Elderberry Commons Update

The County of Sonoma will be hosting a town hall meeting on Monday, May 1 at 6 p.m. to respond to community questions about the transition plan for the Elderberry Commons, formerly known as the Sebastopol Inn. The public will be invited to ask questions during the Zoom-based forum, which will be streamed live on the county’s Facebook page and on YouTube in Spanish. The meeting will be hosted by Supervisor Lynda Hopkins. Details are being finalized and will be shared out soon. 


Elderberry Commons is transitioning to a permanent supportive housing complex, which requires converting 28 individual shelter units plus two rooms used by staff. All 28 shelter units need to be vacated while rooms are converted to permanent supportive housing and they will reopen when construction is complete. This conversion was anticipated and required as a condition of the grant funding award through Project Homekey, a program by the state of California that provides local government agencies with funds to purchase and rehabilitate housing. 


For frequently asked questions regarding the emergency shelter site, visit the county’s Project Homekey webpage. 



El Condado de Sonoma organizará una reunión en el ayuntamiento el lunes 1 de mayo a las 6 p.m. para responder a las preguntas de la comunidad sobre el plan de transición para Elderberry Commons, anteriormente conocido como Sebastopol Inn. Se invitará al público a hacer preguntas durante el foro basado en Zoom, que se transmitirá en vivo en la página de Facebook del condado y en YouTube en español. La reunión será organizada por la Supervisora ​​Lynda Hopkins. Los detalles se están finalizando y se compartirán pronto.

Elderberry Commons está en transición a un complejo de vivienda de apoyo permanente, lo que requiere convertir 28 unidades de refugio individuales más dos habitaciones utilizadas por el personal. Las 28 unidades de refugio deben desocuparse mientras las habitaciones se convierten en viviendas de apoyo permanentes y se reabrirán cuando se complete la construcción. Esta conversión fue anticipada y requerida como condición para la concesión de fondos de la subvención a través del Proyecto Homekey, un programa del estado de California que proporciona fondos a las agencias gubernamentales locales para comprar y rehabilitar viviendas.

Para preguntas frecuentes sobre el sitio del refugio de emergencia, visite la página web Project Homekey del condado.

Local Coastal Plan meetings and update

Those of you following the Proposed Local Coastal Plan Update may have tuned in to the Board of Supervisors Meeting on April 4, 2023. 


For those of you who are interested in seeing the BOS deliberations, you can see the video in the link below. It is item 48, and there is a video option as well as a link to the packet materials here.|&Search= 


The Board heard from community members the need for Permit Sonoma to do some further work on two major topic areas. One is related to vegetation management and fire safety, and the other is related to agriculture, in particular, grazing. Our office has been working with Permit Sonoma on finding an opportunity for refining the policy options and plan language to address public concerns. 


There will be two daylong sessions for work to be completed with staff on the Coast. These meetings must happen soon in order for Permit Sonoma to complete the work with enough time for their revised document to be publicly available 6 weeks (by 6/5/23) before the BOS hears the item at the BOS Meeting on Monday, July 17, 2023 at 9:00 AM. 


Due to space limitations in coastal meeting locations, we are requesting that members of the public RSVP if they plan on attending so that we can do our best to prepare the space appropriately. Please email if you’d like to attend. 


Vegetation Management LCP Day (RSVP REQUIRED) 

Monday, April 17, 2023 

9:00 AM — Site visit tour departs from parking lot. (Personal vehicles required, and space will be limited due to parking and safety constraints at sites.) 

11:00 AM — Vegetation management focused policy workshop inside fire station begins. 

Timber Cove Volunteer Fire Department 

30800 Seaview Road 

Cazadero, CA 95421 


Agriculture LCP Day (RSVP REQUIRED) 

Monday, May 1, 2023 

9:00 AM Agriculture policy workshop begins. 

Bodega Bay Yacht Club 

575 Hwy 1, Bodega Bay, CA 94923 


Both meetings will include experts providing their perspectives to Permit Sonoma staff and will be open to the public. 


We plan to record the meetings so that they can be available after the fact. 

Vacation Rentals

Board of Supervisors Special Meeting on Vacation Rentals and Transient Use Of Fractionally-Owned Residential Properties: Monday, April 24, 2023 


The Board of Supervisors will be meeting on a Monday to hear three specific Permit Sonoma-related topics: 


  • Vacation Rental Business License Ordinance  
  • Vacation Rental Rezoning  
  • Transient Use Of Fractionally-Owned Residential Properties: BOS directed staff to study and develop an ordinance relating to the transient use of residential properties under fractional ownership. 


Permit Sonoma has background information here: 


Details related to the Planning Commission actions on this issue on March 16, 2023 can be found here: 


Materials, including the agenda and supporting materials, for the 4/24/23 meeting will be posted on this page about a week before the meeting date: 


Additionally, we will try to keep our website updated with resources for this and other hot topics, while also of course continuing to send out newsletters. 

Sheriff's Office Survey

We’ve been invited to help publicize this Sheriff’s Office survey. Let’s make sure everyone’s perspectives are captured! From Sheriff’s Facebook page: 


(español abajo)

We want to hear from you! Please take this 2-minute survey to let us know how we’re doing: 

The survey closes at the end of the day on Monday, April 24. The survey is anonymous and the results will not be released publicly. This is not a scientific poll, but it should give us a general sense of how residents feel about the services we provide. The survey results will be used by the Sheriff and his executive team for strategic planning. 

Please share this post so your fellow Sonoma County residents can participate! Thank you for your time. 


¡Queremos conocer su opinión! Nos gustaría que participe en esta breve encuesta de 2 minutos para informarnos cómo nos va:  

La encuesta se cierra el lunes, 24 de abril, al final del día. La encuesta es anónima y los resultados no se darán a conocer públicamente. Esta encuesta no es científica, pero esperamos entender cómo se sienten en general los residentes acerca de los servicios que brindamos. Los resultados de la encuesta serán utilizados por el Sheriff y su equipo ejecutivo para la planificación estratégica. 

Favor de compartir este post para que otros residentes del Condado de Sonoma tengan la oportunidad de participar. ¡Gracias!

Fifth District Supervisor Lynda Hopkins | County of Sonoma | 707-565-2241

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