Crews will continue work on utilities next week with a focus on the relocation of water lines and the installation of stormwater infrastructure, duct bank, and electrical and telecommunication utilities. Some of this work will be completed under road and lane closures as described above.
Crews will work to relocate water line on Ferguson Avenue, Lyman Avenue, and Morse Place over the next several weeks.
Crews will continue installing stormwater infrastructure between Flynn and Home Avenues. This work will include installing the mainline along Briggs Street and Batchelder Street and the connections to the side streets such as Ferguson Avenue, Lyman Avenue, and Morse Place. Work along Briggs Street will take place outside of the roadway. Work on the installation of the new stormwater treatment system, to be located in the back parking lot of the Flynn Avenue Co-op located at 288 Flynn Avenue, has been postponed. Supplemental information will be shared regarding the schedule of this work as it becomes available.
Next week, crews will continue electrical and telecommunications work for residences on Briggs Street, Ferguson, Lyman, and Home Avenues. This work will require service connections to residences over the upcoming weeks. A member of the Champlain Parkway project team has reached out to property owners in advance to schedule service connections. If you have received information regarding these services and have not yet scheduled this work, please reach out the project team or contractor representative using the contact information provided on the flyer.
Crews will continue installing duct bank along Briggs Street and Morse Place throughout next week.
Crews will begin soil remediation work on the southeast corner of Briggs Street and Flynn Avenue within the City’s ROW. This work will include excavating and properly disposing of contaminated soils before backfilling the area with clean materials. Crews will also work on utilities in the area. This work will be completed off the roadway.
Independent utility companies will be onsite over the next several weeks relocating existing utilities. There is the potential for utility service disruptions as part of this work. Impacted businesses and residents will be notified in advance by the independent utility companies.