October 2024

The Changing Season Is Not Just About Falling Leaves

by Hulen Bivins, Executive Director

Schools across Mississippi have now started a new year of learning. This event affects the lives of both students and their parents. Also affected are the teachers who research and prepare lessons as well as the public librarians who, while serving their communities, aid the student’s research as well the research of parents who, in the home, help decipher the teachers’ educational assignments.

It is important to note, however, that this education process usually begins long before any child begins their formal studies in a brick/mortar building. Whether it is learning the primary colors, how to tie the laces of shoes, or learning one’s ABCs, it is an educational process at work. 

For me, the changing season brings memories of the NBC-TV show of the 1950s called “Ding Dong School” hosted by Miss Frances. On each show, she started with a loud ringing of her school bell and then immediately began her teachings of the day which included beginning math, vocabulary enrichment, and crafts. Indeed, “Ding Dong School” was a highlight probably exceeded only by the “Kukla, Fran and Ollie” show, also on NBC-TV.

So, as the summer months have now drawn to a close, it is time for many children and adults to strengthen their learning skills so that all family members can meet new challenges and learning experiences. While students may have apprehension about new teachers and new subjects, youth may wonder how they can juggle their respective curriculum and part-time work at a local retail business, and parents attempt to recall their learning during years prior, each shall have challenges. Questions such as Who was Chester Arthur? What is photosynthesis? How does the gene pool of a creature influence the color and traits of offspring? Or, where was the Three Mile Island Nuclear Station located and how did it become newsworthy?  

It is the common hope of all to have a successful learning process. To aid this quest for success, the Mississippi Library Commission provides a collection of databases that aids students, kindergarten to adult, and parents of any age. These databases feature a diverse collection of knowledge that can help be effective in an individual’s learning and importantly, in their self-esteem. These databases are designed to help any student pass any class and achieve those minimum standards that are required.

The availability of these databases is as close to any user as the user’s computer. And instructional assistance on how to use these databases is as close as the public library in the communities of Mississippi. The primary databases available are MAGNOLIA, Learning Express, and Britannica. Tips on how to use the databases can be obtained at the public library.

The Mississippi Library Commission provides training instructors who can conduct scheduled learning sessions at the local public library and other localities in Mississippi. Users need to have a library card to facilitate a login. There is no cost for usage.

Enjoy the changing season.

News from the Commission

MLC Staff Attends NLS Conference

Staff from MLC’s Talking Book Services attended the National Library Service conference in Washington, DC.

MLC attends events like this to continue to provide exceptional services to enhance the lives of Mississippians with disabilities.

If you or someone you know could benefit from these free services, please contact us at 1-800-446-0892 (toll-free) or 601-432-4151 or email at

Visit our website for more informtion:

Pictured L-R are Megan Fleming, Talking Books Outreach; Miranda Loper, Talking Books Services Director; Jennifer Lena, Deputy Executive Director; and JD Burns, Talking Books Patron Services Coordinator.

Theresa Buntyn receives her appointment certificate from MLC Executive Director Hulen Bivins.

MLC Board (L-R): Lori Barnes, Jolee Hussey, Stephen Cunetto- Chair, Ann Marsh--Vice Chair, and Theresa Buntyn.

MLC Welcomes Women's Federation Board Member

Theresa H. Buntyn has been selected to fill the MLC Board seat for the Women's Federation of Mississippi. She has served as the State President for the GFWC-MFWC during the 2022-2024 administration, bringing with her a rich and memorable history with the organization. A dedicated member of the Decatur Woman’s Club since 1989, Theresa has held various leadership positions, including Club President and District President.

She deeply appreciates the commitment of clubs across the state in promoting her President's Special Project (PSP), which focuses on public libraries, education, and literacy. Theresa has actively engaged with club members throughout the state, participating in initiatives that enhance library services, and she is eager to hear and share the success stories of these efforts.

