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Sunday, September 15

  • 8am Holy Eucharist
  • 9am Fellowship (Parish Hall)
  • 10am Holy Eucharist (Church Lawn & on Boxcast)
  • 11:15am Parish Ministry Fair

Monday, September 16

Tuesday, September 17

Wednesday, September 18

  • 5:30pm Wilderness Wednesday Meal
  • 6pm Wilderness Wednesday Prayer/Meditation
  • 6:15pm Wilderness Wednesday Intergenerational Play!
  • 7:15pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal (St. Cecelia Room)

Thursday, September 19

  • 7:30am Morning Prayer (Google Meet)
  • 9am The Gathering Respite Program (Parish Hall & Parlor)

Friday, September 20

  • 11:30am Ladies Who Lunch (Brickhouse in Washington Square)
  • 8:30pm Compline (Google Meet)

Saturday, September 21

Sunday, September 22

  • 8am Holy Eucharist
  • 9am Fellowship (Parish Hall)
  • 9:15am One Room Sunday School House
  • 10am Holy Eucharist (Church Lawn & on Boxcast)
  • 11:15am Braver Angels Workshop (Parlor)
St. John's Full Public Calendar

Pray. Grow. Serve.

This summer I had the privilege of meeting with a small group of men as we studied the book of Acts.  As you may know, Acts is an account of the earliest Christians as they learned to live the Way of Jesus in a world that sought to mercilessly persecute them.  In the second chapter of Acts, we catch a glimpse of what their common life looked like: “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. (Acts 2:42)” Pretty simple, eh?  Through those straightforward practices of teaching (and learning), fellowship (which includes taking care of the neediest among them), breaking bread (which was having meals together), and prayer, the earliest Christians faithfully lived and amazingly transformed the world.

Well, here at St. John’s, we are still doing pretty much those same practices.  The terms we use for our common life at St. John’s are: pray, grow, and serve.  It is our hope that by following those practices together, we at St. John’s, just like those earliest of Christian disciples, may be transformed and may play our part in transforming the world.  

We are living through a time of great challenge and transition.  Seemingly, institutions that we have long relied upon to see us through difficult days are declining in influence. And yet the real power of God has always manifested itself in the small and simple.  Perhaps it is time for we people of the Way to once again become radically disciplined in the traditional and faithful practices of praying and growing and serving.  My hunch is that when we do, God will come alongside and do amazing things through us. 

~Father Art  

Ministry Fair - Sunday, September 15th

If you would like to connect at SJW more deeply or you have always wondered how what happens at St John’s happens, come on Sunday September 15 after the 10:00 service to the annual Ministry Fair. This is an opportunity to discover the many ways that members of St John’s serve our parish and the community around us. Members of various ministries will be on hand. So grab some coffee and refreshments and browse all St. John's has to offer!

Download the Fall 2024 CONNECT here and find out all that is happening at St. John's,

Ladies Who Lunch!

Friday, September 20 at 11:30 am

We are lunching at The Brickhouse in downtown WBL at 4746 Washington Square, WBL, MN.on Sept 20th at 11:30am, We will be dining on the second level of the restaurant as there will be less noise. You can either take the stairs or they do have an elevator. Please call/text Barbara Maloney at 414-940-4100 by Wednesday, September 18th for a reservation.

Music Ministry Rehearsals Have Started!

Rehearsals for both the Chancel Choir and Heartbeat have begun! Heartbeat rehearses twice-monthly at 6:30pm. The Chancel Choir rehearses every Wednesday at 7:15pm. If you would like to join either group, contact David or Carrie for more information.

SJWFellowship - Join us for a show!

Join fellow St. John in the Wilderness parishioners and Mahtomedi High School students, their families, and friends to kick off the holiday festivities with lunch and a matinee performance of Irving Berlin’s classic holiday musical, “White Christmas” at Chanhassen Dinner Theater (CDT) on Saturday, November 2. Transportation is available for those who need a ride to CDT. Main Floor, center stage tickets are $85 each, which includes both the meal and show. Tickets MUST be pre-ordered and pre-paid by Sunday, September 22. Complete details, RSVP and payment information can be found at this link:

SYNOPSIS:Based on the beloved, timeless film, Irving Berlin’s White Christmas comes just in time for the holiday season. After World War II, two veterans, Bob Wallace and Phil Davis, begin a successful song and dance act, following two singing sisters to their Christmas gig at a Vermont resort lodge. With classic standards such as “Blue Skies,” “How Deep is the Ocean,” and the titular hit, Irving Berlin’s White Christmas is a stirring and delightful musical that stands the test of time. (Playbill)

This production is generally suitable for all ages and contains some moments depicting war. The show runs 2 hours and 30 minutes including an intermission.

