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Message from the Associate Dean - BCH Oakland

October 2023

Updates in education, research, and respiratory season!

Congratulations to the Graduate Medical Education team for a very successful site visit from ACGME! With the help of our GMEC, we had a very successful and well-prepared survey. 


Congratulations to Marisa Medina, Ph.D. for her latest appointment in the Department of Pediatrics as the Director of Lab Research for the Oakland Campus.


Alameda and Contra Costa counties have mandated that healthcare workers are required to mask in patient care areas regardless of immunization to Influenza or COVID-19 beginning November 1, 2023, to April 30, 2024. Staff should mask anywhere that they might encounter patients indoors. This will be in all buildings where patients are seen for care, including lobbies, elevators, and waiting rooms. Cafeteria, staff breakrooms, workrooms, and areas where patients do not have access are not patient care areas. However, masking in those areas is strongly recommended to prevent illness among staff which can lead to staff shortages and transmission of illness to our vulnerable patient population. Read More

Be well,





Dr. Marisa Medina

has been appointed as the

Director of Lab Research for the

Oakland campus.

Read More

UCSF BCH Faculty Seminar: Clinical Study Startup

New Date! Thursday, November 9th | 5:00 - 6:00 PM

UCSF BCH Faculty Seminar:

"Clinical Study Startup"

Thursday, November 9th | 5:00 - 6:00 PM via Zoom


Content Includes:

Operational steps - Lifecycle of a study - Hiring Clinical Research Coordinators

and more!

Our Presenters:


Liz Garnett, CCRP

Director of Clinical Research Administration, Department of Pediatrics

Resource and Training Advisor, Clinical Trials Operations (CTO)

University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) 

Jacqueline Grupp-Phelan, MD

Professor of Clinical Pediatrics

Chief, Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Roberta L. Keller, MD

Professor of Clinical Pediatrics

Vice Chair, Clinical Translational Research

Director of Neonatal Research

Director, Neonatal ECMO Program

Director of Neonatal Services, Fetal Treatment Center UCSF BCH

Dayna Long, MD

Professor of Clinical Pediatrics

Co-founder and Director, BLOOM: The Black Baby Equity Clinic

Medical Director, Resilient Beginnings Network

Founder and Director, FIND and FINDconnect

Co-Principal Investigator, PEARLS (Pediatric Adverse Childhood Experience and Related Life Events) Tool

Co-Director, UCSF Center for Child and Community Health

Faculty Liaison, Clinical and Translational Research Institute

Senior Executive Advisor ACES Aware

Mark C. Walters, MD

Division Chief, Hematology, UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals

Jordan Family Director, Blood and Marrow Transplant Program/BCH-Oak

Save the Date!

UCSF BCH All-Faculty Meeting

"Supporting Faculty in the Learning Environment"

Thursday, December 14, 2023 | 5:00 - 6:00 PM via Webinar


Celeste Allen, MD

Sandrijn van Schaik, MD, PhD

Lydia Tinajero-Deck, MD

Robert Raphael, MD

and more!

More info will be shared as it becomes available.

All seminars are recorded and made available on our website.

Hosted by the UCSF BCH Oakland Dean's Office

Staff Masking Required in Higher-Rish Healthcare Settings, effective November 1st

Alameda County Public Health Department:

Staff Masking Required in Higher-Rish Healthcare Settings, effective November 1st

More Info

Funding Opportunity:

Empowering Research of Fellows and Residents

Deadline Extended To: October 15, 2023

Applications Due: Sunday, October 15th

Dear Colleagues,


You may have already seen this from our newsletter or from your CAO, but I wanted to be sure that you personally had this information and can share it widely with your trainees and faculty. 


My office is providing one-time funds, up to $25,000 per awardee, aimed at supporting fellows and residents engaged in innovative and impactful research that benefits patients at UCSF BCH-Oakland. Funding is intended to go towards paying for expenses that will augment their ability to present and/or publish their data, thereby helping to foster their research independence. To spark the imagination as to the types of expenses your trainees might request, here are a couple of examples.


  • Necessary laboratory supplies, specialized equipment, and materials/services required for data collection and analysis.
  • Data collection, processing, and analysis, including software, tools and personnel required for statistical analysis.
  • Publishing research findings in reputable peer-reviewed journals and presenting at conferences or sharing scholarly QI projects through poster presentations or publications. 


Applications using the enclosed form are due by October 15, 2023. All inquiries and requests for additional information can be sent to Suzanne Sutton, Director of Strategic Programs and Initiatives


I look forward to seeing lots of applications from your units.


