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Village of Middlefield

Economic Development

Business E-Newsletter

Middlefield Village - Storefront Renovation Rebate Program

Any exterior repair to the Building is eligible to be funded unless noted otherwise in the program information. The improvements must be made that are visible from the street.

Mayor Garlich and Village Council have approved awards of 50% up to $10,000.00 per project for Façade Projects. $2,000 per project for sign only.

Click Here to get more information and/or Apply

Get Reimbursed to Train Your Employees!

Does your business have training needs? Ohio Means Jobs - Geauga County’s reimbursement program – Incumbent Worker Training (IWT) – will pay to train your employees! IWT reimburses employers to upgrade skills of current eligible employees.

Geauga employers have received over $43,000 in training reimbursements! Geauga employees upgraded their skills in areas such as Arboriculture, Landscaping, Leadership & Management (project management, new supervisor training, interviewing skills & time management) and more!

This program considers the unique skill sets required for your company.

Funding is available, so why not apply?


Requirements for Application Include:

·      Address strategy to retain employees, or increase skill set, and/or business growth

·      Be operating in Geauga County

·      Have full-time employees employed at least six months

·      Employees must be trained by 3rd party training provider


For further details about the training reimbursement program, please feel free to contact me via email or at the phone number below.


Mandy Vacik, MBA, SHRM-SCP

Employment Services Representative, OhioMeansJobs Geauga County

Geauga County Job & Family Services

12611 Ravenwood Drive, Second Floor

Chardon, OH 44024

Phone: 440-285-1108


Vanpool Program

Interested in finding out more information on the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA) Vanpool program?

Contact to set up a program presentation. Or visit their website HERE.

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January Round of TechCred Closes January 31st


The application period for TechCred will close on January 31, 2023 at 3:00pm. TechCred helps businesses address their workforce needs by upskilling current and prospective employees. Businesses of all sizes, from any industry, are eligible for up to $30,000 per round and up to $180,000 per year.


Upcoming 2023 Application Periods:

March 1 - 31, 2023

May 1 - 31, 2023

July 3 - 31, 2023

September 1 - 29, 2023

November 1 - 30, 2023


You can learn more about the program at

Export Assistance & International Engagement

The Ohio Department of Development assists Ohio companies with entering new export markets or increasing their exports. Our Office of Export Assistance and International Engagement helps businesses pay the wages of export-trained interns, reimburses companies for costs associated with exporting, provides in-market support for businesses, and maintains a network of export-focused advisors around the state. your local center..

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