Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
"... With an already broken family court system, parent alienation is another burden by which children are being negatively impacted, and sometimes even manipulated against one parent or the other.. ..."
By Brandon Moseley- Alabama Political Reporter
"... Wednesday, the Alabama House Committee on Children and Senior Advocacy held a public hearing on the Child Equal Access Act which would change Alabama’s rules on child custody so that the court prepares a detailed parenting plan in child custody cases and that the presumption is joint custody if both of the parents are fit. ..."
By Robert Franklin - Men's E-News
"...They do so in part due to the belief that, when Mom goes to work, daycare is as good as Dad-care. It’s not, as the Italian study plus numerous others amply indicate. ..."
"... Parenting can be hard — just ask any parent. Co-parenting adds a whole new complicated element to the job of raising kids, but there are apps out there that claim they can help. ..."
By Julia Vergin - DW 05/21/2019
"... Children have their own perspective on their parents' separation. They draw conclusions that may seem absurd to an adult mind, and yet they make perfect sense in the child's eyes. And these misinterpretations stick. ..."
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