Michigan Works! West Central Workforce Connection              - Vol. 5, Ed. 2

MiCareerQuest West Central Set for April 30, 2025, at FSU

MiCareerQuest West Central is the premiere hands-on career-exploration and college-readiness event for high school students in our area!

This spring, about 1,500 ninth-grade student from across our region will have the opportunity to speak with local employers and training providers to learn more about in-demand career opportunities in our area! Students will have the chance to take part in hands-on activities at the event to spark their career curiosities.

To make sure your business is part of our sixth-annual MiCareerQuest, please click here. This year's event will be held Wednesday, April 30, at Ferris State University's Wink Arena.

Please support MiCareerQuest by being a generous sponsor. Click here for more info.

Do You Have Questions About MiCareerQuest?

Want to learn tips and tricks to best engage with 1,500 ninth-graders in a single day?

If you answered yes, we invite you to join us for a free lunch and deep dive into our annual event. We're hosting two 45-minute luncheons in Big Rapids and Ludington to answer all your questions about MiCareerQuest. You'll also hear from employer champions who've participated in MiCareerQuest before.

Reserve your seat by registering here.

Going PRO Talent Fund Winners Announced

Michigan Works! West Central Helps 14 Local Businesses Earn More Than $506,000 to Train their Employees!

The Going PRO Talent Fund is a competitive grant that helps employers train, develop, and retain employees. Twice a year, employers can apply for up to $2,000 in training funding assistance per employee, and up to $3,500 per USDOL registered apprentice.

Michigan Works! West Central is proud to announce more than $506,700 in training funding is being awarded through the Going PRO Talent Fund to 14 local companies to train more than 1,750 employees!

“The Going PRO Talent Fund is one of the most important tools we have to help local businesses offer training to their employees,” said Shelly Keene, Executive Director at Michigan Works! West Central. “When companies invest in their teams through Going PRO, it increases employee retention, builds a stronger economy and makes our local businesses more competitive. It also helps employees gain in-demand skills that can lead to rewarding careers, financial stability and provide greater opportunities for their families.”

To see the full list of this grant cycle's winners, click here. For more information about the Going PRO Talent Fund and to see if your business is eligible, contact our Business Services team by clicking here.

Let's Make 2025, Your Best Year Yet!

Visit Any of Our 6 Service Centers to Reassess Your Career Goals

We're all about helping you get the skills you need to succeed, and providing you the tools to make your career as successful as possible.

Come talk to one of our Talent Specialists for an individualized assessment of your situation and to find ways we can work together to help you advance your career!

Find the service center nearest you by clicking here.

Life Can Be Challenging.

Don't Let it Impact Your Work.

Our BRES Service Can Help Get You on the Right Track

Do you feel overwhelmed with everything going on in your life? Are there issues in your personal life preventing you from focusing on your job, making it to work on time or make you feel like you're a step behind?

Those extra worries can have an adverse affect on your work, and in some cases hinder your chances of retaining your job.

Don't worry. You're not alone.

Help is available to get you on the right track to address your barriers to employment so that you can focus on your work and thrive! We may be able to help with auto-related issues, budgeting, daycare, rent, utilities and more!

For more information our Barrier Removal Employment Success service (BRES), click here.

Showcasing Success!

Highlighting Success Stories From Region 4A

Job Shadow Opportunity Leads to Job Offer

Meet Michaela. She had a long record of volunteer work at a local animal shelter, but wanted to get a closer look at what a day in the life of a pet groomer was like.

Through its Jobs for Michigan's Graduates program (JMG), Michigan Works! West Central was able set her up with a job-shadow opportunity at a groomer in the Baldwin area.

Michaela felt a sense of fulfillment helping groom the pets, and felt this would be a good career path for her. The day went so successful, that she was offered a job before she left.

To read Michaela's full success story, click here. To view other success stories from our region, click here.


'Direct Only to Relevant Social Media'

Do you have a blog or do you by chance do some freelance work?

It's OK to list your side-gig website and/or social media pages on your resume. If your social media accounts are related to the job you are applying for, you can add them to your resume; it could strengthen your profile. Make sure that these profiles, blogs or webpages are up to date with relevant information.

If you need help with your resume, visit one of our six service centers to talk to your Talent Specialist. We know a few things about drafting a great resume and highlighting your skills! Find the service center nearest you at


Michigan Works! West Central Staff Enjoy Annual Holiday Training & Luncheon

Although many people are superstitious about Friday the 13th, we saw this Dec. 13, as a great opportunity to gather as a staff for some team building and professional development.

Just before the big holiday rush, we closed our service centers for the day to learn more about how we can be the best versions of ourselves and ultimately provide better service to clients.

After training was done for the day, our team took part in our annual ugly-sweater contest, participated in some team-building activities and enjoyed a nice lunch.

Check out some of our photos!

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Michigan Works! West Central is funded by State and Federal funds and governed by local Workforce Development Boards and Local Elected Officials. More details available on the Legal Disclaimer page at Michigan Works! West Central is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Michigan Relay Service: 711 | Supported by the State of Michigan.