Week of September 30, 2023 | |
Banned Books Week
October 1-7
Visit the Academic Resource Center in New Martinsville, Weirton, and Wheeling and check out our informative displays as part of Banned Books Week.
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Weirton Resume Writing and Interview Skills Workshop
Monday, October 2
The Weirton Academic Resource Center (ARC) is hosting a writing and interview skills workshop 1-3pm Monday, October 2.
The workshop is designed to prepare students for the American Job Center’s upcoming job fair taking place 11am-2pm Tues., October 3 at Lauttamus Communications & Security (1000 Colliers Way, Weirton).
Students and alumni are encouraged to attend the job fair. WVNCC representatives will be at the event to meet with students and help with their job search.
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Grab N' Go
Monday, October 2
On campus all day with no time to grab food? Stop by in between your classes to a grab a free snack while supplies last.
Wheeling: Library, ATC Main Lobby, EC 3rd Floor Lounge
New Martinsville: Front Lobby
Weirton: Outside of SGA Office
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Flu Shot Clinic
Mon., October 2; Noon-2pm (Weirton)
Tues., October 3; Noon-3pm (Wheeling)
Thurs., October 5; 11am-noon (New Martinsville)
The Moundsville Pharmacy will be on site to administer the flu shot to all faculty, staff, and students.
Please bring your insurance card with you. If insurance does NOT cover, which is very rare, it would be offered at $45 per vaccine.
We are asking all students and staff to sign up via this link to secure your spot as we must provide a list to Moundsville Pharmacy at least two days prior to their visit to campus.
If you have any questions, please email studentactivities@wvncc.edu.
Weirton - Room 115
Wheeling - B&O Auditorium
New Martinsville - Room 110
Secret Santa Applications Open
October 2 - November 3
Students needing financial assistance around the holidays may sign their children up for the WVNCC Secret Santa Assistance Program by November 3!
You can fill out an online application here or pick up a paper application at your local Student Service Center. If you pick up a paper application, please e-mail it to studentactivities@wvncc.edu.
Students will be contacted to determine a time to pick up their gifts. if you have any questions, please email studentactivities@wvncc.edu.
Students may pick up their children’s gifts between December 4-8!
For more information or questions email studentactivities@wvncc.edu.
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Tutor Appreciation Week
October 2-6
Join the ARC as we thank WVNCC's wonderful tutors!
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Mary Ellen Cassidy
Jackie Coleman
Annette Cooper
Ashley Gorby
Julia Keeder | Jacyln Kelley
Salma Qotba
Natalie Siler
Vanessa Swidowski
Debra Warmuth | | |
Weirton American Job Center Job Fair
Tuesday, October 3
WVNCC students and alumni join us for the American Job Center Job Fair!
WVNCC representatives will be at the event to meet with students and help with the job search. Speak with employers and learn more about jobs being offered in the area.
Job fair takes place at Lauttamus Communications & Security (1000 Colliers Way, Weirton).
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Wheeling Transfer Tuesday - WVU
Tuesday, October 3
11am - 1pm
West Virginia University will be available to talk with WVNCC students about any questions regarding WVU, transferability, graduation, careers, and more.
Action Center, 1st Floor, Wheeling Campus B&O Building
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Student Government Association (SGA) Meeting
Tuesday, October 3
SGA is the official student governing body at the College. Its primary duties include fostering student connections, addressing and resolving student issues, introducing new opportunities for students, and providing support for student clubs and various events.
SGA plays a crucial role in amplifying students' voices and influencing campus affairs. We would love for you to get involved and help make Northern the best college experience possible for our students. Moreover, it offers an excellent opportunity to learn and develop leadership skills.
SGA members are eligible to attend the Student Leadership Conference for FREE, receive a cool FREE polo with the SGA logo, and connect with some fun and like-minded students on campus.
Join via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 896 8596 0856
One tap mobile: 1-309-205-3325
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Virtual Rock and Rows Bingo
Wednesday, October 4
Join us for some rocking fun! Bingo and your favorite hit music all in one. Each round takes on a different playlist.
1st Place - Wireless Speaker
2nd Place - $25 Best Buy Gift Card
3rd Place - Northern T-Shirt
Click to play via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 884 0264 7965
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National Do Something Nice Day
Thursday, October 5
11am - 2pm
Join us in celebrating a day that highlights the importance of kindness and small acts of goodness for people all around the nation!
