Northwood School Laker

March 3, 2023

22-23 Yearbooks

Ordering for 22-23 yearbooks is now open! Please click on the link below and enter the Yearbook ID code on the flyer. Purchasing a yearbook is only for Kindergarten through seventh Grade. Eighth graders are gifted a free yearbook and do not need to purchase one. Paper copies are being sent home but online ordering is preferred. 

Order your yearbook!

Safety Drills

Northwood School has a safety committee that meets regularly to review protocols and procedures and to keep emergency plans updated. Each year, New Hampshire schools are required to conduct a number of different types of drills to ensure preparedness for a variety of possible situations.

In the fall, we conducted a number of evacuation/fire drills to ensure that students know how to leave the building during an emergency in an orderly fashion. During winter months, students and staff practice indoor safety drills such as lockdown and shelter in place. This morning, we conducted our first lockdown drill with the support of the Northwood Police Department. Everyone did a great job.

Often parents ask how they can support their children's success during drills. The most important thing to emphasize to kids is to stay calm, remain quiet, and listen to adult directions.

Have a wonderful weekend!

~ Jocelyn

News from the Art Room

Eighth grade created a collaborative art/ music project with Ms. Hashem. Students had to create a playlist in music and reflect upon what songs have impacted their lives and are meaningful to them. In art, students created an album cover to represent a visual image that connected to their playlist. Students had to show the principle of design "emphasis" within their cover. 

Fourth grade created colorful zebras that show the element of texture. 

Artist in Residency

Northwood School will welcome local artist Kim Bernard for a week-long residency in April. You can help us prepare by collecting some items. Please check out the flyer below for more information.


March 6-10

Monday- Read Across America kickoff with special read-aloud 

Tuesday- Share My Favorite Book. Bring a book and share why you like it with your class.

Wednesday- Read My Shirt Day. Wear clothing that says something (school appropriate).

Thursday- Dr. Seuss Day. Wear red and white to celebrate the famous hat.

Friday- Pajama Day. Wear comfy clothes or PJs for reading time.

2023 Literary Magazine

Students are invited to submit original writing to the literary magazine, which will come out at the end of the year. Students may email their poems, stories, plays, or essays to their classroom teacher or to Ms. Carloni.

Guest Teachers Needed

If you are interested in being a guest teacher (also known as a substitute teacher), please apply at this link. The pay is $100 a day and you get to work with great kids and great staff! Please contact Ms. Roy or Ms. Young with any questions.

School & Community Information

Important Dates

March 6 - 10 - Read Across America Week

March 17 - Trimester 2 ends

March 22 - School Board meeting, 6:30

March 27 - Report cards issued

Please see the athletics calendar for information regarding games.  

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