Direct questions to Chantell Knauss at or 651.387.8288.

Future Fellowship Events:

  • Sunday, November 17, 2024 at 2pm – “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” play at Mahtomedi High School
  • December 15, 2024 at 6:30pm – “Book of Mormon” musical at the Orpheum
  • March 29, 2025 at 1pm Curtain; 11am Lunch Seating – “Grease” musical at Chanhassen Dinner Theater
  • April/May 2025 (exact date/time TBD) – “Purple Rain” musical at the State Theater

Braver Angels Workshops

Depolarizing Ourselves, September 22, Parlor 11:15am, with light lunch 

In the Baptismal Covenant, we promise with God’s help to respect the dignity of every human being. All too often, in heated disagreements, we forget that other people are the image of God as we are. We can stereotype and dismiss others who disagree with us. That leads to polarization, which prevents us from engaging others in a healthy and Christian way.

The Depolarizing Ourselves Workshop is designed to help us lessen the effects of polarization when we encounter them in our political conversations. Note that by “polarization,” we are not referring to healthy disagreements over issues or philosophy. We are talking about how we regard and talk about large groups of ordinary people on the other side of our own politics as if they were enemies.

Skills for Disagreeing Better, October 27, Parish Hall, 11:15, with light lunch

Disagreement is a part of life. We can disagree over politics, what movie to see, and where we will go for dinner. Even small disagreements, if not handled well, can lead to hurt and estrangement in relationships. 

This workshop helps participants understand the values and concerns of those who differ from them politically, and it teaches essential skills for communicating across differences and finding common ground.

Contact Maggie Howe here for event information and to get on her mailing list!

One Room Sunday School House 


Join us in our One Room Sunday School House on Sunday mornings beginning 9/15 as we explore what it means to live in Beloved Community. We will grow together through exploration, play, creation, and prayer. Together we will share our wisdom and come to better understand how we can live as followers of Christ, loving our neighbors as we love ourselves. Contact Maggie for more information.

1st Saturday Service 


On the first Saturday morning of the month, we offer an opportunity for members of our congregation to reach out into the community and offer their service to those in need. Unless otherwise noted, these opportunities are for anyone age 5 and up. Our 1st Saturday Service fall activities are as follows:

  • Saturday 10/5: Feed My Starving Children (Coon Rapids Location) 12:00-1:45pm
  • Saturday 11/2: Baking treats for Election Day hospitality (SJW) 11:00am-1:00pm
  • Saturday 12/7: First Nations Kitchen 10:00am-1:00pm

Wilderness Wednesday


We're celebrating our return to Wilderness Wednesdays with a Game Night! Dinner will begin at 5:30 in the Parish Hall, followed by a Cross Cribbage Tournament and evening of board game play. We'll have plenty of games for players of all ages, but if you have a favorite you'd like to share, feel free to bring it.

Rummage Sale Week is Coming This Fall 


Bring your no longer needed but sellable contributions/treasures and paper grocery sized sacks in the Northeast corner of the Parish Hall on the left side behind the big movable dividers. Note: NO TVs, microwaves, computers, mattresses, furniture, or other large items. These things don't sell and we must pay to have them hauled away.


Organizing and marking work will begin Sunday, September 22, after the last service, and continue through the following week except Thursday when we rest. Lunch will be provided Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.


Sale dates and times"

Wednesday, Sept 25, sale for parishioners and workers only, 6 - 8pm.

Thursday is a rest day.

Friday, Sept 27, sale for public, 9am to 3pm.

Saturday, Sept 28, $2.00 per bag sale for public 9 to noon, when clean-up begins.


Believe it or not, this all is enjoyable work and our helpers come back year after year. If you can't help during the week, please come on Saturday to help with clean-up from noon to 1pm or 1:30.


Questions? Please call Lynn Gadbois at 651-270-8934.

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Weekly News and a Weekly Message from Bishop Loya

The Episcopal Church in Minnesota also has a weekly e-news, where you can read a message from Bishop Craig Loya, (or sometimes a special guest author), and read about what is happening in the Episcopal Church in MN and beyond! A great way to stay connected and learn about our church outside the walls of St. John's. 

