October Monthly Update

As our mountain neighbors continue to recover from the devastating impacts of Hurricane Helene, we will continue to offer valuable updates and support navigating resources. With new information, funding opportunities, and recovery resources coming in daily, check out our Facebook where we'll be sharing this important info as soon as it's distributed.

Resources Following Helene

For a masterlist of recovery information, please visit the

CEFS Resource Webpage.

This site is continuously updated as new information becomes available and includes everything from where to donate, how to volunteer, and recovery information for farmers & business owners.

EMFS Recovery Grant

Due to the extreme needs of our farm & business partners, our funders, the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC), Dogwood Health Trust, and WNC Bridge Foundation are supporting our request to accelerate our grant program for those impacted by Hurricane Helene.


  • Any farm or food hub in the EMFS service region that sustained hurricane damage


  • Up to $3,000 value in necessary supplies including but not limited to: generators, fencing, hoop house repair/replacement, etc.


  • Rolling basis

EMFS Recovery Grant Interest Form

Other Featured Grants & Reimbursements

There is continuous support flowing into our WNC community on a daily basis, both in physical donations like food, water, and other necessities, as well as monetary gifts, grants, and reimbursements. Check out these funding opportunities to help rebuild WNC agriculture.

WNC Communities: Immediate Disaster Needs Grant


  • Any farm with direct damages within WNC Communities’ 20 county service region


  • First round of funding accepting applications now - October 31st
  • Awarded on a rolling basis, prioritizing the most urgent needs first
  • Funds not distributed during the first round will be made available through subsequent application periods

WNC Communities Farm Business Grant

NC Agromedicine Institute:

Health & Safety for Specialty Crops


  • Funds are available now - until exhausted


Grants up to $4,500 are available to assist farms growing specialty crops to make health and safety improvements such as:

  • sanitation equipment & supplies
  • portable hand washing stations
  • generators
  • first aid kits
  • and more

NC Agromedicine Institute Programs

Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project (ASAP): Disaster Assistance

This grant is intended to support farms with significant losses due to disasters.


  • Appalachian Grown certified
  • Nonprofits not eligible


  • Up to $500 to cover immediate needs and expenses towards cleaning, replanting, repairing, or other costs not covered through insurance or other programs

ASAP Disaster Assistance

We're here when you're ready to talk about rebuilding

As we continue to work through the clean up from the aftermath of Hurricane Helene we know that the future of your business may be unknown.

We’re providing free business services within our 12 county footprint assisting growers and producers, food hubs, restaurants, and any additional WNC agricultural stakeholders in navigating recovery resources, pivoting business plans, and more.

Schedule a 1:1 Session with Jennifer

Jennifer Badger

Area Specialized Agent - Agribusiness

Upcoming Events

Out of respect for our communities we have decided to cancel all October events. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to reschedule these workshops when the time is right. Check our events webpage for the most up to date information.

AgriBusiness Series: Agri-Tourism

Thursday 11/07/2024

5:30 –7:00 p.m.

Regional High Tech Center

Have you wondered about adding agri-tourism to your farm operations or starting a new agri-tourism venture? Come to this introductory session to learn about the basic considerations and regulations before you launch your operation. Laura Lauffer has been working at NCSU and agri-tourism operators to build and promote agri-tourism throughout the region. Learn about local examples and there will be plenty of time for questions and sharing.

There is no cost to attend.

Registration through the Haywood Community College Small Business Center

Hurricane Helene Farmer Resource Summit

Save the Date - 11/18/2024

Haywood County Cooperative Extension Center

Get all your questions related to hurricane recovery answered, including:

  • When, where, and why to soil test
  • How to ensure food safety
  • Considerations when resuming operations
  • What grants, loans, or reimbursements you're eligible for
  • and more

Agency collaborations:

NC Cooperative Extension, FSA, NCDA, NRCS, Soil & Water

There is no cost to attend.

Save the date - Registration forthcoming

Food Truck Boot Camp

March 10-13 2025

Cherokee Tribal Food Distribution

Everything you need to know about growing and starting a food truck business! Cost to attend is $175-200, attendees can join for one day or all three days. There are limited spaces so secure your spot today!

Food Truck Boot Camp Registration

WNC Farm Succession School

Thursday 3/27/2025

9:00 am-3:30 pm

WNC Regional Livestock Center

Join us to learn more about common challenges that farmers and landowners face when transitioning the farm to the next generation - and gain access to strategies and resources to overcome these. Cost to attend is $25.

WNC Farm Succession School Eventbrite Registration

CEFS is a partnership of North Carolina State University, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, and the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.