Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
By Nikki Courtney - KPRC Radio
"... A four year old girl’s future hangs in the balance. Her mother died tragically in a car crash and a court granted custody to the mother’s boyfriend, who had only lived with the child for a few months. The father wants his daughter. ..."
By Shannon Marvel -
"... "I wish I had more time with my dad. Moms and dads are equally important. Lets at least start with that," Howard said. ..."
"... She believes that family courts look to assign blame rather than figure out what “both parents need to be, to be effective parents.” ..."

"... The House of Delegates has passed and sent to the Senate a bill that would give both parents in divorce a presumption of joint custody and shared parenting of their children. ..."
"... A growing awareness that children do best with two parents, whether parents are living together or separated, has led to a trend toward shared parenting among divorced parents. ..."
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