MLC at the MS Book Festival

MLC attended the Mississippi Book Festival on September 14th, 2024. There were over 8,100 people who attended the festival this year, and MLC had lots of visitors in our Pop-Up Library exhibit. Our exhibit included our book bike (pictured to the right), information about MAGNOLIA, and MLC’s services to the public as well as information about our Talking Book Services.

MLC Staff attends the MS Technology Users Group Conference

The MS Technology User Group (MSTUG) is a non-profit trade association for the State of Mississippi employees who work in state, local and education technology jobs. A major MSTUG mission component is providing education to our members, especially of products, services, and practices.

At the Fall Summit, MLC's Technology Department attended classes on cyber security, risk response for asset management, data protection, and AI.

Find out more about MSTUG at To request tech help or training for your library, contact the Technology Services Help Desk at: 1.877.652.8324 or

News and Opportunities for Libraries

Professional Development Materials

MLC provides professional development collections for check out by public libraries. Examples include

  • Supporting People to Live Well with Dementia: A Guide for Library Services by Sarah McNicol, which “describes how libraries can effectively develop, promote and evaluate services for people with dementia,” as well as their caregivers.
  • The Teen Library Internship Handbook by Diane P. Tuccillo, which gives guidance on how libraries seeking to launch or grow their teen internships can do so with examples from various library settings, testimonials by interns and librarians, and advice on gaining feedback and assessing outcomes.

Interested in checking out these or any other title from MLC? Feel free to ILL them! MLC’s reference staff are also happy to give suggestions if you’re looking for information on a certain topic. You can contact us at 601-432-4492,, or use our live chat on our Information Services page.

Libraries Transforming Communities: Accessible Small and Rural Communities Grant

Libraries selected for this grant will receive $10,000 or $20,000 to support costs related to their community engagement project; virtual training to assist project directors in developing their community engagement, facilitation, and disability service skills; a suite of online resources developed to support local programs; and technical and project support from the ALA Public Programs Office throughout the grant term. To be eligible, a library must have a legal area population of 25,000 or less and be located at least five miles from an urbanized area, in keeping with the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) definitions of small and rural libraries.

Up to 300 libraries will be awarded in this application period. Previous awardees from round one and/or two are eligible to apply. Note that prioritization will be given to applicants not previously awarded.


Interested applicants can register for a pre-application webinar on October 10, 2024 at 12:00 pm CST.

Apply online by December 11, 2024.

Digitizing Hidden Collections: Amplifying Unheard Voices Grant

The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) is offering a grant to support digitizing rare and unique materials. In 2008, the Council on Library and Information Resources, supported by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, initiated the Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives program to improve cataloging methods for rare collections. This program arose from the need for standardized, efficient cataloging to enhance scholarly access to unique cultural heritage online. The program aimed to foster a shared understanding of the importance of standardized descriptions for local special materials.

The call for initial applications is open through October 30th. Please connect with your designated consultant if you would like assistance applying for the grant.

Apply for an Award • CLIR

Let's Play America Grant

Beginning now, public libraries across America are eligible for up to $3,000 that can be used in support of StoryWalk® initiatives.

The non-profit organization has made available this funding as part of their United States Community Play Fund.

Here is how it works:

1.   You create a project page on

2.   You complete a 30 Day Challenge

3.   You activate your project

4.   You share your impact on

We’re glad to see that this non-profit has recognized the transformative potential of StoryWalk® initiatives, and we hope to see Mississippi libraries participate!

Find out more at Connecting Communities Through Stories (

The continuing education program is an important part of MLC’s services to the public library community. Each year the Mississippi Library Commission provides a skills development program with training opportunities in both traditional and emerging library services. Click the image for our continuing education options.

Need specific training for your library staff? Use our electronic form to get the training you need: Class Request Form

Catch up on the Stacks and Stories Podcast

Stacks and Stories is a fun and informative podcast focusing on books, reading and Mississippi libraries. Use your favortie podcast app to listen in:

Stacks and Stories | Mississippi Library Commission (

Spotify, Amazon, and Podchaser. Or you can follow us on YouTube for the Pop-Up version of our podcast.

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