Prayer of the Day
O God, through suffering and rejection you bring forth our salvation, and by the glory of the cross you transform our lives. Grant that for the sake of the gospel we may turn from the lure of evil, take up our cross, and follow your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.
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Join us for in-person worship on Sundays at 8:30am in the Augustana Chapel and 10am in the Immanuel Sanctuary.
Also join us for Coffee Hour in the Hospitality Room following worship.
Worship services are livestreamed (tune into the YouTube Channel) and the recordings are available to watch anytime after worship.
| Watch the video below for a sermon preview from Pastor Bob. | |
A Special Message from the Congregational Council
Click on the video message to hear an update from Margo Healy, Congregational Council President.
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Last Sunday, our congregation participated in “God’s work. Our hands.” Across the country, thousands of members worked to make a positive change in our communities, build and deepen relationships and share God’s love. Thank you to everyone who participated! | |
Fall is here and Immanuel’s Adult Education committee is expanding offerings for discussion and learning. We hope you take part in these:
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Wednesday, September 25 - The Monthly Bible Study is a hybrid gathering, meeting in person in the Church Library and via Zoom on line at 6:30 pm for one hour. This study will take participants through the book of Revelation in eight one hour sessions. Pastor Bob has led numerous studies on Revelation and he looks forward to this one with you! Sessions will continue generally on the fourth Wednesday of the month, at 6:30pm for one hour. | |
Wednesday, September 18 - The Monthly Book Group begins with its first meeting on Zoom at 6:30pm for one hour. The book for fall of 2024 will be “The Amen Effect” by Rabbi Sharon Brous. Subsequent sessions will generally be on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm. |
Sunday, September 29 - "The Church in Society: A Lutheran Perspective" in the Thomas Chapel
Our denomination, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, has produced a number of Social Statements on topics which are vital to everyday life in our culture, society and nation. On the September 29, we will begin an intermittent Sunday morning series which will lead participants through these Social Statements.
The first statement we will explore, “The Church in Society: A Lutheran Perspective,” is a timely one, with another election season upon us. Based largely on Martin Luther’s work on Church and Society, it discusses how Lutheran Christians can be people of faith and responsible citizens of our local communities, states and nations; as well as how we are called as congregations to be communities of moral deliberation. Please be part of this very current discussion as we prepare for Election Day.
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Christ in Our Home Devotionals
The October/November/December 2024 "Christ in Our Home" daily devotionals are available for pick up at church. If you would like one mailed to you, please contact the church office.
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Upcoming Ministry & Performance Review
Greetings from your Mutual Ministry Committee!
Beginning with the inception of the ELCA in 1988, having a Mutual Ministry Committee has been a requirement of each congregation. Mutual Ministry “is to be a mission-oriented enterprise, characterized by a broad vision of ministry and a healthy practice of mutuality.” (2003) Pastor and People, Making Mutual Ministry Work, Augsburg Fortress. The committee is a conduit between the congregation and the pastor. One assignment of this committee is to facilitate a ministry and performance review. Toward this goal, we are asking for congregational input. You should have received an email with a link to the survey/form or you can click on the button below to complete. There are also hard copies in the Narthex. The survey will be available through September 30. The results will be compiled and reported on in November. We thank you in advance for your time in sharing your thoughts and opinions on these important matters.
Sincerely, Susie Cox Mutual Ministry Member
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Donations for Foster Kids
We are continuing God's Work Our Hands by collecting donations for Lutheran Community Services foster kids program. Collections will continue through the month of September and until the next Messy Church on October 6. There is a donation box in the Narthex.
Items needed:
- Toiletry items (like toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo)
- Kids’ socks
- Non-perishable snacks (like granola bars & fruit snacks
- Children's books
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Tour the Idaho Food Bank Sunday, September 29
All are invited to join the Idaho Food Bank tour Sunday, September 29 at 2pm. The tour takes about an hour. Learn about this great operation in our community. Did you know Immanuel receives hundreds of pounds of food each month from the food bank to help feed our guests at our Tuesday night dinners? R.S.V.P to Mary Riedl at or call 208-344-3011, option #3.
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Sponsor Altar Flowers
A great way to honor a loved one is by sponsoring a flower arrangement for worship. Please sign up in the Hospitality Room or call (208-344-3011) or email ( the Church Office. The sponsorship offering is $35 (check only, put flower sponsorship in memo). When signing up, please include the name of the person or occasion you are honoring.
