Jan. 6, 2023

Ray-Pec Community,

Welcome back to the second half of the 22-23 school year! I trust you are as eager as I am to start this new year and are looking forward to the continued growth of this district.

Speaking of growth, I offer you this update about the several new facilities and improvements currently underway.

  • The Ray-Pec LEAD Center, which stands for Learning, Experiences, And Discovery, is open and is an excellent place for students to explore career paths, gain employable skills and competencies, participate in new learning styles, or explore interests in a variety of technology opportunities. Please take a moment to view this video about all that the LEAD Center currently offers.
  • The construction of a Ninth Grade Center (NGC) continues to go well. The NGC is slated to open in August 2023. For our current 8th-grade students, more information about the NGC will come later this spring. You can see the progress of this construction just to the west of East Middle School. For a sneak peek, please take a look at this video.
  • We celebrated the groundbreaking of the new Performing Arts Center (PAC) on Wednesday. The PAC, which will be built on the campus of the current high school, will allow students to showcase talents and skills in a facility better suited for those learning experiences. Click here for more information about the PAC.
  • All schools in the district are benefitting from investments and building improvements made possible by the recent Proposition S bond issue. The program helps us continue to provide a safe and efficient learning environment for students. With over 1.2 million square feet of facility space, a sustained building re-investment and facility upkeep program is vital.

I invite you to look at our Proposition S website for continued updates. I firmly believe that our best days in the Ray-Pec School District are still ahead of us, and I am confident that our new facilities will propel us to even more extraordinary things in our future together. 

Forward and Better.

Thank you for entrusting your children to the Ray-Pec School District.


Raymore-Peculiar School District