December 22, 2024


Sunday Before Nativity

Orthros/Matins 830am

Click here for a PDF of the Service

Divine Liturgy 930am

Click here for a PDF of the Liturgy

Memorial Service

Ioannis Mitsou (4 years)

For those that are not able to join us in person we welcome you to participate virtually by clicking here

Saints Celebrated Today

Click below to learn more about the Saints we celebrate on this day:

Sunday of the Forefathers (from Adam to Joseph the Betrothed)

Anastasia the Great Martyr

Commemoration of the Door Opening and Consecration of Agia Sophia in Constantinople


Click Here to offer your prayers for those in need of prayer.

Click here to download A PRAYER IN TIME OF NEED



Click on the image above to download the current or previous Children's Word publications.

Click Here for This Week’s Theme: The Most Important Book

Light a Virtual Candle

Did you know that you can light a Virtual Candle from your computer?


Simply click on the picture and you will be taken to our website where you can light virtual candles. There are 3 easy steps:

  1. Take your computer mouse over the candles on the table.
  2. Click on a candle to pick it up and bring it the the virtual flame.
  3. Light your candle and hover over the candlestand until the base is highlighted, click on your mouse and the candle will be placed in the virtual sand!

We thank the Library/Museum Committee for overseeing the setup of the online program and of course the Internet Ministries Department of the Archdiocese who is able to make this happen!

ALTAR CANDLES - Today's Altar candles are sponsored in loving memory of George & Mabel Dallas by Franceen Flynn. Altar candles on Wednesday, December 25 are sponsored in loving memory of Evangelos B. Tsingos by Basso Tsingos and family

FELLOWSHIP COFFEE HOUR ACTIVITIES TODAY - Following the Divine Services today will have a "Special Guest" in a Red Suit" that will take pictures with students of our Sunday School and all those who will be in the Community Center. There are activities planned for our young ones to enjoy on this Sunday before Christmas. We thank Lisa Pavlopoulos for leading the events on this day!

THANK YOU - To the Sunday School students, Director and teachers who offered the Pageant last week. We thank them for a wonderful presentation and all the hard work that went into it!

ORTHODOXY 101Has completed its sessions, beginning with Church History, Scripture & Tradition along with learning about the Mysteries/Sacraments of the Faith. Beginning in the New Year be on the lookout for Orthodoxy 201 which will focus on The Divine Liturgy.

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY - The Families in Transition (FIT) Soup Kitchen serve hundreds of families and individuals in the community who need help. The Assumption Parish has requested to help on the 4th Sunday of every month. Starting on Sunday, January 28th from 430-630pm they once again nbegan support the Soup Kitchen with 4 volunteers. Anyone who is 16 or oder can volunteer to help! If you are passionate about making a difference in your community, there is no better time than right now to join our volunteer team! Please contact Sophia Koustas if you are interested in volunteering!

ORATORICAL FESTIVAL CHAIRPERSON - Please see Fr. Demetri if you would like to help organize the Parish Oratorical Festival.

UPCOMING MEMORIAL SERVICES – December 29: George Lalopoulos (3 years); January 12, Marylin Motowylak (1 year); January 19, Demetrios Dellas (2 years), Theodore Karametros (3 years), James Dellas (7 years).


Tues. Dec 24


Christmas Eve

Vesperal Divine Liturgy 430pm

Wed. Dec 25

Holy Nativity/ Christmas Day

Matins 730am

Divine Liturgy 830am


Sat. Dec 28

Basketball Clinic 9am

Sun. Dec 29

830am Matins/Orthros

930am Divine Liturgy

Memorial Service

Library Speaker Series Presentation

“DO DROP IN” ON THURSDAYS – Is taking a break for the holidays and will resume on Thursday, January 16.

SPONSORED COFFEE HOUR –December 29 in memory of George Lalopoulos, January 12 in memory of Marilyn Motowylak, January 19 in memory of Demetrios Dellas, Theodore Karametros and James Dellas.


The choir meets on Thursday at 6pm to practice. Please come make a joyful noise with us - no experience necessary! Come to practice and try it out. Please see Cathy our Choir Director for more information.

CALENDAR ITMES - Please go to the St. Geoge website calendar (click here) for the up-to-date calendar. Sometimes the schedule changes after the monthly calendar has been printed.

SPONSOR A BOOK – Please consider sponsoring a copy of Introducing the Orthodox Church: Its Faith and Life by Anthony M. Coniaris. By sponsoring a printed copy at $32 or a Kindle copy at $10, someone interested in learning about the Orthodox faith will receive a complimentary copy.

CADILLAC 50/50 RAFFLE TICKETS AVAILABLE - Purchase a 50/50 raffle ticket for the Cadillac Ball now! The winner will be drawn at the event - you do not need to be present to win. See Toula Barber or contact the office.


Takes place every Sunday

We ask that all parents/legal guardians register their child(ren) for the 2024-25 year by simply clicking this link


Bread has been the emblem of God’s providence for us, throughout humanity’s history. Both physical (bread as food) and spiritual - the επιούσιον (epiousion) or “supersubstantial” bread of the Lord’s prayer, the bread of Holy Communion.

In the Orthodox Christian church, the pinnacle of our worship is union with Christ, both spiritually but also physically, by consuming the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Since the Last Supper, before every Divine Liturgy, one or more of the faithful prepare and bring bread to church to be used as the Body of Christ in the Eucharist. The Orthodox church is liturgical. For those of us who bake prosphoro, the liturgy begins as we prepare to bake!

Prosphoro is an offering to God, made from His material gifts to us, and prepared lovingly and prayerfully.

A special website is available to share with the faithful this ‘proper’ method of preparation of the holy gift according to the Greek Orthodox tradition. Please click here to learn how to bake this beautiful offering.