The Road to Red!
The countdown is underway! Advance voting will begin in just under three weeks. All registered voters were mailed information from the election office on advance voting, voting locations, and registration deadlines. Most notable was a PRE-FILLED advance mail ballot application. If you signed and returned this, you should receive your ballot by October 21st. If not, please contact election commissioner Fred Sherman at 913-715-6800 as you don't want your ballot being lost or delivered elsewhere.
If you did NOT receive this application (it was attached to the other information), then you should also call Fred Sherman and let him know. He is pushing for a mail-in election, so he needs to be aware of any mail issues that could potentially affect ballot delivery. Either way, the application has personal information on it, so shred it before you toss it in the trash. I was told this week by the election office that over 20K of these applications had been returned so far. That is a HUGE return, and likely not to be ours, so make a PLAN TO VOTE! Don't wait till the last day, but vote on paper and request a hand count envelope, if you prefer.
The office has seen a flurry of activity! We've been assembling campaign lit, making GOTV (Get Out The Vote) calls, and deploying signs. If you want to join in the action, please call the office and leave a message for Karen Berger, our volunteer coordinator.
Speaking of GOTV, our voter guides are ready! See the article in this newsletter about how to get yours mailed to Republicans in your precinct.
In addition to campaign volunteering, the office hosted five other Republican group meetings in our new meeting space, as well as a host of JCRP committee meetings. If you have not had a chance to drop by yet, we look forward to seeing you!