Light in the Window - September 6, 2023

[Torrey Valley, Wyoming]

Earth's crammed with heaven,

And every common bush afire with God:

But only he who sees, takes off his shoes.

The rest sit round it, and pluck blackberries,

And daub their natural faces unaware.

— Elizabeth Barrett Browning, from “Aurora Leigh”

Dear Covenant Family,

Have you been thinking about holy ground? Last Sunday in worship we heard the story of Moses encountering God on a lonely mountaintop surrounded by sheep. An ordinary bush appeared to be aflame, and God spoke his name not once, but twice. Moses replied, “Here I Am”. How can we pay attention to all the ways God is at work in our lives? We are all standing on holy ground. We need to remember that. Every day.

Questions for the Week

  • Where are the places you are already at - your job, your school, your neighborhood, your church, that call you into deeper relationships? To whom or what do you need to say- “here I am”.
  • What is one step you can take to unearth holiness where you already are? Maybe it is pausing at the end of each day for a daily examen- asking “for what today am I most grateful? For what am I least grateful?” - and offering that holy ground to God. 

Practical Challenges for the Week

  • Be attentive. Learn the name of two neighbors, a tree, and a dog in your neighborhood.
  • Pick a time of day, even if it means setting a phone alarm or something to help you say “Here I am” at least once/daily for this week.

Quote for the Week

“I want you to be concerned about your next-door neighbor. 

Do you know your next-door neighbor?”

Mother Teresa

Pastor Jessie

Covenant’s new canine neighbor!

University Circle Community police K-9 Grace 

with Sgt. Kurt Keeper and Officer Joe Fazio.

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