Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
"... Melanie Crawford and her husband Warren separated six years ago but still live together and parent their three kids. How does this scenario work for them? Honestly, they say, pretty well. ..."
"... We are no longer legally bound to each other but there is a young lady who links us for life and because of her and all the generations that will come because of her, we will forever be co-parents and, God willing, co-grandparents. .."
By Deccan Herald
"... Are we forgetting that it is the child’s right to have access to and be with both the parents? Are we ignoring the fact that for a child, the idea of a family comprises the child, its father and the mother? ..."
By June Venders QC - Family Law Week
"... Parental alienation is not confined to family cases. It can and does feature in criminal cases, where allegations are made, by an alienating parent, against a backdrop of a prolonged, serious and acrimonious relationship between parents following separation/divorce. ..."
"... Fathers are important. The absence of a father or a father figure in a child’s life can have lifelong implications for a child and for the child’s mother. ..."
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Family Reunion | 661-829-6847 | [email protected] |
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