Take a moment to craft a heartfelt thank-you note and grab a sweet treat to share with someone you'd like to show kindness to, whether they're a faculty member, staff, or fellow student.
- Wheeling: 2nd Floor EC (Culinary Arts entrance) and 1st Floor B&O Lobby
- New Martinsville and Weirton: Student Lounges
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New Vending Options Coming the Week of October 9
The College has partnered with Laurel Foodsystems to offer new vending options. New machines will be placed on each campus the week of October 9.
Students can expect an array of offerings including healthy snacks. Machines will be regularly stocked.
Vending Machine Locations:
- Wheeling: B&O Building (first floor), EC Student Lounge and ITC Student Lounge
- Weirton: Student Lounge (first floor)
- New Martinsville: Student Lounge (first floor)
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National Coming Out Day
Wednesday, October 11
National Coming Out Day, observed annually on October 11, commemorates the courage of LGBTQ+ individuals who choose to embrace their identity and live openly. Its inception traces back to the one-year mark following the 1987 National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights, a deliberate choice to honor this pivotal event. Initially an American awareness day, the significance of National Coming Out Day resonates deeply within LGBTQ+ communities worldwide.
Stop by and grab a cupcake and some swag and help celebrate this day with us!
WVNCC is committed to ensuring that every student at the College feels at home, comfortable, and a vital part of our Northern family throughout your time here, so you truly know that You Belong Here.
Wheeling: B&O Main Hall
Weirton: Main Hall
New Martinsville: Main Hall
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Lunch n' Learn: The Physical & Psychological Effects of Drug Use/Addiction
Friday, October 20
Noon - 1pm
B&O Auditorium, Wheeling or Zoom
The WVNCC Student Recovery & Support Club (SRSC) is proud to welcome speakers Shannon Bridges and Shanna Lee for their ongoing Lunch n' Learn series taking place noon-1pm Friday, October 20 at the B&O Auditorium (Wheeling) or via Zoom.
Shannon Bridges will share her personal story as a recovering addict and spread awareness of the deadly effects of xylazine, a drug that has recently entered the local and national scene and is frequently being laced with opioids.
Shanna Lee is the Manager of Community Engagement with the YWCA WIND program and will be speaking about the possible physical and psychological effects of drug addiction and the efforts the WIND program is making to help women with substance use disorders.
Free and open to the public.
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Veteran Stand Down Resource Fair
Wednesday, October 25
Wheeling Education Center – Multipurpose Room
WVNCC is pleased to partner with The Wheeling Vet Center, Helping Heroes and other organizations to offer a variety free, on-site, resources and services to help area Veterans.
Free Services:
• Health Screenings
• Haircuts
• Giveaways and Door Prizes
• Live Entertainment and Refreshments
Resources On Site:
• VA Healthcare and Registration
• Veteran Benefits / Disability
• Veteran Center Staff
• Employment Opportunities
• Education and Training Opportunities
• Housing Assistance
For more information, contact Carly Polis of Helping Heroes at carly@helpingheroesinc.org or 304-232-0114.
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Black and Gold Day
Friday, November 10
Register now to join us for Black and Gold Day! Connect with West Liberty University faculty and staff to help prepare you for a smooth transition following your graduation from Northern.
We will meet at 8:45am on the Wheeling Campus in the front plaza of the B&O Building.
Click here for the full agenda.
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To keep up with all of our upcoming events, download our app or check the calendar on our website! | |
Scholarship Opportunity for Female Students
The Women’s Club of Wheeling has extended a scholarship opportunity to female students. Applications are available at the Financial Aid Office or any Campus Service Center.
A short essay and two letters of reference are required with each application. The letters must include one professional reference from whom you are associated with (on letterhead) and another reference of your choosing. Both letters must include the person's relationship to you.
All materials are due to financialaidoffice@wvncc.edu, or dropped off to a campus, no later than the close of business on Friday, October 13, 2023. Please contact the Financial Aid Office or your local Campus Service Center for assistance.
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The fastest way to stay connected! | |
Have feedback you'd like to share with the college? We now have an easy way to submit that! You can find our Student Feedback Form on our website, under the Current Student links. | | | | |