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December Calendar

Dec 1 - Tuition Due

Dec 4 & 5 - Pajama Days

Dec 9 - Toys for Tots Donations Due

Dec 11 & 12 - Family Chapel

(families are invited to attend - 11:15-11:45 in the church)

Dec 17 - Tree Lighting & Sing-Along, 5-6PM, outside, near the pavilion

Dec 17 - Spirit Night (Baker's Crust, 5-9PM)

Dec 19 - Class Parties 11:15-11:45

(Ducks, Monkeys, Bears)

Dec 20 - Class Parties 11:15-11:45

(Elephants and Owls), 1:15-1:45 (Eagles and Turtles)

Dec 23-31 - NO SCHOOL

(LCPS Winter Break)


Music Minutes

Hello Preschool families! 

We've had a wonderful and musical fall, learning about changing leaves and how to be thankful all the time. We're learning basic (and more complex) rhythms using fruit names and our "lap drums," and we're learning 'What a Wonderful World' in both English and ASL! Your kids are such a joy to work with and I'm so looking forward to the rest of the year. There are a lot of musical opportunities at St. David's that I want to let you know about: 

·        On Sunday, Dec. 8th at 5pm, there will be a wonderful Carol Sing-a-long and cookie potluck in the church! Bring the whole family and some nut-free cookies to share. Hot chocolate and jingle bells will be provided! 

·        Join us on Sunday, Dec. 15th at 10am for our annual Christmas Pageant. This is a wonderful "reader's theater" style pageant that involves everyone in the congregation! If you or your kids would like to get involved or find out about rehearsals, please reach out to Ginny at 

·        For another sing-along opportunity, don't miss the Preschool Tree Lighting on Tuesday, Dec. 17th at 5pm

·        Lastly, I'd like to invite you all to our family Christmas Eve Service at St. David's at 4pm. This contemporary-style service offers an engaging children's sermon and joyful music for the whole family. The children will all be invited up for our candlelight singing of Silent Night. Come celebrate Christmas with us! 

·        It's also not too late to join our Children's Choir! Our last rehearsal for this semester will be Thursday, Dec 5th at 4:45pm in the Annex (the portable building next to the church). Children's Choir will perform at all of the above events! We will resume rehearsals in January - all kids 4+ are welcome, no experience necessary! 

If you're interested in any of these events, or have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at

In this busy and joyful season, I hope you all find some time to enjoy some music, movement, and community! Wishing you a very happy holiday season! 

-Miss Ginny

Class Christmas Parties

Please be on the lookout for more information regarding your child's upcoming Christmas Party. Class parties will take place on:

Thursday, Dec 19th (Ducks, Monkeys, & Bears)


Friday, Dec 20th (Elephants and Owls)


Friday, Dec 20th (Eagles and Turtles)


Family Chapel

You're invited to attend a special edition of Children's Chapel this month, Family Chapel. If you are able to join us, please meet in the sanctuary (church) at 11:15am, Dec 11th (Turtles, Owls, Elephants, Eagles) and Dec 12th (Ducks, Monkeys, Bears). Ms. Maureen and Ms. Ginny have a special holiday Children's Chapel in store. The children have been practicing songs in preparation.

December Baking with the Bible

Mark you calendars for Wednesday December 18th for Baking with the Bible at 4pm. You and your child/children and invited to join Miss Maureen from your home for a hands-on Bible and Baking Lesson: Christmas Cookies and the Nativity Story. Contact Maureen at to preorder your cookie kit. Baking with the Bible takes place on the St. David’s Episcopal Church Facebook page live. It is then uploaded to the church You-tube channel. 

 Message from

the Director

"The joy of brightening other lives becomes for us the magic of the holidays."  ~W.C. Jones

How quickly December has come, bringing the magic of Christmas with it! Throughout the month, our teachers and staff will focus on the joy of Christmas and teaching the students about the Nativity story. We hope to encourage our kids to shine the light and love of Jesus with others and learn how good it feels share that feeling with those around us.


It is a wonderful month at St. David's, bringing pajama day, Family Chapel, the Christmas Tree Lighting, and class parties. We hope that you can join us for these fun events and take part in the joy. We're looking forward to filling our Toys for Tots box and sharing the magic of Christmas with others. What a beautiful, exciting time of year. Merry Christmas to you and your families!


Meg Antwi


December Service Project

We are collecting new, unwrapped toys (for ages 0-12 yrs) during the month of December. We invite you to drop off new toys to the large TFT cardboard bins at the preschool. Please note: the last day to bring in donations is Monday, December 9th.

Chaplains Corner

We had so much fun in November at Children’s Chapel, learning and sharing how Jesus teaches us to be thankful. The children had a lot to share, and we all agree we have a lot to be thankful for. We also talked about different ways to pray. We talked about and prayed quiet prayer, song prayer, outside voice prayer and candle prayer. Candle prayer introduced the children to the chapel corner in the church. It is so much fun for me to pop over to the preschool during the week, the playground and classrooms to build relationships with the children and to remind the children that Jesus loves them.

Family Chapel will be on December 11th and 12th. It is always a joy to share together the nativity story with you and with Ginny Maddock, our preschool music teacher. This is a hands-on nativity story with the children, filled with music and joy. Bring your camera and tissues!

As we walk humbly with Jesus in the season ahead, I pray that we continue to listen and see God through the eyes and heart of the children.

~Miss Maureen

Preschool Chaplain

We hope you can join St. David's friends at Baker's Crust during our December Spirit Night, Dec 17th 5-9PM. It would be a great time to meet up after the Tree Lighting and Sing-Along!

Link your VIC Card and our Preschool can earn money every time you purchase Harris Teeter products. Follow the link below to link your VIC Card online.

Harris Teeter - Together in Education

Use Code 6103 for St. David's Preschool


Join us for our Preschool

Tree Lighting and Sing-Along!

What: Tree Lighting and Sing-Along

When: Wednesday, December 17th, 5:00-6:00PM

Where: near the preschool pavilion

The tree will be decorated with ornaments made from all of the preschool classes

December 25th - Merry Christmas!


December Bible Verse

"For unto us a child is born."

~Isaiah 9:6

Things to Do in December

Here are a few tips and reminders:

  • Cold weather is here - please make sure you send your child(ren) with warm jackets and dressed for the weather. They go outside for recess every day, unless it's raining! Mittens are often easier for children to put on/take off, especially for younger children.

  • If you haven't already done so, please make sure you change out your child's spare clothes in their backpack so that they're ready with a change of clothes suitable for fall/winter.

  • Please label your child(ren)'s snack with their first name prior to bringing it to school. You can use marker, printed name stickers, etc.

  • Don't forget to include your child(ren)'s name(s) in the memo line if paying tuition by check. This helps to ensure the tuition is going to the correct student. Thank you!

  • If your child is going to be absent for the day, or longer, please email, or call the preschool (703.723.0286), to let us know that they won't be in school. Thank you!

Church Events

St. David's Episcopal Church has services, prayers, and other events/activities. Click here for more information.

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43600 Russell Branch Parkway, Ashburn, VA 20147

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