There’s a new email address for your submissions - please send them to by Tuesday at 10:00 pm. | |
This Sunday, March 12, 2023
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with guest speaker Ruth Conniff
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Ruth Conniff draws on her 2022 nonfiction book about the deep connection between two groups of people often pitted against each other in our hyperpartisan politics: Midwestern dairy farmers, many of whom voted for Donald Trump, and the undocumented immigrant workers they rely on to do most of the work on their farms. In her book Milked Conniff travels to Mexico with a group of farmers who make themselves vulnerable by trying to learn Spanish and accepting the hospitality of Mexican families in remote villages upon whose relatives the farmers have come to rely. In this surprisingly hopeful story, Conniff discovers how rural people from different countries, under pressure from the same global economic forces, have made common cause, and how, ultimately, their relationship shows the ways in which we are all in the same boat.
Link to service webpage and more about Ruth Conniff
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Our Share the Plate recipient for March 5 and 12 is the White Helmets, a volunteer humanitarian group in Syria who are working to meet the needs of victims of the earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria. While Turkey has received aid from the UN, Syria has not, and the White Helmets have stepped into the void to rescue people and to now help them heal and recover. | |
Our March Theme: The Path of Vulnerability | |
Our March theme invites us to think about vulnerability in many different ways, from how choosing personal vulnerability might be a path toward a more open heart, to how climate change and societal systems make humans and other beings vulnerable. In this space, you’ll find a new invitation into reflection on our monthly theme every week.
Check-in question: What has life taught you about leaps of faith and leaping into the unknown?
I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain.
-- James Baldwin
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What's Happening in Our Congregation | |
Minister's Musings
I’m away from Reeb until Tuesday, March 21.
Our March theme is “the path of vulnerability.” I think this is one of the most challenging themes we’ve worked with, and I look forward to digging into it with you. And. Because this theme might bring up a lot for you, I’m here to be with you. If you choose to engage with this theme, or just consider it, or if you’re unable to engage or even consider it, you are not alone…
Read more here
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Religious Education and Family Ministry
This week will be a multigenerational service with everyone in the sanctuary. Youth participating in Coming of Age will meet with Genevieve in the Youth Room after the service until approximately 12:00 noon.
We are still looking for volunteers to help out after the service approximately once per month with our children, anyone interested should email Genevieve for more information. Additionally the RE program is looking for old magazines. Donations can be placed in the RE office, the more pictures the better!
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Music Ministry
The Sacred Breath Choir gathers on Thursday evenings. Please send an email to with any questions or thoughts you have about music ministry at JRUUC.
Every month, we learn a new song together that reflects the theme for that month. The song of the month for March is “Forget Your Perfect Offering,” based on the lyrics of “Anthem” by Leonard Cohen. Check it out here and get ready to sing it on Sunday!
Shared music this week:
- Hymn #16 “‘Tis a Gift To Be Simple”
- Hymn #205 “Amazing Grace”
- “Forget Your Perfect Offering” based on the lyrics of Leonard Cohen
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Offering and Receiving Connection, Support, and Spiritual Practice | |
- The Octavia’s Parables Reflection Group has reached the end of the podcast, and so has ended. Watch this space for the next offering!
Me and White Supremacy Book Discussion Sundays through March 5 at 1:00 pm on Zoom
Journaling Group next meets Monday March 13 at 7:00 pm - contact Jean Skinner
Meditation With Friends Group Wednesdays at 6:30-7:00 pm (Beginners Welcome)
- Sacred Breath Choir - Thursdays at 7:00 pm
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Announcements & Upcoming Events | |
JRUUC Community Sharing Project in Sanctuary: For the Anxious and Hopeful
Inspired by the collective spirit of Tibetan prayer flags, artist Candy Chang and writer James A. Reeves created a participatory project at the Rubin Museum of Art in New York City called “A Monument for the Anxious and Hopeful.” You’re invited to co-create a similar project right here at JRUUC! Starting this Sunday, March 5, there will be cards with the prompts “I’m hopeful because” and “I’m anxious because” for you to fill in, and spaces on the west wall of the sanctuary for you to hang them. See our website for more information, including how to participate virtually!
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JRUUC is Hiring!
We’re in search for an Office Administrator and a Music Director. Applicants are asked to send a cover letter and resume to
Please share the job descriptions with your networks!
Office Administrator job description
Music Director job description
Board Listening Sessions- thank you!
Thanks from your Board and Minister to all who took the time to share their thoughts and insights at our listening session on Sunday! We gained many good insights about what’s working well in our congregation and where we might need to make changes. The Board will be reviewing these findings at our meeting on March 22 and our upcoming retreat the following weekend. We’ll share a summary of key points with you after our reviews.
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Caring Tree Update
The Caring Tree would like to announce that Marla McFadden will join Jeanette Clawson as a Coordinator until the end of this fiscal year. Karol Niemann is leaving after a year and a half of service. Thank you Karol for all your hard work and welcome back to the Caring Tree, Marla! We are looking for volunteers to serve as a Coordinator when Marla steps down on July 1. Come and join the heart of our beloved community.
Join Your Worship and Music Team!
We are continually looking for people to serve as Worship Associates and Tech Wizards. We’ve simplified zoom hosting and it is now done in the sanctuary, along with audio-visual work! Please email Rev. Karen with your interest or questions.
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What's Happening in Our Community | |
General Assembly is the annual gathering of Unitarian Universalists, where we conduct business of the Association, explore the theological underpinnings of our faith, and lean fully into our mission and principles. This is a great year to go, especially for first-timers! There will be exciting work done on the process of revising Article II of our Bylaws, worship is always wonderful, and it’s an amazing experience to be surrounded by thousands of UUs. Early bird registration ends on February 28, and there are many opportunities for financial support. Follow these links for general information, volunteer opportunities, other financial support, registration, and housing reservations.
The General Assembly and Conference Services Team leads the initiative to ensure that diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) are woven throughout, from planning to fruition. You’re invited to watch this video about historical trauma and transformative healing, which is informing our work.
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Click the banner to learn what you can do to promote social justice along with our national organization. | | Abortion, Anti-Racism, Reparations, Restorative Justice, Medicare | |
Click the banner to learn how you can get involved in getting out the vote.
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Do you have an announcement for our congregation?
Please send it to and specify where you would like it listed by writing Sunday Announcement and/or Weekly and/or Website in the subject line of your email
and submit by 10 p.m. on Tuesdays - earlier if possible!
Our office is the central point of contact for all Reeb communications. The email is being monitored for emails regarding all communications.
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