To receive the ECMN news go here, scroll to the very bottom right and sign up.

Read this weeks stories from ECMN
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Parish Family Prayer List

We ask your prayers for:

Angie G. Cindy K. Pat P. Jean T. David G. Larry K.  Megan J. Tony and Amanda,

Kim K. Mark K. Kala K. Landon K. Gladys A. Josh L. Allan B. Louie M.

In our Diocesan Cycle of Prayer we pray for Calvary, Rochester and Bishop Whipple Mission, Morton.

For the month of September, please pray for the Episcopal Homes of Minnesota, Episcopal Group Homes, Guardian Angels and all other institutions that do ministry for and with the elderly. Please pray for your local senior residential facilities and care centers. And pray also for all farmers and laborers working with the harvest, especially San Jose Obrero Mission in Montgomery and Good Courage Farm.

Click the button below to fill out the web form, or email prayer@stjohnwilderness to request prayers and to be added to the parish prayer list. Please let us know if you would like the request to be publicly listed or private. Unless specifically requested, prayer requests will be kept on the list for a month.

How can we pray for you? Click here to let us know.

For an Election (BCP p. 822)

Almighty God, to whom we must account for all our powers

and privileges: Guide the people of the United States (or of

this community) in the election of officials and representatives;

that, by faithful administration and wise laws, the rights of

all may be protected and our nation be enabled to fulfill your

purposes; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For the Parish (BCP p.817)

Almighty and everliving God, ruler of all things in heaven

and earth, hear our prayers for this parish family. Strengthen

the faithful, arouse the careless, and restore the penitent.

Grant us all things necessary for our common life, and bring

us all to be of one heart and mind within your holy Church;

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. BCP p. 817

Morning Prayer & Compline

Join us on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 8 AM for morning prayer and

Monday and Friday evenings at 8:30 PM for Compline.

Both prayer services are held via Google Meet. All are welcome.

Go here to find the Google Meet info for Morning Prayer & Compline

Sunday, September 15

Verger: Gregory Hafner

Hospitality: Sarah Chilton, Laurie Otte


Eucharistic Ministers: Susan Blake, Pris Campbell

Lector: John Allen




Eucharistic Ministers: Tony & Tracy Angelo, Andrew McClaren

Lector: Stephanie Sulentic

Usher: Mark & Rosa Sears


Greeter: Virginia Johnston

Sunday, September 22

Verger: Bryan DeSmet

Hospitality: Jennifer Kobinski


Eucharistic Ministers: Tom Hove, Pris Campbell

Lector: Maureen Vruno




Eucharistic Ministers: Tony & Tracy Angelo, Rosa Sears

Lector: Anne White

Usher: Nell Allen, Emily Brunner



The word liturgy comes from a Greek term meaning “public work or work done on behalf of the people.” Liturgy always referred to an organized community. A work, then, done by an individual or a group was a liturgy on behalf of the larger community.

If you would like to become part of the many ministries that help make our work, our worship, our liturgies, our community, please talk to one of our clergy.

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Grant us, O Lord, to trust in you with all our hearts; for, as you always resist the proud who confide in their own strength, so you never forsake those who make their boast of your mercy; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost:

Connect! Our Main number: 651-429-5351

Our parish office is open Monday - Thursday, 9 am - 2:30pm. Stop by and say hi!

  • Financial Coordinator: Maureen Vruno | Office hours M,T, Th, 7:30am - 2:30pm ext. 4 or 763-329-7415
  • Rising Generations Coordinator: Maggie Howe ext. 5 or 763-329-7398
  • Music Director: David Lim ext. 6 or 763-329-7200
  • Parish Coordinator: Carrie Thomas 651-429-5351 ext. 3
  • Deacon: The Rev. Margaret Thor
  • Associate Priest: The Rev. Kate Maxwell, OSB ext. 2 or 763-329-7394
  • Rector: The Rev. Arthur Hancock ext. 1 or 763-329-7203

Our current Health & Safety Protocols

  • St. John’s encourages all of its members to get vaccinated and boosted.
  • If you feel sick or have the typical symptoms of Covid-19, we ask you to worship with us online.
  • Masks are optional while inside all parish buildings for those who are boosted and vaccinated. If conditions change and we experience another surge of Covid-19, we may alter our protocols.
Visit our Website
Email Us

St. John In The Wilderness Episcopal Church

2175 1st St. (Clark Ave. at 1st St.)

WBL, MN 55110-3462 1 (651) 429-5351