September 2024

August Staff

Employee Anniversaries

View the full list of staff celebrating anniversaries this month. Thanks for your dedicated service to Volunteers of America, Dakotas!


Spiritual Seed

Above the Noise

Wellness Challenge

Good Morning! 


Do you struggle to fall asleep at night or have difficulty staying asleep?  If you have any sleep problems and aren't getting the deep, restful sleep you need, it's probably causing issues in your body and fatigue during the day, poor recovery from workouts, mood swings and more.   


Sleep is the body's rest cycle.  Good sleep quality is important in improving a person's overall health and feeling refreshed when you wake up in the morning. 


This month's challenge will be to track your sleep.  Along with the tracker,  I have also attached some tips and suggestions on how to prepare for a good night's sleep and setting bedtime routines.    Also, throughout the month, I will send other articles on how to get back to sleep when you wake up, how to deal with insomnia and foods that can help with sleep.  Hopefully these tips and suggestions can help you feel energized and vibrant to get through your day with ease. 


At the end of the month, send in your tracker and I will put your name in for a drawing. 

Sweet dreams, 


Wellness Challenge
Sleep Tracker

Recipe of the Month

Cider Glazed Chicken Thighs

View Recipe

WELCOA Newsletters


Staff Recognition

On August 14, our team came together to celebrate outstanding achievements. Tara White and Aaron Gayken were honored with the Leadership in Direct Client Services award for their exceptional client support.

Jackie Pempfer, Tara Camp, and Jamie Manning received the Leadership in Program Management award for their excellence in overseeing program operations. Allison Sullivan was recognized with the Leadership in Administration award for her exceptional administrative skills. Congratulations to all for their remarkable contributions! Click below to see more about the awards and acknowledgments.

Click Here

VOA Dakotas Staff Hub

One-stop for Employees

This hub has your connections to all things VOA Dakotas staff-related.

  • Connections
  • Trainings
  • Links
  • Forms
  • And much more

Marketing also has added a place to fill out ideas and stories to be used to share our community impact.

Check out our VOA Dakotas Hub below.

Staff Hub
Career Opportunities
VOA Staff Site