In this on-site experiential course, we will play with the practical application across the lifespan. What does it look like to bring true play and playfulness into our practice, both in and out of the therapy room? What does it look like to matchmake play and emotion for those you care for and for yourself? With this insight of true play, we can see how play is nature’s design to take care of us, no matter what one’s role. We look forward to playing together with you!
PREREQUISITE: Intensive I: Making Sense of Kids
SUITABILITY: For anyone who would like a better understanding of the dynamics of play in human development, and an opportunity to experience putting play into practice.
FACILITATOR: Tamara Strijack with Tracy Azevedo
DATE: July 17-21, 2023 in Langley, British Columbia, Canada
FEE: $700 early bird rate until May 15, 2023 ($800 afterwards)
Travel and accommodation not included.