Strategic Planning July Update

Dear Campus Community,

The Strategic Planning Task Force has begun its work to help craft our strategic plan for the next 5 years (2023-2028). It is anticipated that the next STCC Strategic Plan will outline broad institutional priorities, clarify our value proposition, and potentially establish key objectives and tactics used to reach those objectives. The Strategic Planning Task Force will partner with Campus Works to ensure an external view, including researching and reviewing key data, reports, and the higher education landscape, to determine our strategic positioning as a technical institution. The strategic planning process will continue to be inclusive and collaborative and include multiple engagement opportunities for stakeholder participation. Based on the input yielded through the process, a strategic plan will be drafted for review by all of our communities, with ultimate approval coming from both the STCC Board of Trustees as well as the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education. The Strategic Planning Task Force, which represents all areas of the College and a range of years of service, started meeting on April 22, 2022, and is now in its research phase of the process. Its research is focused on 5 key areas listed below.
Research Focus Areas
Focus: College stakeholders including students, community, alumni, donors, families, the Massachusetts Department of Education, etc.

Grounding Question: How are we a resource, a catalyst for change, or a means of transformation for any of these groups?
Nursing students using SIMS Medical Center™
Focus: Resources such as financial, human, technology, Library, training/Professional Development, etc.

Grounding Question: In what ways do we identify and use our resources to fulfill our mission?
Focus: Processes/functions/operations as Facilities, budget, policies, ITS, HR, student enrollment lifecycle (from recruiting/admissions to course advising and registration to graduation/completion), etc.

Grounding Question: What are the most recent and greatest efficiencies in place that help us serve our students?
Focus: DEI (Diversity Equity, Inclusion), in such areas as developmental education reform, hiring practices, affirmative action, Title IX, HSI identity, campus culture, student learning and success outcomes, etc.

Grounding Question: How have we defined/prioritized DEI in the lived experiences of our students, including the classroom, and in support of employees?
Partnerships & Innovations

Focus: Current and future partnerships and innovations such as pipeline programs, Workforce Development, continuing education, industry-current technology, teaching & learning, co-curricular/experiential programs, etc.

Grounding Question: In what ways have new ideas bubbled up, become embraced, and then executed? What’s established and successful? Where do opportunities exist? How will STCC embrace online given the mission of access?
Engagement Opportunities
We want to hear your voice! Employee and student participation will help steer our vision for our future and will be greatly needed as we host our engagement opportunities this fall. We encourage all to participate and we will communicate more information when available.
If you are not able to attend an engagement opportunity, we encourage you to reach out directly to us with your thoughts and ideas. Where do you want to see STCC in 5 years? Is there any critical information or data we should consider? We invite anyone with questions or feedback to share to email us at and we will get back to you to answer your question or acknowledge your input. Your feedback is valuable and appreciated.

For more information about the strategic planning process, please see the following webpages.