Building a Strong Foundation for Success:
Welcoming 35 New Staff, plus 130 New Students, and Families to CFEVS
As we embark upon a new school year, the Board is excited to welcome 35 newly hired staff members and 130 new students and their families to the Chagrin Falls Schools. Going to a new school can be a challenging transition, particularly for students. As they step into an unfamiliar environment, a warm and inclusive welcome sets the tone for their educational journey and establishes a foundation for a positive, supportive, and successful school experience. This not only benefits new students and families but also enhances the overall learning environment for everyone.
Our students and staff know how important it is to welcome newcomers and make new friends. This is the impetus behind Start with Hello Week every September. A welcoming approach is an integral component of a positive school culture, sending a message to all members of the school community that inclusivity, empathy, and support are fundamental values. New students can experience anxiety when starting at a new school. A welcoming environment helps alleviate this anxiety by providing a sense of security and support. When students feel confident and at ease in their school, they are more likely to participate in class, engage in extracurricular activities, explore their interests and talents, and excel academically.
As is so often the case, we adults can learn so much from our kids and are reminded that we are all welcome ambassadors. Going out of our way to provide a warm welcome broadcasts to new students, families, and staff that they belong in our school community, that we want them to feel comfortable and supported. Collaborative relationships between home and school are essential for student success, as they enable timely identification and resolution of any academic or social issues. Plus, parents who feel valued and informed are more likely to attend school meetings, volunteer, and engage in their child's learning journey, ultimately leading to improved academic outcomes. For these reasons, we encourage new and old families to attend the first-ever CF Together Connections Fair at the Intermediate School Cafeteria on October 23 from 5-7pm. At this event, families will mingle socially while they learn about the school's culture, policies, resources, and support organizations so they are better equipped to navigate the challenges that may arise during the year.
Welcoming new staff, students, and families is a foundational step in creating a positive and inclusive educational environment that supports academic achievement and personal growth. This sets the stage for students and families to thrive, fostering a sense of belonging, reducing anxiety, and building strong relationships. Ultimately, these efforts contribute to the overall success of both individual students and the school community as a whole. A warm and inclusive welcome is not just a gesture; it's an investment in the future of our kids’ education.