December 2024

Gaudet Umbrella Ministries

An Invitation to Participate in

Gaudet Umbrella Ministries in 2025

Dear Friends in Christ,

As I planned out our program year, I focused on creating opportunities and spaces that would allow us to connect more deeply with others, understanding their experiences and emotions with kindness and compassion. By embracing empathy, this unity enables us to look beyond our boundaries and truly see and connect with those around us, building stronger relationships within our neighborhoods and communities. 

The Lens of Seeing the Beloved is our commitment to supporting and uplifting our lay leaders and clergy -- a transformative journey to walking alongside each other, supporting another on their spiritual path with Jesus, and witnessing the awe-inspiring, transformative power of God's love in their lives and ours. This faithful journey has the potential for creating positive change, growing what already lies within each of us, and inspiring hope and a sense of purpose.

I’ve attached our 2025 working calendar, a color-coded document that illuminates much of our year’s offerings, trainings, and opportunities to serve. Your participation and unique contribution is welcomed and needed.

What area are you curious about? What specific initiative matters most to you right now? The beauty of the Gaudet Umbrella is that all these areas are interconnected and by contributing to one, you actively strengthen the whole. 


Tamika Gerhardt

The Frances Joseph Gaudet Missioner for Congregational Vitality & Beloved Community

Gaudet Umbrella Calendar

Use this QR code to get Gaudet Umbrella Ministries updates!

For the Whole Family

Bishop Duckworth will celebrate Eucharist and Rev. Audra Ryes will preach.

9:00 AM: Items can be dropped off at Historic St. Luke's

9:30 AM: Eucharist

10 AM - Noon: Day of Service

Service Day Activities Include:

Neighborhood litter cleanup - EDOLA youth groups

Creating new community gardens - Environmental Evangelism Commission

Assembling hygiene bags - St. George's, NOLA

Sorting & storing canned goods - Historic St. Luke's Little Food Pantry

Sorting children's books - Historic St. Luke's summer camps

Gaudet/MLK Tours - Historic St. Luke's, NOLA

Weaving plastic mats for the homeless - Ministry of St. Paul's, NOLA

Collections of the following:

Plastic shopping bags

Canned goods only (Can be dropped off at Historic St. Luke’s the day of the event, starting at 9 AM.)

Children's books

Another great way to participate:

Purchase needed supplies directly from our Amazon Wishlist HERE!

Contact Tamika Gerhardt at with questions.

Recent Ordinations

The Reverend Deacon Joan Weber

Ordained to the Transitional Diaconate

December 11, 2024

Trinity Episcopal Church, Baton Rouge

The Reverend Austin Wendt

Ordained to the Sacred Order of Priests

December 14, 2024

St. James Episcopal Church, Baton Rouge

Clergy Info

Clergy Conference Registration Deadline: Dec. 23

Please note that staying at Solomon Center on Monday night is optional. You are invited to come early for some retreat time. The Clergy Conference work begins Tuesday and ends Wednesday, 01/7-1/08.

Register for Clergy Conference

Three-year Priest-in-Charge to Rector position

Christ Episcopal Church, Slidell 


Part-time or Bi-vocational Priest-in-Charge

Trinity Episcopal Church, Morgan City

Priest Associate for Christian Formation

Trinity Episcopal Church, Baton Rouge

Read Full Job Postings

Happenings Around the Diocese

St. Paul's Returns Sacred Land to Atakapa-Ishak/Chawasha Tribe

Louisiana tribe celebrates 'rematriation' of 600 acres, returned by New Orleans church

[Episcopal News Service] St. Paul's Episcopal Church in New Orleans, Louisiana, is nowhere near Lemon Tree Mound. So, it was something of a surprise a few years ago when the congregation learned th...

Read Full Episcopal News Service Article

Next Steps for the Little Box of Good News™

Our first box has been mailed out to test families. It's been exciting receiving photos and messages from the eager recipients!

Also, stay tuned for The Little Podcast of Good News.

The office coffee spot is being converted into a podcast studio, Father Ron is working up some podcast intro music, and Grace Rose is putting together her list of wise people to interview.

We are thrilled to share the Good News in this new way!

For information about how your family can receive their own Little Box of Good News™, contact

Camp Able NOLA Christmas Party

Camp Able NOLA participants shared in Christmas cheer, decorating ornaments and cookies, at Christ Church Cathedral on Saturday, Dec. 14. Celebrated local singer, Dodie Piper, led everyone in song.

More ornament decorating is happening on Thursday, Dec. 19, from 5:30-6:30 PM at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, New Orleans.

We'd love to feature your parish and parishioners here, too!

Please share photos of your ministries and community events so we can all see and celebrate the good work that is happening all around the diocese.

Submission Link

Retreats & Special Events

@ Solomon Center

Women Gather in Community Series:

10/10/2024 - 05/08/2025 9 AM- 2 PM

01/09: Living from Our Spiritual Hearts with The Rev. Ani Vidrine

02/13 Dream with Martha Tennison, LCSW


01/06 - 01/08

EDOLA Clergy Conference

Please note that staying at Solomon Center on Monday night is optional. You are invited to come early for some retreat time. The Clergy Conference work begins Tuesday and ends Wednesday, 01/7-1/08.

Register for Clergy Conference


EDOLA Women's Recovery 2025

Details & Booking

Other Events Around the Diocese



Out of the Darkness: A Blue Christmas Service

@ St. Michael's Episcopal Church, Mandeville


St. Michael's Episcopal Church warmly invites you to our Blue Christmas Service, a quiet and contemplative gathering designed to offer hope and healing for those navigating this difficult season.

This service, themed "Out of the Darkness," provides a space to pause, reflect, and be reminded of the light of Christ shining even in the darkest corners of our lives. Whether you’ve faced loss, sadness, or any form of hardship, you are not alone.

Come as you are to experience peace, solace, and the reassurance of God’s unending love. All are welcome.

For more information, please contact us at 985-626-5781 or



Clergy Conference

@ Solomon Episcopal Conference Center

Please note that staying at Solomon Center on Monday night is optional. You are invited to come early for some retreat time. The Clergy Conference work begins Tuesday and ends Wednesday, 01/7-1/08.

Register for Clergy Conference


Inclusive Louisiana Spiritual Retreat

@ Solomon Episcopal Conference Center

Register for Inclusive Louisiana Spiritual Retreat


Third Sunday Concert Series: Shades of Praise Gospel Choir

@ Christ Church Episcopal Church, Covington

Doors at 4:30 PM



EDOLA'S MLK Day of Service

@ Historic St. Luke's Episcopal Church, New Orleans

(see details close to the top of this newsletter)


Ministry Conference

@ Solomon Episcopal Conference Center 


Dismantling Racism Training

@ Trinitity, NOLA

9 AM - 3 PM

The EDOLA Racial Healing Commission invites you to a brave space of learning and growth in order to faithfully engage in the work of healing and wholeness to which God is calling us.

Based on the Dismantling Racism training offered through the Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing in Atlanta, Georgia, this training will “seek to increase racial healing and reconciliation."

This training is for all members of the church and is especially appropriate for clergy, church staff, and ministry leaders

Lunch will be provided.




Courageous Conversation Series: Racial Healing Commission


Zoom link:

Let’s have conversations that matter because you matter! Feel free to eat your lunch during this online gathering.

Walking in Love. Making Jesus Known. Transforming Lives.