The Bay Area Breast Cancer Forum, led by Dr. Hope Rugo, has long provided an opportunity for patients, providers, clinical research coordinators, and community members to hear the latest in breast cancer research and treatment recommendations from UCSF experts. [read more]
The inaugural Zena Werb Memorial Lecture in Cancer Biology took place earlier this month. Organized by family, colleagues, and friends, the series celebrates the life and work of Werb, who passed away in June 2020 at the age of 75.
Physician researcher Susan Chang, MD, discusses her new role as editor-in-chief of Neuro-Oncology, the flagship journal of the Society for Neuro-Oncology, and the landscape of scientific publishing.
UCSF Presenters at SABCS and ASH
Are you presenting at the upcoming San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS) or the 2023 ASH Annual Meeting? If so, please get in touch with Karen Gehrman, associate director of HDFCCC Communications.
Welcome New Members
Peter Bruno, PhD – Associate Member, Cancer Immunology & Immunotherapy

Chien-Kuang Ding, MD, PhD – Associate Member, Prostate Cancer

Caroline Hastings, MD – Member, Pediatric Malignancies

Nahal Lalefar, MD – Member, Pediatric Malignancies

Jennifer Michlitsch, MD – Associate Member, Pediatric Malignancies

Robert Raphael, MD – Associate Member, Pediatric Malignancies

Mark Walters, MD – Member, Pediatric Malignancies
Awards & Distinctions
Rohit Bose, MD, PhD received a 2023 NIH Director's New Innovator Award for a project, "Simulating Ancestrally Unbiased Tumor Evolution To Interrogate Drug Resistance."

Hope Rugo, MD will receive funds raised from the Play for Her campaign, one of the longest-running tournaments in college golf.

Amit Sabnis, MD and Robert Lindquist, MD, PhD received a $400,000 Hyundai Scholar Hope Grant and a $250,000 Hyundai Young Investigator Grant from the Hyundai Hope on Wheelsʻ campaign. Read more.

Aspen Cancer Conference.

Gideon St. Helen, PhD received a grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse for a project, "Understanding the clinical pharmacology of marijuana-tobacco co-administration."

Alex Marson, MD, PhD was named among the 2023 PharmaVoice 100, a list of influential and devoted leaders lifting the pharmaceutical industry to new heights.

The UCSF Center for Aging in Diverse Communities (CADC) has been awarded a sixth
consecutive five-year P30 grant from the National Institute on Aging. During the upcoming cycle, Leah Karliner, MD, Nynikka Palmer, DrPH, MPH, and other faculty will continue the CADC mission of aging health disparities research and mentorship.

UCSF Health was listed among the 100 hospitals with great oncology programs by Becker's Hospital Review.
In the News
Recent Publications
Terry M, Gupta R, Ravindranathan A, Wu J, Chan E, Bollen AW, Chang SM, Berger MS, Jacques L, Solomon DA. Somatic mosaic SOX10 indel mutations underlie a form of segmental schwannomatosis. Acta Neuropathol. 2023 Oct 11.

Weiss A. Peeking Into the Black Box of T Cell Receptor Signaling. Annu Rev Immunol. 2023 Oct 3.

Van Loon K, Mmbaga EJ, Mushi BP, Selekwa M, Mwanga A, Akoko LO, Mwaiselage J, Mosha I, Ng DL, Wu W, Silverstein J, Mulima G, Kaimila B, Gopal S, Snell JM, Benz SC, Vaske C, Sanborn Z, Sedgewick AJ, Radenbaugh A, Newton Y, Collisson EA. A Genomic Analysis of Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Eastern Africa. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2023 Oct 2;32(10):1411-1420.

Lichter KE, Charbonneau K, Sabbagh A, Witztum A, Chuter R, Anand C, Thiel CL, Mohamad O. Evaluating the Environmental Impact of Radiation Therapy Using Life Cycle Assessments: A Critical Review. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2023 Nov 1;117(3):554-567.
Community Engagement
The HDFCCC Office of Community Engagement Men’s Health Committee (MHC) tabled at the Bay Area Community Health Advisory Council (BACHAC) Men’s Health Block Party.

Ghilamichael Andemeskel, health educator, and Gary Blogger (pictured to the right) provided breast, colorectal, and prostate cancer education and COVID-19 resources in partnership with Umoja Health.
Michael Shaw, Steven Thompson, and Berry Evan represented the MHC by participating in the Men’s Health panel discussion. The team engaged with over 30 community members with walkthroughs of the inflatable colon and providing valuable men’s health education.
Education & Training
Designed to give early career faculty invited speaker opportunities at peer cancer centers. Open to assistant professors who are HDFCCC members. Learn more.

Matches UCSF faculty with postbacc trainees eligible for a NIH Diversity Supplement, for short 10-minute interviews. Typically, diversity supplements provide salary for trainees to work in your lab as a Junior Specialist for 1-2 years. Trainees who are hired can apply for the UCSF Postbacc PROPEL Program. Register here by Dec. 11.
Featured YouTube Video
The UCSF Center for BRCA Research and UCSF Hereditary Cancer Clinic recently hosted a workshop for mutation carriers and family members on "Risk-Reducing Surgeries for Breast and Ovarian Cancer: Options and Timing." Watch the recording below.
Upcoming Events
The funds raised by the One More City San Francisco–Point Reyes Century Ride will directly support the work of UCSF physicians and researchers who are helping metastatic breast cancer patients live longer while experiencing fewer side effects.

Funds raised through this event will benefit the UCSF Brain Tumor Center and other national brain cancer programs, education, and initiatives.

This team-based simulation will teach participants the process and challenges of bringing a new chemical entity from the idea stage all the way to review by the FDA.

Karin Pelka, PhD (UCSF) will present, "Spatially Organized Immune Hubs in Colorectal Cancer."

This workshop will explore how algorithmic injustices can be uncovered and addressed, enabling the equitable implementation of precision medicine.