Apalachicola, Florida

January 3, 2025

The First

Recently, Travis and I visited family and friends in Alabama. One of our stops was Jasper, Alabama where our friend Greene works in economic development of that region. He and his wife Paige are from Selma and lifelong Episcopalians. As I was describing our parish and the surrounding community, he asked the number of the church. Was it the second, third, fourth church built on that site? The first, I replied. The first and only.

Greene couldn’t quite make sense of what I was telling him at first. A wooden building built 188 years ago on the Gulf Coast? How has it not been destroyed by hurricanes, floods, and fires? Yes, the windows have been blown out several times by storms. Hurricanes in 1851 and 1852 nearly knocked it over. A hurricane in 1899 did push it off its foundations, with the effect of that still seen in the slight ascent as you walk towards the altar.

While many things can be first, it takes will and sacrifice to make it first and only. And though our lives may have firsts, far fewer of those remain as ‘only’. As tempting as it is to take pride in those (especially when we recall our will and sacrifice), we should be careful not to place them on pedestals or compare them to others. A couple married in their early 20s and staying together for 60+ years is great. But so are remarriages. Being a lifetime member of one church is great. But so is the person who walked a circuitous, decades-long route and returns to church after 40 years. Worshipping God in the first and only church building onsite is great. But so is worshipping God wherever and whenever.

Is God your first and only? It’s not too late. Because God doesn’t pay attention to time like we do. If that wasn’t the case, our Confession of Sin said together each week would fall flat.

So allow God in. Put God first. You’ll be amazed at how a life constantly changing becomes navigable, rewarding, and even joyous when your focus

is on God as the first and the only—as well as the last and the everything.

Love Big, Be Well,

Stephen +


Melanie G. (Toonie) Waddell

June 21, 1941 - December 22, 2024

Toonie Waddell Remembered. On Saturday, January 11 at 11 am Trinity will welcome family and friends of Melanie “Toonie” Waddell for her memorial service, with interment following in the Memorial Garden and reception in Benedict Hall.

The following is her obituary, provided by Kelley Funeral Home: 

It is with profound sadness we announce the passing of Toonie Waddell. Please join us as we lift her precious family in our thoughts and prayers.

Melanie G. (Toonie) Waddell was born in Thomasville, Georgia on June 21, 1941, to George D. George and Mamie C. (Peggy) George. She passed away peacefully in the Center for Compassionate Care at Tallahassee Memorial Hospital (Big Bend Hospice) on December 22, 2024.

Toonie (a nickname given her by her older brother Michael) was a lifelong resident of Franklin County. She graduated Salutatorian from Chapman High School in 1959 and attended Jones Business School in Jacksonville, Florida. Toonie’s banking career spanned 41 years at the Apalachicola State Bank in a variety of positions. It was there that she developed life-long friendships with her coworkers, including Gracie O’Neal, Earlene Hall, and Evelyn Babb.

From 1961 to 1963 Toonie supported her husband Jimmy’s dream to build Waddell’s Lodge, which they operated until the mid-1970’s, hosting a vast and varied client base from all around the country. Toonie, literally and figuratively, minded the store while Jimmy took care of the outside details. Both worked in the restaurant when needed, making for tireless hours working alongside one another.

Toonie cherished time with her friend base, whether it was afternoon coffee or day trips for shopping. She and Jimmy spent time in North Carolina for the season change. But mostly, she enjoyed staying close to home and time with family and friends. She especially loved to follow the many activities of her grandchildren, Nicholas and Mary Catherine. Remaining true to character and with more than slight skepticism for the internet and “smart phones”, outside communication was generally conducted via the old-fashioned telephone and handwritten letters.

Toonie is survived by her son James F. (Jim) Waddell III, her grandchildren Nicholas James Waddell and Mary Catherine Waddell, her sister Rosemary “Bootsey” George and numerous cousins living throughout the US. She was preceded in death by her parents George D. George and Mamie C. (Peggy) George, her brother George Michael George, her husband of 62 years James F. (Jimmy) Waddell, Jr. and daughter-in-law Lisa Dart Waddell.

Toonie was a life-long devoted and active member of Trinity Episcopal Church. In recent months, particularly after her husband’s passing, the family was truly blessed with the attention and assistance provided by Father Stephen Pecot. 

Services will be held January 11, 2024, 11:00 am, at Trinity Episcopal Church, 79 6th Street, Apalachicola, Florida 32320. There will be a reception following the service in Benedict Hall.

In lieu of flowers, the family requests that gifts be made in memory of Toonie to Trinity Episcopal Church in Apalachicola or to Big Bend Hospice, 1723 Mahan Center Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32308.

About the Waddell Service. In addition to Toonie’s favorite flower (pink roses) at her funeral on January 11th (11 am), the reception in Benedict Hall immediately after is slated to be just like her husband Jimmy Waddell’s reception in early August 2024. Trinity will be providing fried chicken, potato salad, coleslaw, and drinks per Toonie’s request. But we would appreciate those of you who feel so moved to honor Toonie’s legacy at Trinity by bringing a dish to share at the reception. We will designate a table for any framed pictures you might wish to bring. A sign-up sheet is in Benedict Hall, or you may contact the office and leave a message

Christmas at Trinity

We had a delightful offering of Christmas services at Trinity. The largest attendance was at our 5 pm service on Christmas Eve, including a last-minute arrival by Josie (the Trinity Church cat) at the tail-end of “Silent Night” to process out with the choir. Later that night we celebrated the return of a Midnight Mass service with nearly 40 persons attending, along with a Christmas Day service at 10 am Christmas morning. 

