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Weekly Desert Cross Update - December 20, 2024 | |
Faith and Life with Pastor Andrea | |
"Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel", which means, "God is with us."
Matthew 1:23
I was studying the book of Ruth preparing for Advent worship. I looked away to my computer, and when my gaze returned to the Bible, a beautiful prism had appeared on the page! The Word of God illuminated by the prism reminded me of the rainbow of hope that God promised in Genesis. It reminded me that God is with me. God is with us.
As we journey through Advent and prepare for Christmas Eve, we are guided by our hope in Emmanuel, “God with us.” As we enter this holy weekend of Advent 4 and Christmas Eve, God is truly with us and shows up in unexpected ways. Look for the prisms of hope that bring hope, peace, joy, and love in this season that also brings despair, grief, and anxiety for many people. We have a Savior who knows our suffering and our joy and brings us hope. How can you be a prism of hope that shines light into another’s darkness? Where do you see God with us? Hang on to the promise from Matthew that Jesus is the Son of God, Emmanuel, God with us -- always. May the prayer of Howard Thurman, who was full of grace, be a way to peace and joy through our hope in Christ.
Let us pray:
Open unto me – light for my darkness.
Open unto me – courage for my fear.
Open unto me – hope for my despair.
Open unto me – peace for my turmoil.
Open unto me – joy for my sorrow.
Open unto me – strength for my weakness.
Open unto me – wisdom for my confusion.
Open unto me – forgiveness for my sins.
Open unto me – tenderness for my toughness.
Open unto me – love for my hates.
Open unto me – Thy Self for my self.
Lord, Lord, open unto me!
– from “Meditations of the Heart” by Howard Thurman
Hope abounds,
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Church Office Holiday Hours
12/23 Closing at 12:00pm
12/24 Closing at 12:00pm
12/25 Office Closed
12/26 Closing at 12:00pm
12/27 Closing at 12:00pm
12/30 Closing at 12:00pm
12/31 Closing at 12:00pm
01/01 Office Closed
01/02 Closing at 12:00pm
01/03 Closing at 12:00pm
Happy Holidays from your Desert Cross Office Staff!
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Caroling at Sunrise Assisted Living
You are all invited to join the Gilbert Desert Cross Choirs for caroling at the Sunrise Assisted Living! We are scheduled to sing in two areas of the facility. We will then meet at Culver's on Val Vista and 202 for goodies and some holiday cheer!
📅 Sunday, December 22nd
🕤 3:30 pm
📍 Sunrise Assisted Living – 580 S. Gilbert Road, Gilbert, AZ 85296
Please contact Carolyn Perkins at if you would like to attend.
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Year End Tax Notice
Final Contributions for 2024 will be dated checks and postmarked by January 2, 2025.
If you wish for a contribution to be applied to 2024, please note "2024 Gifts" on the memo line and date the check for 2024. Year-end contribution reports will be printed and mailed by January 31, 2025.
If you have any questions, please contact Doug Bjotvedt in the office or at
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December 21st - 22nd
- Saturday at 5:00 pm (Tempe)
- Sunday at 8:30 am & 10:30 am (Tempe, with live stream)
- Sunday at 9:30 am (Gilbert, Children’s Christmas Pageant)
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Christmas Eve Services:
Tuesday, December 24th
5:00 pm & 7:00 pm
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Christmas Eve Services:
Tuesday, December 24th
3:00 pm & 5:00 pm
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Christmas Gifts for the Homeless
Socks or $25 Gift Card (Walmart or Target)
This Christmas Eve, Desert Cross Lutheran Church has the joy of celebrating the birth of the Christ Child with two dozen homeless guests who will be fed and housed during this festival time. It is our hope to share with each guest a gift of socks and a $25 gift card (from either Walmart or Target).
You can help our I-Help Ministry by dropping off either a package of men/women’s socks or a $25 gift card in the large plastic container with signage stating the I-Help program. The containers can be found in the narthex at the Tempe site or in the Fellowship Hall at the Gilbert site. We are also gathering toiletries to share with this community as well.
Thank you for your wonderful support and let God’s amazing love be felt by our friends who struggle with housing.
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Children's Christmas Musical: "A Rockin' Royal Christmas…A Calling to a Higher King"
Get ready to celebrate Christmas with a fun and lively musical at Desert Cross in Gilbert! Join us as our young performers tell the story of Herod and Sherlock Watson on a unique mission to investigate the genealogy of Jesus.