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Northwest Intermountain Women of the ELCA Present:
“Unfinished Women” A one-day retreat
September 28, 9am-4pm
Redeemer Lutheran Church
2920 Cassia Street, Boise
This is a one-day retreat to gather women together. All women are welcome so bring a friend! There is a $10 registration fee to pay when you sign in at the church to help with expenses. The lunch is provided by Boise area churches. There will also be a silent auction with money raised supporting the Tumaini Girl’s Scholarship Fund.
To register: email Carole Dinning at
cdinning at or text or call Carole at 208-610-4885.
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Register Now for October 5
Eternal Hope, Earthly Confidence Workshop
Addressing topics related to the end of life is never easy. Discussions about estate planning, medical care, and final wishes for funeral or memorial services are filled with emotions and are often overwhelming for families. To help ease the burden of navigating this difficult time, the Endowment Committee is pleased to present a workshop called “Eternal Hope, Earthly Confidence” on Saturday, October 5. In this half-day event, participants will hear from four speakers on the following topics: getting documents in order, caregiving and hospice concerns, creating an appropriate farewell, and handling grief. All are invited, but advance registration is requested along with $5 (cash or check only) to cover the cost of lunch. Register below or call the Church Office at 208-344-3011.
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Please join us on our walk to end hunger! | |
Sign Up for the CROP Hunger Walk on October 13
Wear your yellow God’s Work Our Hands t-shirts and hats and join us for the Ada County CROP Hunger Walk! Ada County CROP Hunger Walk will be held on Sunday, October 13 at 3pm, Julia Davis Park, Agriculture Pavilion (shelter between the Bandshell and the Zoo on green belt/river side). Registration starts at 2:30 pm.
The 3-mile loop begins on the greenbelt then switches to streets downtown and then back to Julia Davis Park for return. A one-mile loop will be available for those unable to walk the longer distance. Seventy-five percent of the funds are given to Church World Service. Church World Service is a faith-based organization transforming communities around the globe through just and sustainable responses to hunger, poverty, displacement and disaster. A quarter of the funds raised will go to the Idaho Foodbank, whose mission is to help feed, educate and advocate for Idaho’s hungry through collaborative partnerships to develop efficient solutions that strengthen individuals, families and communities.
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Sunday's Scriptures
September 15
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time / Pentecost 17B
Isaiah 50:4-9a
Psalm 116:1-9
James 3:1-12
Mark 8:27-38
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Birthdays & Anniversaries
Carol H - Sept 14
Drake Z - Sept 15
Molly C - Sept 17
Geraldine B - Sept 18
Val H - Sept 19
Diane N - Sept 19
Sara P - Sept 21
Anna & Ashley W - Sept 19, 15 Years
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Feed My Sheep is Immanuel's Food-of-the-Month collection box. The box is located in the Narthex and food collected is delivered to the St. John's Food Pantry. Please do not donate any food item in glass containers.
Canned Chili & Stew
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Quilt & Comfort Ministry is in need of helpers for washing, pressing, cutting and tying the quilts. Meet Thursdays 10am-noon and come for as little or as long you like. Additionally, please consider donating to the Quilter’s Designated Fund. This will help us buy batting and fabric for quilts. You can also purchase and bring to church twin size flat sheets. DONATE HERE | |
OFFICE HOURS: 9am-1:30pm
WORSHIP TIMES: Augustana 8:30am & Immanuel 10am (with livestream)
- Messy Church 11am, usually the first Sunday of the month
- Touchmark 1pm, every third Sunday
- Redeemer Lutheran 7pm, last Wednesday of the month through November (contemporary)
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September 15 - Worship Service, Augustana @ 8:30am
September 15 - Worship Service, Immanuel @ 10am
September 15 - Worship Service, Touchmark Senior Living @ 1pm
September 17 - Adult Bible Study, Library @ 10:30am
September 17 - Food Fellowship Dinner, Fellowship Hall @ 5pm
September 18 - Monthly Book Group, via Zoom @ 6:30pm
September 19 - Quilters, Quilting Room @ 10am
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Submissions for the Immanuel Weekly newsletter are due by Wednesday at 5pm each week. Send your submissions to: NancyMUpchurch at | | | | |