Wednesday Compline. If you love the Order for Compline from our Book of Common Prayer and want to participate from the comfort of your home, you are in luck! On Wednesdays at 8 pm Eastern, Trinity is pleased to host an online Compline via Facebook Live. And don’t forget that we have Morning Prayer on Wednesdays at 8:15 am.


Trinity Outreach Delivers Christmas Joy

Bob & Susan Pruitt, project leaders for Outreach’s Satellite Giving Tree, Jennifer Sterling, Franklin County School Counselor, and Stephen Pecot, with a delivery of gifts for students. This year, Trinity members adopted a record 30 FCS students and delivered new jackets, shoes, pants, shirts and socks as well as games, toys, books, dolls, and fishing and sports equipment for Christmas.

Penny Marler & Kirk Hadaway presented 30 poinsettias from Trinity’s Christmas chancel display to Valentina Webb of the Elder Care Community Council (ECCC). The plants were delivered to needy and isolated seniors with their meals this week.

Outreach Committee final reports - 2024

Join the Bingo Fun on January 16

Penny's Worth will re-open on Saturday, January 4


Diocesan Cycle of Prayer. For churches and ministries: on January 5, pray for Church of the Epiphany, Crestview, FL; and on January 12, pray for the Church of the Nativity, Dothan, AL and the Commission on Racial Justice and Reconciliation. For prisons: on January 5, pray for the prisoners, families, and staff of the Holmes County Jail, Bonifay, FL; and on January 12, pray for the prisoners, families, and staff of the Okaloosa County Jail, Crestview, FL.


A Trek in the Woods. Just before Christmas, Father Stephen drove to Bainbridge GA to meet up with colleagues of his forest ecology research days at the Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center at Ichauway and visit some former study sites he established in 1996. Though owned by the State of Georgia now, the property just south of Bainbridge was part of International Paper’s Southlands Experiment Forest and was one of the early studies looking at longleaf pine regeneration processes.

Father Stephen thoroughly enjoyed time with old friends and walking through 90-year-old longleaf pine forests. He even stopped by St. John’s Episcopal Church in Bainbridge where he was a member from 1996 to 2002 and was received as an Episcopalian by Bishop Henry Louttit of the Diocese of Georgia. Also, St. John’s is where Father Stephen caught the Cursillo bug!

St. John’s Episcopal Church, Bainbridge, GA

At former Southlands Experiment Forest, Decatur County, GA (Left to right): John McGuire of Tall Timbers Research Station and Land Conservancy, Tallahassee, FL; Father Stephen Pecot; and Dr. Craig Hedman, F4 Tech, Tallahassee, FL. The research installed by Fr. Stephen was conducted by John as a graduate student and overseen by Craig, formerly of International Paper.

Family Holiday Fun

Skyler, grand-niece & Ethan, grand nephew of Kerry Petty & Kirk Hadaway, helped decorate the Christmas Tree in Benedict Hall during a recent visit.

Emma Messer, granddaughter of Johnny & Dee Crusoe, makes chocolate fudge Christmas treats in her Trinity apron.


The TRINITY TEN, a ten-point questinnaire that provides a light-hearted,

yet sincere, profile of Trinity parishioners, is designed for us to get

to know each other a little better. Your responses, along with a

photograph, will appear regularly in the Bay View.

Rick Watson

Originally from Texas, Rick Watson spent time in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Georgia before moving to Florida in 1974. He is the former Franklin County Tax Collector, an attorney, and a realtor.

Greatest influence on your life (person or experience): I have been involved in politics for over 50 years. I've run campaigns, been a lobbyist in Tallahassee, worked in state government, and served as a Franklin County Commissioner and Tax Collector for over nine years.

Being involved in developing public policy has been very gratifying. Working with others to solve problems has been fulfilling.

How would someone else describe you: Easy going

One thing people might be surprised to know about you: I am a certified yoga instructor

Favorite part of living here:  Franklin County is the most charity-minded place I've ever lived. The strong sense of community makes it a special place.

Dogs or cats: Dogs

Bacon or broccoli: Bacon

Coleslaw - vinegar or mayo: Vinegar

One thing you are good at: Organizing

One thing you’d rather not do: Cut grass

What drew you to Trinity: I've been an Episcopalian since I was 17 years old.  I can't imagine going to any other church in Franklin County other than Trinity.


Readings for January 5, 2025, the Second Sunday after Christmas

Readings for January 12, 2025, the First Sunday after the Epiphany

Watch our Sunday sermons online:

Generosity is a key component of our successful ministry: You can share your generosity easily and safely through our secure Electronic Giving platform.


Your Bay View: Trinity's bi-weekly e-newsletter, the Bay View, reaches members and friends every other Friday, sharing news and inspiration for and about our parish. Please send information and announcements, as well as photographs, to or call the church office at 850-653-9550. The deadline for submission is noon on Wednesday of each publication week. (next deadline is January 15)

-- Kay Carson, Editor

Worship Service at 10:30 am Sunday

Morning Prayer at 8:15 am Wednesday

Church address: 79 6th Street, Apalachicola, Florida 32320

Office address: 76 5th Street, Apalachicola, Florida 32320

Mailing address: PO Box 667, Apalachicola, Florida 32329

Phone number: (850) 653-9550


Visit our Website