Make your CASE!
UCSF Community & Government Relations is sponsoring two UCSF students' attendance at the American Association for the Advancement of Science’s annual Catalyzing Advocacy in Science and Engineering (CASE) Workshop in Washington, DC from March 26-29, 2023. Application details below. Apply by Friday, February 10.
The workshop is an entry-level program organized to educate STEM students interested in learning about the role of science in policymaking, the federal policymaking process, and how to advocate for research.
Students will participate in a three-and-a-half-day program to learn about the structure and organization of Congress, the federal budget and appropriations processes, and tools for effective science communication and civic engagement. On the last day of the program, students will have the opportunity to conduct meetings with elected Members of Congress and congressional staff. Read more about the 2023 CASE Workshop here.
UCSF Sponsorship Application
UCSF CGR’s sponsorship includes the cost of workshop registration, airfare, lodging and incidentals. Applicants must be available to travel to Washington, DC Sunday, March 26 to Wednesday, March 29, 2023.
To apply, please submit responses to the following questions by Friday, February 10 to Applications will be screened by a UCSF review panel and selections will be made by Friday, February 17.
1) Why do you want to participate in the CASE Workshop? Why do you think advocating for science policy is a priority?
2) Please briefly explain your graduate research to a lay audience in terms elected officials with no science background would be able to easily understand.