Happy Thursday Dear Church!
First of all, WELCOME BACK, JULIE! You never really know how much you depend on the work of others until they are ill. Julie is such a gift to our church staff. We are glad she is feeling better and able to create the BUZZ. Sunday was a special start to our Sunday worship during Lent. A quick reminder, brought to light by Ms. Kristie in her Children’s moment this past Sunday, the 40 days of Lent do not include Sundays. Sundays are, well basically, mini-resurrection celebrations. The only thing I seek to see happen is the liturgical idea that “Alleluias/Hallelujahs are silenced until Easter Sunday. I actually just got off a ZOOM meeting with our Ministry of Worship Board. What an incredible group. We made some exciting plans for the weeks ahead.
Sunday morning we will continue our Lenten theme, “The Point of Grace.” Probably one of the most incredulous signs of God’s Grace is the conversion of Paul; incredulous as it is hard to believe with a 21st-century understanding. If you want to get a head start, read this week’s scripture:
Even though blinded for three days, Paul’s experience with Christ, showed an enormous amount of Grace. Talk about a change … talk about a new life … Talk about the power of the journey to repentance. I am reminded of our Lenten subject, John Newton, the writer of the beloved hymn, AMAZING GRACE, especially his second verse:
“Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved:
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed.
I wonder, do you remember the first time you believed? Was it a specific event or maybe a journey to that belief? If you claim your belief in Christ, what have you done with your realization? If you have not done anything with your heart's knowledge, is there a reason why? Is it possible that the preciousness of this gift of grace, has not been realized completely in your life? I hope you and your family with be with us this Sunday in worship, either in person or online. Together, I pray that we can pinpoint God’s grace in our own lives. I love being your pastor.
Holding you close and lifting you high!
Pastor Greg