NEW! Sicce's Jolly Pre-set heaters are extremely durable made from virtually unbreakable plastic units that can be placed beneath aquarium gravel or sand. This preset model is precisely calibrated to 77°F and features thermal protection to prevent overheating once the preset temperature is achieved. It will also turn off if the heater runs dry. They are ideal for small nano or pico aquariums, terrariums, and paludariums. These heaters come with chew-safe cord covers and underwater stickers that mimic rock, wood, and plant textures to help blend the heater in with various environments. Sicce Jolly Pre-set heaters 12W $27.99 (up to 3.2 gal), 25W $29.99 (up to 6.6 gal.), 35W $34.99 (up to 9.2 gal.).
Holiday Hours: Open 11AM to 5PM X-mas Eve, closed X-mas Day, Open 11AM to 5PM New Year's Eve, Open 11AM to 7PM New Year's Day.
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Bullet Hole Snowflake $85 ~ 25% OFF $63.75! | This Sustainable Aquatics designer clown is created from a cross between an SA Fancy Ocellaris and an SA Snowflake Ocellaris. They are characterized by the irregular white patterns having a more "rounded" appearance sometimes with spots, a bright red-orange body color outlined by dark black edges. Many of them also develop a blue hued border on the inside edges of the white as they mature. Like snowflakes no two are the same. The SA Bullet Hole Snowflake maxes out at 3.5 inches and requires at least a 10 gallon tank and do not require an anemone to thrive. This is a peaceful easy care level reef safe fish. | |
Red Leg Hermit $2.50 ~ 25% OFF $1.88! | A staple component to most cleaner crews this is a busy hermit, constantly plucking at the rockwork or substrate. If there are no empty shells present the Clibanarius tricolor may attack and kill snails simply to steal their shells. Like its Red Leg cousin, the Red Leg Hermit serves as an ideal member of your marine or reef aquarium's cleanup crew. The Blue Leg Hermit maxes out at 1 inch and requires at least a 3 gallon aquarium with abandoned snail shells of various sizes and plenty of algae and live rock to graze upon. This is an easy care level reef-safe invert. | |
Neon Dottyback $45 ~ 25% OFF $33.75! | The Sustainable Aquatics Pseudochromis aldabraensis is certainly my favorite dottyback which are a great addition to the moderately aggressive nano reef or reef tank. They are best kept with larger more dominant species like damsels, clown fish, tangs, etc. Unless you are an expert they are best kept singly and do not keep this fish with gobies or shrimps! One great thing is these guys feed heavily on Bristle Worms even those seemingly too large to swallow. The Neon Dottyback maxes out at 4 inches and requires at least a 10 gallon tank with a full hood to prevent jumping. This is an aggressive easy care level reef-safe fish. | |
Trochus Snail $6 ~ 25% OFF $4.50! |
Unlike many of its close relatives the Trochus Snail can right itself when knocked over. This Snail is well suited for reef aquariums and are great grazers. As a general rule, you can keep one snail for every two to three gallons of aquarium water. The Trochus sp. Snail is very peaceful and because of its shell shape, it is not easily eaten by crabs. Perhaps what many aquarists appreciate the most is the ease with which Banded Trochus Snails seem to breed in the home aquarium. The Red Banded Trochus Snail maxes out at 1 inch and requires at least a 5 gallon aquarium with plenty of live rock for grazing. This is a peaceful easy care level very reef-safe invert.