📅 Sunday, December 22, 2024
🕤 9:30 am Worship Service
📍 Desert Cross – Gilbert Campus
Calling All Kids!
Rehearsals are in full swing, and it’s not too late for kids to join the fun! Come sing along and be part of this memorable pageant.
Rehearsal Schedule:
- Saturdays from 3:30 - 4:15 pm
- Last three Saturdays: 3:30 - 4:30 pm
For more info or to sign up, contact Carolyn at
Come be a part of the celebration – it's going to be a rockin' royal Christmas!
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A Heartfelt Thank You
Dear Desert Cross Family and Friends,
From the depths of our hearts, thank you for joining us for our Christmas Cantata, "Night of the Father’s Love." Your presence made the day truly unforgettable!
To see the Sanctuary filled with so much love, joy, and worship was a beautiful reminder of the unity and spirit we share in celebrating Christ’s birth. Hearing your voices join the choir during the congregational songs added a powerful and meaningful touch to the morning—it was truly a moment of heaven on earth.
We also want to extend a special note of gratitude to our wonderful musicians—Christine Soll, Laurie Selby, Pamela Watson-Brown, and Taylor Orndorff. Your incredible talents and dedication brought the music to life in such a beautiful and meaningful way. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us and enhancing the worship experience for everyone present.
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A heartfelt thank you as well to the Sanctuary Choir for their hard work and passion, to our narrators, and to all the behind-the-scenes hands that helped bring this cantata to life. Together, we experienced the awe and wonder of the season in a way that glorifies God and brings us closer as a church family.
We are so grateful for each of you who attended, participated, and celebrated with us. May the hope, peace, joy, and love of Christ fill your hearts throughout this Christmas season and beyond. We hope to see you all again soon.
With love and gratitude,
Joni Van Rossum
Director of Media Production & Interim Music Leader
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O Holy Night Cantata – Thank You!
I wish to thank our wonderful Chancel Choir, Ensemble, Jr. Choir, flute duettists Liz Rewolinski & Laura Book, accompanist Marta Hatch, readers, and all who attended our Christmas Cantata. I loved the multi-generational aspect with persons of all ages having key roles on this presentation. A special thank you to our guest soloist, Jennifer Nagy who sang 'O Holy Night' and Cantata solos so beautifully. Chris Doyle on trumpet and Mary Ellen Loose, accompanist for Ms. Nagy. We received many appreciative comments! A great turn out of 125 people included guests, members, and friends and family.
The lovely Christmas cookie reception and altar decor were created by Dana Hargis and our Hospitality team. Thank you for a very special presentation, to all who provided cookies, and to Tom Rewolinski for the fabulous Hot Cocoa Bar!
With a Grateful Heart,
Carolyn Perkins
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Advent Devotional: Words for the Beginning
Our theme for Advent is Words for the Beginning. Use the button below for the online devotional book.
We have a limited number of hard copies available. If you'd like a hard copy, contact Denise McClellan at or 480-730-8600.
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Serve 40
Desert Cross Celebrates 40 Years of Ministry!
The end of our Serve 40 is fast approaching! In celebration of our 40 years together, let's each commit to serving 40 hours outside the walls of Desert Cross in 2024. Keep track of your volunteer service hours out in the neighborhood.
When you reach 40 hours, contact Denise McClellan at or 480-730-8600.
We'll announce how many of us Serve 40 at the end of the year!
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Young Adult Group Christmas Party 🎄
📅 Saturday, December 21st
🕤 7:00pm
📍 Desert Cross – Tempe Gym
Come celebrate Christmas with the Young Adult Group! Bring a white elephant gift. There will be a movie, s'mores, activities, and more!
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Breakfast Dudes Meeting
📅 Saturday, December 21st
🕤 8:00am
📍 Desert Cross – Gilbert, Room 104
Men of the congregation, come and enjoy our time together as we share Food, Fun, Faith, & Fellowship. Invite a friend, a neighbor, or a relative to join us!
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Faith Formation Adult Forum
NOT Meeting December 22nd, December 29th, or January 5th
Sunday 9:45 - 10:15am Tempe Community Center Adult Classroom
Sunday 10:45 - 11:15am Gilbert Sanctuary
We choose a monthly theme based on the lessons read during the worship services. We'll explore the theme by discussing the lessons and using the Adult Playlist posted each month on our Faith Formation Website.