All the best,


Kelley E. Meade, MD

Associate Dean,

Clinical and Academic Affairs

UCSF School of Medicine

Associate Chief Medical Officer, Interim

Benioff Childrens' Hospital Oakland

Professor, Pediatrics 

More Info

School of Medicine Bridge Funding: Invitation to Apply to the 2024 Winter Cycle

Applications Due: December 8, 2023

ucsf school of medicine research logo

Dear Colleagues,


I invite full-time faculty in the School of Medicine to apply for the 2024 Winter Cycle of Bridge Funding. The Bridge Funding program provides up to 12 months of support for full-time faculty members, with independent research programs, who are experiencing a temporary loss of significant funding. 


The program is intended to support applicants who face a funding gap between two extramural research grants (usually R01 or equivalent). Typically, applicants have been unsuccessful in a recent attempt to renew or replace a federal grant but are likely to be funded upon submission of a revised application, based on scores and reviewers’ comments.


Applicants must demonstrate that their research program is jeopardized due to lack of extramural funding, that they have one or more rounds of well-scored but unfunded federal applications, and that they will have exhausted all available discretionary or start-up funds within one year of applying for bridge funding.


See more details about eligibility, review criteria, and the application process on the School of Medicine Bridge Funding Program page.


Applications are due by 5:00pm on Friday, December 8, 2023. Please contact with any questions.



David Morgan, PhD

Professor, Department of Physiology

Vice Dean for Research, UCSF School of Medicine

53rd Annual Monterey Conference

November 3-5, 2023


flyer for 53rd annual monterey conf November 3 to 5

Additional Information: Monterey 2023 Info

Brochure PDF version

Teach for UCSF Certificate Day:

October 27, 2023 - Registration is required

logo for teach for ucsf certificate pgm

Teach for UCSF Certificate Day - Educator Essentials

Part 1 of 2

On Friday, October 27, 2023, the Center for Faculty Educators is offering the first opportunity to engage with the newly redesigned Teach for UCSF Certificates. This event is in... More Info

The Edward Chu Diversity Scholarship Program

Hello everyone,


We have a Diversity Scholarship Fund to support medical students under-represented in medicine to be able to rotate at BCH-Oakland (more information below).

This scholarship was founded by the generous Dr. Eddie Chu. 


To honor Dr. Chu and his legacy as he retires, the name of the Scholarship going forward will be The Dr. Edward Chu Diversity Scholarship Program. 

More Info

Call for Proposals: Annual Faculty Research Symposium Grand Rounds on April 2, 2024

*Proposals Due: November 1, 2023

Call for Proposals


The Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland CME committee and the Office of the Dean are soliciting calls for presenters for our annual Faculty Research Symposium Grand Rounds, which will take place on April 2, 2024.


Please submit a brief paragraph outlining the research you would like to showcase with our BCH Oakland community and submit this proposal by November 1st. An ad hoc committee will review proposals and select 2 live presenters for Grand Rounds. Other submissions will be approached to submit a brief recorded poster presentation, which will be made available on the Dean's website. 


Please submit your proposal using this Google Form


We look forward to reading your proposals.



The BCH Oakland's CME Committee and the Dean's Office

UCSF Clinical & Translational Science Institute (CTSI) Blog

For CTSI information, please reach out to: (CTSI) or (Dayna Long, MD, FAAP, Faculty Liaison, CTSI) as they will be happy to provide further information regarding CTSI and BCH Oakland.

Elemeno Voalte

Elemeno Voalte

Voalte is a HIPAA-secure, two-way text messaging, and phone calling app. All providers are expected to use Voalte to communicate with other clinicians and staff when providing inpatient services. To improve your experience using Voalte, we have created this enhanced tip sheet that covers basic logging-in features as well as more advanced functionality such as favoriting and efficiently searching for other clinicians by role.

You can access Elemeno from your personal smartphone and from any workstation.


  1. Go to (or click on the Elemeno icon under the Start Menu from any BCH Oakland workstation).
  2. Click “Login with MyAccess” (also click “Keep Me Logged In” to stay logged in).
  3. You should already be assigned to the “Clinical Communications” Home Page. If not, click on your initials at the top right to open the menu, click “Profile,” and change the “Home Page Unit” to “Clinical Communications.”
  4. Select any of the “Voalte User Guides.”

Voalte Provider Tip Sheet – how to login and use more advanced functionality.

