Meets one Wednesday a month on Zoom from 7:00-8:00 p.m.. Click the link above to learn more and register.

View all upcoming events


Be In That Number! 

Thank you so much to those who have pledged.

These dollars coming in celebrate the deep generosity

you feel towards All Saints'.

This campaign is not the same without you.

Please share your gifts with a commitment / pledge here now:

Pledge Now

Easiest way: go online

or email Ellen Hayes, Director of Development

Thank you so much!

Pledge now at 


St. Nicholas Celebration and Feast

Wednesday, December 4, 5:00 and 6:45 p.m. dinner seatings in Ellis Hall; Celebration 6:05 - 6:35 p.m. in the Church

Join us as we start off the season with this favorite All Saints’ Christmas tradition. Two dinner seatings will be offered for our catered holiday feast. We will celebrate the coming of God’s light into the world with the theme, Star of Wonder, Star of Night, Guide us with your Perfect Light. Register for dinner at here. Between seatings, join us to hear a magical telling of the story of St. Nicholas of Myra in the Church, followed by the Children’s Choirs and bell ringers leading us in carols. Children’s Ministries will also be collecting new socks for Threads, as a nod to the stockings hung by the chimney. For more information, contact Kathy Roberts at

Caroling at the MARTA station

Wednesday, December 18, 5:00 p.m., Kennedy Courtyard

Join us as we bring Christmas cheer to our neighbors at the North Avenue MARTA station. We'll meet in the church courtyard at 5:00 p.m., cross the street to sing Christmas carols for the passers-by, then celebrate with hot chocolate and cookies back in Ellis Hall. Festive attire is welcome. For more information, please contact Andy Barnett at


Jesus on the Front Page 

Sundays, 10:20 a.m. - 11:05 a.m., Parish Hall 307 

In this weekly Sunday morning discussion of a current news story, participants reflect on how we are called to live as faithful people. In a nonpartisan reflection, we explore how we might be called to pray differently, think differently or act differently in our private and public lives. We ask where God might be found in this story and learn to name our lament as well as our hope. Email Clark Lemons ( if you have questions! 

One Parish One Book 

Sundays, December 8 and 15, 10:20 a.m. - 11:05 a.m., In-Person (Various Locations) and on Zoom 

  1. During the season of Advent, the entire parish will read one book together and gather over four Sundays for small group discussion during the morning formation period. Jesus on the Front Page will continue to meet together for this discussion, while other parishioners will be divided by age groups with a clergy member leading the discussion group. A Zoom group will also be offered. Before and during Advent, we will read Amy Jill Levine’s, The Light of the World. Purchase a copy wherever books are sold and join us! For more information and the Zoom link, please contact The Rev. Dr. Jennifer McBride


The Journey Bible Study  

Weekly on Mondays, from 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., on Zoom 

The Journey (Bible Study) continues, led by The Rev. Karen Evans, Parish Priest Associate. We will resume our journey through the Book of Revelation. The only requirements are a Bible and a willingness to learn. Email The Rev. Karen Evans at for additional class information. 

Women’s Advent Retreat: What is Your Courageous “Yes!”?

Saturday, December 7, 4-6 pm, Begins in Chapel, Ends in Ellis Hall (Labyrinth open in courtyard at 3:30 pm)

Join us for contemplation, fellowship, and food as we accompany Mary in her courageous “Yes!” to God. Register at and indicate your need for childcare. For more information, contact Rev. Dr. Jenny McBride: (


Wednesday Night Supper Holiday Dates

  • Wednesdays throughout the year, 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Ellis Hall December 4: St. Nicholas Supper
  • December 11: Regular Wednesday Night Supper

Wednesday Night Supper then takes a break until Wednesday January 8, 2025.

All Sorts Holiday Party

Saturday, December 7, 1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m., Offsite

Please join us for our All Sorts holiday party on December 7 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the home of Dan Pennywell. RSVP to


Weekly Children & Youth Formation

Nursery/Little Saints: Birth-Pre-K, 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m., 1st floor of the Pritchett Center

Children’s Church: K-5th grade, 8:40 a.m. - 9:30 a.m., 2nd floor of the Pritchett Center

Children’s Formation: K-5th grade, 10:20 a.m. - 11:05 a.m., Meet in Ellis Hall for Advent Adventure

Youth Formation: 6th-12th grade, 10:20 a.m. - 11:05 a.m., Meet in Ellis Hall for Advent Adventure

SNL (6th-8th grade) and Y’all Saints’ (9th-12th grade):

6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m., The Attic (3rd floor of the Pritchett Center)

Register for 2024-2025 Children & Youth Ministries
Read the latest children's newsletter
Read the latest youth newsletter


Young Adults Gift Exchange

Saturday, December 7, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

We’ll meet for a house party to exchange gifts and enjoy dinner on Saturday, December 7 at 6:00 p.m. If you’d like to join, please RSVP by emailing Tasia Blair:

Young Adults Brunch

Sunday, December 8 at 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. in the Ross Room

Join us for a festive brunch to celebrate Advent and Christmas for adults, 20s and 30s. Please RSVP by emailing Tasia Blair:

Young Adult Fellowship Online! 

Are you in your 20s or 30s and interested in fellowship, discipleship and service? Reach out to Tasia Blair at to receive our monthly newsletter, get added to the WhatsApp group chat and find out what events we have coming up! 

Read the latest Young Adult newsletter


View all opportunities to serve

Threads Welcomes Families for Shopping 

Threads welcomes families for in-store shopping Thursdays and Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Interested in volunteering? Contact Marcia Mayfield if you are interested in volunteering; Threads needs you:

You may purchase items please via the Threads Amazon Wishlist: 

Read The Faith and Justice Collective's

November Newsletter

The November issue includes the following highlights:

  1. Vote!!!
  2. Covenant Community’s Thanksgiving Dinner 
  3. Look for Giving Tree Opportunities 
  4. November 10th F&J Luncheon Features Pete Candler 
  5. Recap of Climate and Democracy Conference

Click here to sign up and receive the newsletter delivered to your inbox

Read the November Newsletter

Click the image above to view our "thank yous" to parishioners from various staff members. We appreciate the ways you serve our parish community!

Photo Sharing at All Saints’ 

The Communications Team invites you to submit photographs of All Saints’ events via e-mail for inclusion in forthcoming publications, newsletters, monitor feeds and on social media accounts. If you have content to share, please send photographs via e-mail to in .JPG or .PNG formats. 

Facebook            Twitter            Instagram            

Connect with us on Realm!

Learn more >> Don't forget to join Realm, our new platform for online giving, directory, and event registration.

Questions? Please contact Betsey Gibbs at






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Learn more and submit a request >>