Bulletin #4

Full Convention Program Available Now!

The full 2024 UBCM Convention Program is now available to view here.

Online Voting

Voting on resolutions and Executive Elections will take place online, using the tool Simply Voting. Each voting delegate will receive an email directly from the service provider, Data on the Spot, with login details and links.


For voting, delegates will login using the email address that they used to register for the Convention. Please ensure that you have access to this email on the smart phone, tablet, or laptop that you will use to vote for resolutions, and Executive elections, throughout the Convention.  


All voting members registered for the Convention would have received an email on Wednesday, September 11th with a link to test their voting credentials. The email would have been sent from


Voting delegates will use a device connected to wifi or mobile internet in order to vote during resolutions sessions and the Executive Election period. Examples of these devices include a smart phone, tablet, or laptop. Members who do not have their own smart phone, tablet, or laptop may borrow a smart phone from the service provider, Data on the Spot, for use during each resolutions session and for the Executive Election. Please visit the Online Voting Help Desk in order to borrow a smart phone for voting purposes.


For further information on the online voting system and process please visit the UBCM website online voting page.


Online Voting Recommendations:

  • Ensure your smart phone, tablet, or laptop is fully charged at the start of each resolutions session.
  • Flag or save the email message with the login details for voting, so that you are ready at the start of each resolutions session and Executive Election to login and vote. 
  • If you need to borrow a voting device, arrive early to each resolutions session to sign out a device from the Online Voting Help Desk. 

If you have a question or need assistance with the online voting process, please visit the Online Voting Help Desk on Wednesday morning next to the Delegate Services Desk, or in Exhibit Hall A during resolutions sessions. If you cannot visit the Online Voting Help Desk, please email


Please note: Only an elected official from a UBCM member local government or Indigenous government, who is registered for Convention is eligible to vote on resolutions or Executive Elections.

UPDATE: UBCM Executive Nominations

Director Art Kaehn, Regional District of Fraser-Fort George provided notification to the Nominating Committee that he has withdrawn his nomination for UBCM President, so at present there is no nominee for President.

Councillor Jenny Tan, City of Maple Ridge provided notification to the Nominating Committee that she has withdrawn her nomination for Vancouver Metro Area Representative. Currently one candidate remains nominated for one of the two Vancouver Metro Area Representative positions on the Executive.

The Nominating Committee has put in place additional steps to manage the process for nominations off the floor at Convention, including opportunities for current nominees to withdraw an existing nomination in order to seek a different nomination. Guidance on this process has been provided to current nominees.

20 of the 24 candidates nominated for the 2024-2025 UBCM Executive have submitted video messages to members, which are available to view on the UBCM YouTube channel.  

Voting will take place during the 2024 Convention in Vancouver, over September 18-20. 

Welcome Returning & New Sponsors

UBCM would like to recognize and thank the 2024 sponsors for their continued support. Sponsorships help reduce the cost to deliver the convention, thereby reducing the registration costs and lowering barriers for local governments to attend.

When planning your in-person schedule and on-line screen time through the Convention Event App, please set aside dedicated time to visit our Exhibitors in the Vancouver Convention Center, as well as to click through to the virtual Sponsor Profiles features in the Event App.


To learn more about sponsorship and sponsoring organizations at the UBCM Convention, please visit our FAQ page here.

Stay Up-to-Date and Tag #UBCM24

Visit the 2024 Convention page on for updates including this year’s Convention Program, Bulletins and FAQ, plus Provincial Appointment Desk details, and more. Please contribute and share by using #UBCM24 on your social media channels.

If you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to The Compass to receive weekly news from the Union of BC Municipalities. During convention week, daily highlights, announcements and key decisions are published in The Compass – Special Convention Edition. To ensure breaking convention news lands in your inbox, subscribe to get on this email list.

Code of Conduct

We are looking forward to hosting you at this year's UBCM Convention in Vancouver and are committed to providing a safe, enjoyable, and inclusive space for all our Delegates. UBCM will not tolerate any communication or behaviour that demeans, threatens, or harasses anyone at its events. We’d like to remind registered Delegates that each of you agreed to comply with the UBCM Convention Code of Conduct as a condition of completing your registration. Let's make sure this year's UBCM Convention is a safe and encouraging collaboration space. Please note, all UBCM networking events are included under the Code of Conduct. 

Quick Links

2024 Bulletins




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The UBCM Convention Bulletin is distributed to all registered delegates as well as to designated local government staff who are coordinating registration for elected officials. If you do not wish to receive these updates, you can opt-out and unsubscribe by using the link below. Copyright © 2022 Union of British Columbia Municipalities.