If you have any questions, contact Pastor Andrea or Pastor Thadd at or or 480-730-8600.
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Meditation Group
Tuesdays at 7:00 pm - Tempe Sanctuary
Not meeting December 24th or December 31st
Next meeting: January 7th
Thursdays at 9:00 am - Tempe Community Center Youth Room
Not meeting December 26th or January 2nd
Next meeting: January 9
🎄 PLEASE NOTE: Meditation classes will be taking a break for the Christmas holiday. December 19th will be the final class of the year, with classes resuming on Tuesday, January 7th.
Do you want to try meditation? If so, please join Elaine Kraemer on Tuesday evenings or Thursday mornings. Elaine has practiced "passage meditation" for many, many years. She'll share the whys and hows of meditation and help you get started with this faith-growing spiritual practice.
To sign up, or for more information, please contact Elaine Kraemer at .
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55+ Fellowship - Yesterday's Kids
Yesterday's Kids will NOT meet from December 19th through January 1st. We will have our first Planning Meeting on Thursday, January 2nd at 9:30am.
If you're a "young at heart kid" please join us in the Community Center Classroom to help plan our events for the new year 2025!
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Meeting every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month
10:00 am - 11:30 am
Gilbert Fellowship Hall
C3 is a Discussion/Fellowship group for ANYONE. When you bring preschool children we will figure out whatever is needed.
The group is open to ALL. Treats are always welcome.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, December 31st (not meeting Christmas Eve)
Topic: Christmas Carols & Christmas Stories
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Worship Service Schedule – December 29th
PLEASE NOTE: Sunday, December 29th, there will be no 8:30am service at our Tempe campus. We will only have one worship service, at 10:30am.
Gilbert will still have their regularly scheduled service at 9:30am.
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Gilbert Special Prayers
Week by week we lift up to our dear Father God our concerns for our church, our nation, our world, and ourselves. But there are moments when we could also use prayer support for a specific challenge we are facing in that moment. At these times, having someone to stand with you in prayer can really help.
December 29th, prayer partners will be available during communion and after service. Look for them and let them stand with you in prayer and lift up to our amazing Lord and Savior whatever is on your heart. It will be a privilege to do so!
- Your 'Special Prayers' Team
Dwight, Carolyn, Mari, and...
(is the Spirit prompting you to join us? Reach out to Dwight at if so!)
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Vitalant Blood Drive
📅 Date: Saturday, January 25, 2025
🕢 Time: 7:30am - 12:00pm
📍 Location: Desert Cross Community Center in Tempe
💉 Donation Options:
- Whole Blood
- Power Red
🅰 Urgent Need for:
- Type O Negative
- Type A and B Positive
🎁 Rewards Await:
Earn points for prizes with each donation!
Let's come together to save lives and make a difference. Your contribution matters!
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🔗 Schedule Your Appointment:
Visit and use sponsor code "desertcross" (all one word)
👤 Contact for Sign-Ups:
Art Krzyzewski will be reaching out to past donors.
📋 Sign-up sheet available in the Narthex at Tempe.
📧 Email:
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Communion Kits
If you are unable to attend worship in person and would like a communion kit to use as you watch the live stream, you can pick one up from the office in Tempe. Gluten-free options are available.
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Snack & Chat – Holiday Closure
Snack & Chat will be closed from December 29th through January 12th. We will reopen on Sunday, January 19th. Happy Holidays!
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If you are looking to become more involved in our Tempe and Gilbert Faith Communities, please click "Read More" and find out today where you can be of value. You'll find all the needed contact info on that page.
We are actively looking for more volunteers in all areas of service.
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If you are interested in having your child baptized, reach out to Pastor Thadd at | |
Do you have a news item, event, or ministry story to share? Please send the information to Wendy at by the TUESDAY of the week that you wish to have it advertised. | |
May the Lord bless you in all your endeavors this week! | |
For your convenience, we have online giving up on our website or you can use the button that says "GIVE" at the top of this email. As always, we continue to appreciate all who are continuing to support the many ministries of Desert Cross!
You can also simply text the word "GIVE" to 833.636.1502 and complete the payment information. It securely saves your information and makes it possible to donate in 5 seconds once it has been set up!
Lastly, you can scan the QR code included in our live stream services and in the weekly Worship Aid. Giving is easier than ever - check it out!
All financial information is encrypted and stored by's banking partner to PCI DSS Level 1 compliant standards, which is the highest possible rating one can get in the electronic payment processing industry.
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