November 15, 2024



Dear Centenary Family,

We’re approaching the end of the Christian Year. Next Sunday, the Christian Year comes to a close with a celebration of Christ the King Sunday when we consider what the world will be like when Christ finally and fully rules over all things. We also consider what kind of ruler Jesus came to be which stands in stark contrast with most of the rulers the world has known in its history.

This Sunday is a Sunday that wrestles with the question of what you can count on when the world as you known seems to be coming apart at the seams. The Gospel reading, Mark 13:1-8, is the account of Jesus’ disciples wrestling with the question of what really lasts when things you thought would never change, erode, or be destroyed. For them, the triggering event for these perplexing questions is Jesus’ word to them that the great temple of Herod will soon come tumbling down. For them, that would be a sign that everything they’d believed about God, themselves, and Israel’s history was being called into question. 

What do you hold onto in such times? The sermon I’m working on wrestles with that question and is entitled, Hold on to This—Always!

I find that in troubled times Scripture always has a way of providing reassurance and confidence, but so do some of the great hymns of the church. This Sunday, our processional hymn is How Firm a Foundation. It’s No. 529 in our hymnal if you want to look it up. I won’t cite all the verses, but verse 3 contains words certainly worth clinging to whatever any of us might be experiencing or going through right now:

When through the deep waters,

I call thee to go,

The rivers of woe shall not thee overflow;

For I will be with thee, thy troubles to bless,

And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress.


I look forward to singing that hymn of hope with you Sunday!






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Sundays at 10:30am

In person and online.


Click here to watch via our website

Click here to watch via Church Online

United Women in Faith

Wednesday, Nov. 20

at 1:30pm

We will meet at Ginter Park UMC, 1010 W. Laburnum Ave. We are excited to have several speakers from our newly-formed Three Notch'd District to come & share what is currently happening locally & nationally with our UWF (United Women in Faith). We will also be choosing our new leaders for 2025 for our C/GP Circle

UMCOR Disaster Relief

UMCOR provides ongoing disaster relief year round. You can donate online several ways:

  • Via their website here - UMCOR
  • Donate online through the church here. Please choose UMCOR Hurricane Relief in the "Fund" pull down menu.
  • By check - please put UMCOR in the memo line.

Please join us on December 8 for this year’s

Advent Lessons and Carols service

which is based on the great O Antiphons of Advent. Starting nearly 1500 years ago, these seven declarations were used every day during vespers (Evening Prayer) from December 17 through December 23. Each Antiphon is drawn from an Old Testament prophesy about the Messiah. These antiphons form the basis of the famous Advent hymn, O Come, O Come Emmanuel.

  • December 17 O Sapientia – O Wisdom
  • December 18 O Adonai – O Lord
  • December 19 O Radix Jesse – O Root of Jesse
  • December 20 O Clavis David – O Key of David
  • December 21 O Oriens – O Dayspring
  • December 22 O Rex Gentium – O King of the Nations
  • December 23 O Emmanuel – O Emmanuel, God with Us

The first letter of each Latin name (an acrostic) read from last to first spells the word ERO CRAS which is Latin for “Tomorrow, I shall be (there)” The image above, drawn by Emily Norris from North Carolina, visualizes the many names prophesied about the coming Messiah. As we approach the Advent season, let us join with centuries of Christians before us in meditating on O Come, O Come, Emmanuel!


 One Voice Chorus presents

two performances of its

Fall 2024 concert

Saturday, November 16, at 4:00pm

Sunday, November 17, at 4:00 pm

Grace Baptist Church

4200 Dover Road, Richmond     


The concerts will present new selections and old favorites in an eclectic blend of musical styles including spirituals, jazz, show tunes, and popular music, with accompaniment by professional instrumentalists.   Each concert will feature the same program with different chorus members, so come to whichever is more convenient, or come to both!  Four members of Centenary UMC sing with the One Voice Chorus.  


Join us before each concert, at 3:00 pm, for Diversity Discussions, a facilitated discussion of diversity-related issues.   One Voice Chorus is a non-profit, non-auditioned, intentionally integrated community chorus bringing a musically diverse range of excellent choral performances to people in Richmond and wherever there are those who need to hear our voice.

All are welcome to join us in Singing the Beauty and Power of Diversity. 



Sunday, November 17 @ 10:30am - Worship Service - In person and online

Monday, November 18 - Change the World/RVA

Tuesday, November 19 @ Noon - AA - Room 106

Wednesday, November 20 @ 10:00am - Zoom Bible Study

@ 7:00 pm - Choir Rehearsal

Friday, November 22 @ 10:30am - Walk-In Lunch

@ Noon - AA - Room 106

Sunday, November 24 @ 10:30am - Worship Service - In person and online

Looking Ahead to December

Sunday, December 8 @ 10:30am - Advent Lessons and Carols

11:30am - Christmas Church Family Lunch

Sunday, December 15 @ 11:45am - Evergreen Workshop

Online Giving Made Easy

Use the QR code to quickly get to

our online giving page.


cumc map.png


Rev. Matt Bates -

Carina Brackin -

Adella Barrett -

Office/Laura Nealley -


Our mission is to change the world through love.

To acknowledge God’s love is, for each of us, a life-changing event.

As followers of Jesus, we share God’s love for all people, and work together to make our world a better place, one life at a time.