SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – State Rep. La Shawn K. Ford, D-Chicago, passed a measure out of the House Wednesday that would allow drivers to use license plates with a special autism awareness decal.
“For drivers looking to show their support for autism awareness efforts, this will give them another option,” Ford said. “It’s important as a state that we prioritize funding for autism research and services, particularly early intervention efforts for children who can really benefit from it. These plates will be a small part of that effort, but they underscore our values and support for each other here in Illinois.”
Ford’s House Bill 42 allows the Illinois Department of Public Health to issue special autism awareness license plate decals that are designed with input from autism advocacy organizations. The decal plate would compliment an existing autism awareness license plate offered by the Illinois Secretary of State. Like the existing plate, a portion of proceeds from the decal license plate purchase and renewal would go toward supporting the Autism Awareness Fund.
House Bill 42 passed the House without opposition, and now heads to the Senate for consideration.
For more information, please contact RepFord@LaShawnFord.com.