The tip sheet is also available on Elemeno. Elemeno is used mainly by nurses as an online just-in-time resource to support their clinical workflows.

We are also creating a training video which will be ready in the near future. If you encounter issues, please contact

UCSF 2nd Annual Health Equity Symposium

October 18th from 8:30am - 1:30pm

Dear BCH Black Caucus and Allies,


Please join us for UCSF’s 2nd Annual Health Equity Symposium on October 18th from 8:30 am – 1:30 pm at our Mission Bay Conference Center. This year’s theme is Community Partnerships for Health Justice. There will be panel discussions on several important topics and a lunch keynote with Dr. Sandra Hernandez, President and CEO of the California Health Care Foundation.


We’d love to have you join us for what is sure to be a day of impassioned discussion about how we are prioritizing community voices in our efforts to advance healthcare and improve access for patients.


To learn more about the event and to RSVP, click here:


Please let me know if you have any questions. If you know anyone who would be interested in these topics, please feel free to share the link to our website for more information. We hope to see you there!




Abdur Shemsu & Stephanie Brown

BCH Black Caucus Co-Chairs


UCSF Sickle Cell Center of Excellence

50th Anniversary Celebration:

November 2nd 4:00-6:00 PM at BCH Oakland

ucsf sickle cell center of excellence 50th anniversary

To learn about UCSF’s rich history in caring for sickle cell patients, please check out our podcast: Revolutionary Care 

Save the Date!

Pediatric Musculoskeletal and Sports Medicine Conference - March 22-23, 2024

sports medicine event march 22 2024
More Info


yellow banner with open hands and heart

Easier and Cheaper Access to Data for Health Services and Population Health Research


The Population Health Data Initiative, which is a collaboration of the Institute for Health Policy StudiesSchool of Medicine TechPopulation Health and Health Equity programCenter for Healthcare Improvement and Medical Effectiveness (CHIME), and UCSF Library, has continued to enhance the data available to UCSF researchers for health services and population health research.


Their services provide low-cost access to many datasets, support for establishing data use agreements, data storage, and programming support.


If you are purchasing a dataset for your research, please email to explore an institutional license to make it available to all UCSF researchers.

Learn more!

Population Health and Health Equity Website

Release of the UCSF Changemaker Series

The UCSF Changemaker Series, created by Professor of Medicine Hilary Seligman, MD, MAS, is a four-part video series that seeks to build the capacity of UCSF researchers to generate scientific evidence that is responsive to the needs of real-world decision-makers. Each 10-15 minute video highlights a UCSF researcher in conversation with an interdisciplinary panel of non-academic experts discussing how investigators at all stages of their careers can more meaningfully inform policies, systems, and structures in order to create social or policy change.


Read more

Watch Videos here




From Marsha J. Treadwell, PhD

DEI Co-Chair BCH Oakland

Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics, UCSF School of Medicine

Jordan Fund Endowed Chair, Department of Hematology/Oncology

The focus of the BCH Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Initiative is to dismantle systemic racism within BCH by taking action to insure that policies, institutional practices, cultural representations and other norms no longer reinforce and perpetuate racial group inequity for Blacks, Indigenous and People of Color. Patients and families and other groups in the workforce, including LGBTQ+ are negatively impacted within the current problematic climate. For more information, please feel free to reach out to me, our program manager Henry Ocampo at, or visit our website


Updated info on the DEI website.


Questions? Email Abdur Shemsu at


See our webpage for the FY23 Action Plan 

New Faces of Ability Campaign and Website

The new Faces of Ability campaign and website debuted this month.

Find resources and accommodation information, connect with disability advocates and activists, and learn about UCSF community members creating space for greater understanding around disability justice.


Visit Faces of Ability website

Faculty Development

UCSF is an institutional member of the National Center on Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD).

Follow these links for a full list of all NCFDD programs including additional Covid-19 Resources.

To gain access to these resources sign up for NCFDD membership by clicking here or contact Irené Merry –Coordinator for the Campus Council on Faculty Life.

News and Announcements from UCSF Office of Diversity & Outreach

Subscribe to the newsletter!

Visit the website

Foundations of DEI Trainings

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Champion Training

See the upcoming sessions and register HERE

UCSF Cultural Groups and Resources

UCSF Multicultural

Resource Center


Heritage Month Celebrations



Asian Pacific American Systemwide Alliance (APASA)

BCH Black Caucus


Chicanx Latinx Campus Association (CLCA)

The Black Caucus



UCSF Committee on Disability Inclusion 




UCSF Office of

Diversity Outreach


UCSF’s PRIDE Values and how they can be enacted through our daily lives are:


P - Professionalism: To be competent, accountable, reliable, and responsible, interacting positively and collaboratively with all colleagues, students, patients, visitors, and business partners.