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Hybrid Sevrums 20% OFF all sizes! | Fish Gallery now has a variety of sizes of Red Spot Green Severum hybrids! The Severum (Heros efasciatus) is a popular and versatile freshwater cichlid native to the slow-moving rivers and floodplains of the Amazon Basin in South America. These fish can grow up to 8 inches (20 cm) in length, making them a centerpiece for medium to large aquariums. Severums are omnivorous, enjoying a varied diet of high-quality pellets, flakes, live or frozen foods like bloodworms and brine shrimp, and vegetables such as peas or zucchini. They are known for their gentle temperament compared to other cichlids, as well as their variety of color morphs, including green, gold, and turquoise varieties. To care for Severums, provide a tank of at least 55 gallons with soft, slightly acidic to neutral water, temperatures between 75–84°F (24–29°C), and plenty of swimming space alongside hiding spots like driftwood, caves, and plants. Regular water changes and efficient filtration are essential to maintain water quality and support their overall health and vibrant colors. | |
Betta Fish 20% OFF all varieties! |
A Perfect beginner fish just right for the holidays, The Betta (Betta splendens), also known as the Siamese Fighting Fish, is a vibrant and hardy freshwater species native to the shallow rice paddies, ponds, and slow-moving streams of Southeast Asia, particularly Thailand and Cambodia. Bettas typically grow to about 2.5–3 inches (6–8 cm) in length and are renowned for their spectacular fins and vivid colors, ranging from reds and blues to iridescent greens. They are carnivorous, thriving on a diet of high-protein pellets, live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp and bloodworms, and occasional daphnia. Known for their territorial nature, males should be housed alone or with carefully selected tankmates to prevent aggression. To care for Bettas, maintain a tank of at least 5 gallons with warm water between 76–82°F (24–28°C), a gentle filter, and plenty of hiding spots like plants and decorations. Regular water changes, avoiding strong currents, and keeping their environment clean are crucial for their health and stunning appearance.
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NeoCaridina Shrimp 20% OFF all colors! | Looking for a colorful cleanup crew or even a fun breeding project? The NeoCaridina Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi), also known as the Cherry Shrimp or by various color morph names (e.g., Blue Dream or Bloody Mary), is a small freshwater shrimp native to Taiwan. These shrimp grow to about 1–1.5 inches (2.5–4 cm) in length and are prized for their vibrant colors, which range from red and blue to orange and yellow. They are scavengers, feeding on biofilm, algae, plant detritus, and sinking shrimp pellets or algae wafers, making them excellent tank cleaners. Known for their hardy nature and peaceful demeanor, they thrive in planted aquariums where they can forage and hide among the vegetation. To care for them, maintain stable water conditions with a pH of 6.5–8.0, temperatures between 68–78°F (20–25°C), and a well-established aquarium with minimal predators. Regular water changes and avoiding copper-based medications are crucial to keeping them healthy and promoting breeding in the right conditions. | |
Lake Malawi Cichids 20% OFF all varieties! |
Cichlids from Lake Malawi, collectively referred to as Malawi Cichlids, belong to various species, with popular groups including the Mbuna (rock-dwelling species), Peacock Cichlids (Aulonocara), and Haps (Haplochromis). These vibrant fish are native to Lake Malawi in East Africa, where they have evolved into hundreds of distinct species due to the lake's diverse habitats. Depending on the species, they range from 4 to 10 inches (10–25 cm) in size. Most Malawi Cichlids are omnivorous or herbivorous, feeding on algae, biofilm, and small invertebrates, while some species have specialized diets. They are known for their striking colors, territorial behavior, and complex social hierarchies. To care for them, provide a spacious tank of at least 55 gallons with a rocky aquascape to mimic their natural habitat, water temperatures between 76–82°F (24–28°C), and a stable alkaline pH (7.5–8.5). Maintaining excellent water quality, avoiding overcrowding, and feeding a species-appropriate diet are essential for their health and to showcase their vivid colors.
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Red Head Tapajos Geo 20% OFF! | The Geophagus Redhead Tapajos (Geophagus sp. 'Red Head Tapajos') is a stunning freshwater cichlid native to the Tapajós River in Brazil, part of the Amazon Basin. These peaceful and colorful fish can grow up to 6–8 inches (15–20 cm) in length and are known for their striking red coloration on the head and shimmering body. They are omnivorous, sifting through substrate to feed on small invertebrates, plant matter, and high-quality pellets or flakes supplemented with live or frozen foods like bloodworms and brine shrimp. Unique for their substrate-sifting behavior, they add activity and charm to the aquarium as they constantly forage and rearrange the substrate. To care for them, provide a tank of at least 55 gallons with sandy substrate, smooth rocks, driftwood, and plenty of swimming space. Maintain water temperatures of 75–82°F (24–28°C), slightly acidic to neutral pH, and excellent filtration with regular water changes to support their health and vibrant colors. | |
Fish Gallery - Athens
230 Old Epps Bridge Rd
Athens, GA 30606
Phone: 706.546.1337
Hours: Monday to Saturday 11AM - 7PM, Sunday 12PM - 7PM
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