Monthly News & Updates

October 3, 2023

The Road to Red!

The countdown is underway! Advance voting will begin in just under three weeks. All registered voters were mailed information from the election office on advance voting, voting locations, and registration deadlines. Most notable was a PRE-FILLED advance mail ballot application. If you signed and returned this, you should receive your ballot by October 21st. If not, please contact election commissioner Fred Sherman at 913-715-6800 as you don't want your ballot being lost or delivered elsewhere.

If you did NOT receive this application (it was attached to the other information), then you should also call Fred Sherman and let him know. He is pushing for a mail-in election, so he needs to be aware of any mail issues that could potentially affect ballot delivery. Either way, the application has personal information on it, so shred it before you toss it in the trash. I was told this week by the election office that over 20K of these applications had been returned so far. That is a HUGE return, and likely not to be ours, so make a PLAN TO VOTE! Don't wait till the last day, but vote on paper and request a hand count envelope, if you prefer.

The office has seen a flurry of activity! We've been assembling campaign lit, making GOTV (Get Out The Vote) calls, and deploying signs. If you want to join in the action, please call the office and leave a message for Karen Berger, our volunteer coordinator.

Speaking of GOTV, our voter guides are ready! See the article in this newsletter about how to get yours mailed to Republicans in your precinct.

In addition to campaign volunteering, the office hosted five other Republican group meetings in our new meeting space, as well as a host of JCRP committee meetings. If you have not had a chance to drop by yet, we look forward to seeing you!

All ages helping get walkers' lit ready.


Volunteers of the Month

Not possible to list everyone this month! Huge thanks to the myriad of volunteers who assembled and delivered signs, bagged campaign literature, and made phone calls. We have fun as we work, and we'd love to have you!

There are lots of things to do between now and election night. Come join us! The office is open 10 AM - 4 PM, Monday though Friday. Candidates are in and out, so you never know who you might meet. We have things you can do from home, as well, if you want to help.

A HIGHLY organized late-night sign deployment underway.

Voter Guides Available

Voter guides will be emailed to precinct people and leaders of auxiliary groups. A county-wide voter guide will be posted and emailed. The JCRP website lists all of the eligible Republicans filed in each race.

Many people do not vote in local races because they simply do not know who to vote for. Often, friends will ask for a "cheat sheet" from those who they know are paying attention. They will go vote if we help them feel informed. Please share the voter guides far and wide!

$200 will cover the cost of mailing and texting a voter guide to Republicans in a precinct. Many voters need a mailed piece they can carry into the polls. We have over 600 precincts. If you would like to contribute to this cause, please contact the office at 913-341-8683, and leave your name and number. You can mail a check to PO Box 12446, Overland Park, KS 66282 or you can contribute online by clicking the button "Mail Voter Guide" below.

Mail Voter Guide

Example of Lenexa Voter Guide


Over the months leading up to the general election, we we've had candidates from various races here to speak to us. This month, we have invited our water board and mayoral candidates.

Lori Holmes, owner of Motomama's Munchies, will be back--this time with her famous pot roast meal. She will accommodate all dietary restrictions.

Elephant Club memberships are $100. The member lunch price is $25, and guests are $35. Reservations are requested by the Friday before in order to give a headcount to the caterer. Please make your reservation by Friday, October 13th.

The Ice Cream Social was a huge success! Thanks to the KC Scoop Coupe for scooping over 200 dishes/cones! Great turnout!


October 5: Faithful Patriots, 6:30pm @TRCC

October 9: NEJCRW, 11:30 @ Pegah's

October 12: JoCo Young Republicans, 6:30pm @ JCRP office

October 14: Sunflower Club, 9:00am @JCRP office

October 16: Last day to register to vote for the November election

October 17 : Elephant Club, 11:30am @ JCRP office

October 18: Advance Ballots mailed

October 19: 6:30 Starlight Women's Club, 6:30 @VFW on Pflumm

October 23: NEJCC, 6:30pm @ JCRP office

October 28: Advance in-person voting begins

October 31: Last day to request an advance mail ballot

Nov. 7 - Election Day! See details for watch party below.

Details on events can be found on our webpage at

Election Night Watch Party!

We are opening our office for an election night party! Music, a raffle, straw poll, TVs for watching the results come in, food and drinks, awesome gifts, games and more!

Some fun surprises will be revealed later this month.

$25 per person includes two drink tickets, charcuterie box (no one goes hungry!), raffle ticket, and straw poll ticket. Reservations to be purchased in advance. Ticket packets will be available for pick-up beginning October 15th.

Get My Watch Party Ticket Now!

Overland Park Residents - Your Voice Requested

Please take a moment to complete this survey on what Overland Park is considering for the future. This will directly affect your taxes. Someone has to pay for this, and it won't be the developers. This is your chance to tell them to curb their spending!


If you plan to walk for candidates and have not yet downloaded Numinar, please do so here. A simple tutorial is available HERE. This will be the campaign app that we will use. We'll no longer be supporting i360 or Sidekick. You'll find Numinar is a superior product that uses the same data as previous RNC-approved applications.


Precinct People: We have quite a few Precinct Committee vacancies that need to be filled. Be a leader in your neighborhood! Training available.

Volunteers: Campaigns will be in full swing next month. We need additional people to man the JCRP office and to help candidates. Please call the office at 913-341-8683, and someone will reach out to you.

Your Input Is Needed!

What would you like to see?

Please share your input on what you would like to see in our newsletter or on our website. We value your ideas and feedback regarding content. Let us know here.

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