David Kearns
Fred Fields
Gene Carty
Bobby Nichols
Carolyn Nirdlinger
Boykin & Goza Family
Les Nirdlinger, Sr.
Denise Barney
Carl Mclellan
Dunkle Family
Oliver Davis
Harry & Pat Spear
Patty Midgette
Vanessa Hurt
Jackie Vale
Bud Shelton
Grace Morgan
Jim Spencer
Julie Sellers
Barbara Moore
Valerie Sheppard
Kathy & Justin Thomas
Alfred & Tammy Kellner
Angie Outlaw
Freda Smith
Hank Pugh
Doxey Family
Frank Bender
Kathy Hodges
KC Stauss
Kirk DeForest
Brian, Fred, & Maggie Stauss
Lou Chatfield
Vonda Chappell
Casey Cudney
Pat Broyles
Paul Estel
Frank “Buddy” Grecco
Irene, Lynell, & Lucille
Davis and Keely Bailey
Family of Christine Rowland
And for all the unspoken prayers