The Tri-State Development Regional Report
news & updates
MARCH 2023 | Issue 5

It’s projected that the war for talent will continue in 2023, with many companies increasing their use of AI and automation to fill the gap and reduce labor costs. Savvy companies will also invest in upskilling current employees. Those that do will be one step ahead.

Area Development: Site & Facility Planning Insider: January 28, 2023
WORKFORCE Projects in the Tri-State Development Region
Hannibal Regional Economic Development Corporation (HREDC) created a video to highlight local companies, the various jobs available, and the credentials needed to fill those jobs. The video is being utilized by school counselors to share with local students the opportunities that exist for great careers with great companies in their hometown.

There's no doubt that hiring continues to be a challenge for our region and needed skills are in short supply. There are, however, projects and programs underway now that should provide local employers with the confidence that the challenge is being tackled head-on and with determination while also providing assurance to those currently in the workforce and those entering the workforce that companies throughout the region are working hard to provide valuable opportunities.

In January, we highlighted the unique partnership in Montrose, Iowa, between Lee County Economic Development Group and the School District's curriculum directors. Together, along with other community partners and leaders, they created the Lee County Career Advantage Center, which provides students with connections to local companies through hands-on experiences.

In February, we shared how Macon County Economic Development hosted a "Build My Future" event which provided a one-day interactive construction career day to students throughout northeast Missouri to teach about the many opportunities and rewards in the construction industry.

Earlier this year, leaders from higher ed institutions throughout our region gathered to discuss how colleges and universities are assisting in meeting critical workforce needs through upskilling and reskilling programs and new program development. These visionary institutions participating within the Tri-State Development Higher Ed Consortium are working hard to adjust to the current needs of our region's employers and the employees they want to hire.
Tri-State Development SPOTLIGHT
“We want our young people to understand early in their life that there are great companies with great jobs available to them right here in our area.”

Angela Caldwell,
Director of Workforce Development, GREDF
A Colorful Picture of A Local Career Path
In a recent Tri-State task force discussion, members talked of the essential need to develop the
talent pipeline for our region well before middle school and high school when it’s thought that
young people are thinking about careers and opportunities. As Director of Workforce
Development at the Great River Economic Development Foundation (GREDF), Angela Caldwell
believes that exposing children as young as 3-years-old to the resources, opportunities, and
careers available to them in the immediate area can offer a solution for building the regional
workforce, while assisting in holding on to our up-and-coming talent pipeline in the years ahead.

That’s why the Adams County Works – Career Guidance Team, managed by GREDF, and with participation from Adams County school counselors, Quincy Area Vocational Technical Center staff, the Workforce Innovation Board of Western Illinois, and area businesses have come together to create a coloring book for children that provides a snapshot of local companies and careers. The coloring book will feature coloring pages that include local companies and places along with the projects and products that they produce. Children will even have a chance to enter a coloring contest to win prizes.

The GREDF Coloring Book is set to be released during the 2023 – 2024 school year. 
Share Your Spotlight Story
We want to shine a light on the Tri-State region! Tell us about the great things happening in your community! Please help us spread the word about the activities, projects, programs, and collaborations that positively impact our region. We want to thank you for all that you do!

Click here to submit a spotlight story. It's quick and easy!
Legislative Concerns
Stakeholders from the Tri-State Development Legislative Concerns Task Force met on March 7th at the Oakley-Lindsay Center in Quincy, IL to share with elected officials at the local, state, and federal levels the priority issues of the region.

Directors from the legislative offices in attendance shared with task force members the legislative awareness and focus from their offices.

Thank you to the following elected officials for allowing their designated directors to participate in the Legislative Concerns Task Force meeting. Your attention to the region is greatly appreciated.

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) represented by Penny Vacek.
Congressman Sam Graves (R-MO) represented by Bryan Nichols.
Congresswoman Mary Miller (R-IL) represented by Patrick Farrell.
Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) represented by Kaelee Germain.

State officials were not in attendance because their respective legislatures were in session.
Transform your ideas, research, and best practices into a presentation at the 2023 Tri-State Development Summit. These presentations are meant to spark innovative thinking, encourage dialogue, and drive new solutions for our greatest regional challenges.

Tri-State Development Summit 2023
Full-day program: Thursday, September 14th
Oakley-Lindsay Center, Quincy, IL
We want to hear from you!

Anyone interested in sharing their experiences, ideas, or knowledge with the greater Tri-State Development regional community is asked to submit a presentation proposal no later than June 1, 2023.
Presentations will be provided to attendees in concurrent sessions, allowing for choices among a number of diverse and interesting topics. Some presenters may be asked to present in more than one session throughout the day.

CLICK HERE for more information about presenting at the Tri-State Development Summit 2023.
To submit a presentation for consideration, please CLICK HERE.
Five of the seven Tri-State Development task forces held meetings in January. Please click on the link to the right to access the notes from meetings held to date. The most recent meeting notes appear first. The Legislative Concerns and Economic Development & Workforce Strategy Task Force meeting notes from March will be provided in the April newsletter.

The Tri-State Development Task Forces meet regularly to discuss challenges and opportunities and to develop action plans to move regional initiatives forward. We have completed the first meeting for all seven task forces. To review the discussion notes and actions, please click on the links provided.

Thank you to those participating in the task force meetings, providing insight, direction, and perspective. We value participation from all stakeholders in the Tri-State Development region and encourage you to register for the next meeting.
Tri-State Development is eager to share the progress and impact of task force efforts by providing access to meeting discussion notes and follow-up actions. Please click on the links below to review the task force notes from last quarter.

Catch up on the Tri-State Development Newsletters that you missed!
Tri-State Development at Culver-Stockton College supports the region by cultivating collaborative relationships, promoting interdisciplinary problem-solving, fostering the expansion of academic-organization-industry initiatives, and developing an environment for collective impact to address the current and emerging political, economic, and social challenges in the region.
Please join us in showing gratitude to our Sponsorship Partners who generously support Tri-State Development at the Presenting and Program levels. Their investment helps support the annual Tri-State Development Summit, investments in stakeholder resources, as well as programs and projects throughout the year.