R - Respect: To treat all others as you wish to be treated, being courteous and kind, acting with utmost consideration of others.


I - Integrity: To be honest, trustworthy, and ethical, always doing the right thing, without compromising the truth, and being fair and sincere.


D - Diversity: To appreciate and celebrate differences in others, creating an environment of equity and inclusion with opportunities for everyone to reach their potential.


E - Excellence: To be dedicated, motivated, innovative, and confident, giving your best every day, encouraging and supporting others to excel in everything they do.


Download a copy of the PRIDE Values


COVID-19 & Vaccine Updates

UCSF COVID-19 Resources

Vaccine Information Hub

Messages and News

Office of the Chancellor

Updates from Josh Adler,

Chief Clinical Officer UCSF Health

UCSF Organisms of Interest


spa candle with stones and rolled towel

Resources - Faculty Development Day 2022

UCSF Wellness Resources Hub

Useful Wellness and Mental Health

Emotional Well-Being

lotus drawing

Wellness Corner: 

Effective communication is key to any relationship. Check out the Office of the Ombuds for resources on communication tools, conflict management, and more. Get more well-being resources here »


Pediatric Grand Rounds


Oakland Grand Rounds

Pediatric Grand Rounds Oakland cover trending topics in medicine. Events are held every Tuesday from 8-9AM and everyone is welcome. 

Contact for registration and Zoom information

More Info

Did you miss Grand Rounds?

Visit and use password CHRCO

to view recorded Grand Rounds presentations.


Please contact the Chief Residents,

for Case Conference information: 

Pediatric Grand Rounds

San Francisco

beautiful nigh view of mission bay childrens hospital

SF Pediatric Grand Rounds Schedule

Speaker Disclosures


 For the full Pediatrics Grand Rounds schedule please visit the Wiki page:


Pediatric Grand Rounds takes place every Thursday from 12-1 PM,

currently In person or live via Zoom

 For questions contact:

Frontiers in Child Health Research Seminar Series

The Frontiers in Child Health Research Seminar Series

Every 2nd and 4th Monday via Zoom only, from 12-1 PM

Presented by leading researchers from UCSF Department of Pediatrics, other departments at UCSF, and outside institutions, the Frontiers in Child Health Research seminars are meant to promote collaboration and stimulate new ideas. Zoom here.


Link to previous recordings


For more info, please contact: 

Stad Center of Pediatric Pain, Palliative and Integrative Medicine Global Lecture Series

Seminars are the 1st Thursday of every month 3:00-4:00 pm

To receive a Zoom invitation for virtual lectures, please contact

You must register in advance for each lecture.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining this webinar.

Tom McNalley, Alicia Heilman, Karen Sun & Stefan Friedrichsdorf

Stad Center of Pediatric Pain, Palliative and Integrative Medicine

UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals

Stad Center for Pediatric Pain, Palliative & Integrative Medicine | UCSF Benioff Children's Hospitals (


We just successfully completed last week our 25th Become an "Education in Palliative and End-of-Life Care (EPEC)-Pediatrics Trainer" Conference with participants from 26 countries/6 continents. Congratulations to all the new Trainers and thank you to the outstanding faculty!

  • Advanced Pain & Palliative Care Workshop: Education in Palliative and End-of-Life Care (EPEC)-Pediatrics. Oct 24-27, 2023. Rome, Italy LINK

  • 14th Pediatric Pain Master Class. UCSF Stad Center for Pediatric Pain, Palliative and Integrative Medicine. In-Person Conference. Grand Hyatt San Francisco, December 10-16, 2023Registration link | Flyer (PDF)

May 1 - 4, 2024

UCSF Mission Bay Conference Center, San Francisco, CA



Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting (PAS) 2024

Registration Open: Precision Medicine World Conference

January 24-26, 2024 | Silicon Valley

Learn about next year's program and register early.

From the UCSF Research Development Office

More Info

Do you have ideas or suggestions for newsletter content?


If you have an idea or suggestion for content that you feel would be helpful,

please let us know. We would love to hear your ideas.

Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland Dean’s Office

UCSF School of Medicine




Mailing Address:

747 52nd Street, Oakland, CA 94609

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