I would like to keep in touch, would you?
I am continuing to update and re-establish my email newsletter list. If I have been in contact with you via email at any point, you are receiving this email.
I appreciate your business and value you as an email subscriber. Please assist me in letting me know if you would like to remain on this contact list, or not, so I can ensure that my newsletters are reaching those who are interested in the self empowerment, energy balancing, and trauma relief information that I share.
What you can do:
If you are open, willing, and interested in furthering your personal growth journey;
If you are a sponge of learning and taking in relevant information, as I am;
If you would like to remain on this contact list to receive periodic update emails from me
-- Jackie and Ladybug Wellness --
You’re welcome to do nothing and these emails will continue;
You can reply to say “hi”, I would love to hear from you!
You can update your contact information, if you so choose.
Thank you! I appreciate you and look forward to continuing this connection.
However, if you are not interested in receiving periodic emails (usually monthly), simply and kindly, please reply to this email, ensuring the email address is ladybugwellness@hotmail.ca , and write “REMOVE” in the subject line so I can manually remove you from my contact list and not bother you again. I'd rather you do that than report this as spam, because that hurts the deliverability for those who do want to receive emails from me. Thank you.