January 2023

Alliance Innovations
A collaboration between OMAFRA and the University of Guelph
Stories of the Alliance people, places and programs generating impact in the agri-food sector in Ontario and around the world.
In this issue:
  • The Alliance launches Growing Ontario Solutionsour 2021/22 annual report summary
  • Welcoming the 2022/23 Highly Qualified Personnel Scholars
  • Winter 2023 Skills for Research Impact Series
  • READ:
  • U of G research group addressing challenges for farmers in Northern and Eastern Ontario
  • U of G researcher exploring automation for better dairy health, production
  • Alliance people, places and programs in the media
  • Upcoming events
What's new?
The Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance Annual Report is here!
We are pleased to share Growing Ontario Solutions 2021/22, a summary of the Consolidated Annual Report of the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance, a collaboration between the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) and the University of Guelph.

The Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance creates impact by directing the efforts of our people, places and programs towards six key outcomes that support competitive
and sustainable agri-food and rural sectors—at home and around the world. Growing Ontario Solutions delves into the stories behind the numbers to demonstrate how the Alliance drives impact in Ontario.
WATCH: U of G Partnerships Fuel the Future of Food
The University of Guelph leverages its research partnerships to drive impact and solve real-world challenges. In collaboration with Food from Thought, the Arrell Food Institute, and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs through the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance, U of G is doing its part to ensure a sustainable future.
Welcoming the 2022/23 Highly Qualified Personnel Scholars
Dec. 7 Recognition Event
HQP scholars from the 2021/22 cohort shared methods, solutions and lessons learned from their work on real-world challenges on Dec. 7 at an event at the University of Guelph Arboretum.
Winter 2023 Skills for Research Impact Series
Join us online this winter for one or multiple sessions from the Skills for Research Impact Workshop Series!

Faculty, research staff and graduate students interested in enhancing the impact of their research will learn how to successfully plan, execute and evaluate knowledge mobilization activities. Sessions will cover topics that are key to effective research communications and engagement of non-academic audiences.

February 28: Data Visualization
March 21: Podcasting
March 28: Social Media

This workshop series is a collaboration among the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance, the Community Engaged Scholarship Institute and the Research Innovation Office at the University of Guelph.

For more information, contact us at
READ: How Alliance-funded research is making an impact
U of G group addressing challenges for farmers in Northern and Eastern Ontario
Dr. Joshua Nasielski, a professor in the Ontario Agricultural College (OAC) who joined U of G in 2019, started the Northern and Eastern Ontario Agronomy Research Group (NEO-AG) to address challenges faced by farmers across the province.
Dr. Joshua Nasielski
Support from the Alliance:
Joshua Nasielski uses the following Alliance resources to conduct his research.

Tier 1Research project operating funding

Special Initiatives: Addressing specific research priorities set by OMAFRA
U of G researcher exploring automation for better
dairy health, production
Patty Kedzierski, a PhD candidate and highly qualified personnel (HQP) scholar, is using automated data collection to help farmers create individual feeding plans to improve the health and production of their dairy cows.
Patty Kedzierski
Support from the Alliance:
Patty Kedzierski uses the following Alliance resource to conduct her research.

Highly Qualified Personnel Scholar: Supporting the development of highly skilled graduates who can meet the changing demands of the agri-food and rural sector
A selection of Alliance people, places and programs cited in popular and trade media.
University of Guelph researchers are assessing how cow health in the transition period affects their fertility.

Protecting grain crops from costly plant diseases under climate change and other factors is the main goal of a new $2-million gift to the University of Guelph from Grain Farmers of Ontario.  

Based on recent research presented at Dairy at Guelph’s annual research showcase, held Nov. 2 at the university’s arboretum, dairy farmers in Canada can take pride in the way they manage, house and care for replacement and surplus calves. But, there is also room for improvement, research indicates.

Dr. Shayan Sharif, avian immunologist with the Ontario Veterinary College, discusses his concerns about the highly pathogenic avian influenza.

U of G environmental sciences professor Dr. Rebecca Hallett shares new information about canola flower midge (CFM) in Ontario.

Ontario Agricultural College food economist Dr. Mike von Massow explained the causes of high food prices to 

Alliance-funded researcher Dr. Wayne Caldwell and students discuss how their research reviews on-farm diversified policies between municipalities.

Researchers at the University of Guelph are focusing on milking robots as they dive into ongoing studies of milk quality and dairy cow health. Results of several studies on the effects of automated milking systems were presented at the Dairy at Guelph showcase held Nov. 2 at the university’s arboretum. 
Building knowledge together: Sharing experiences between potato farmers
WednesdayFebruary 1, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. The Arboretum, U of G

A conversation with three distinct yet innovative potato farmers, showcasing unique approaches to sustainability.

Can you imagine a world without French fries? Potato chips? Poutine? Without potato farmers, you might have to! With climate change and the cost of production putting more and more pressure on farmers, local potato producers are asking: how do we keep growing our favourite foods?

Registration is free and open to all. 
School of Environmental Sciences (SES) Graduate Student Symposium
Thursday, February 2, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. The Arboretum, U of G
Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to learn about SES research! This is also a great chance to network with OMAFRA personnel, U of G faculty and graduate students in the department. Registration, lunch, and refreshments are free!
Ontario Agri-Tech Pitch Competition
Friday, March 24, 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. In-person and Online
The Research Innovation Office at the University of Guelph is excited to announce the Ontario Agri-Tech Pitch Competition in collaboration with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs.

By uniting farmers, academics, agri-tech entrepreneurs and investors, this event will raise awareness about the problems worth solving and showcase investible companies.

Join us online to watch as the next generation of new Ontario-based agri-tech start-up companies battle it out to be best in class.
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