University Evangelical Lutheran Church
and Campus Ministry

The Lampstand - April 2023
Our Mission

UELC's Mission:
To Embrace and Share the Love of God in Jesus Christ, as the Holy Spirit Empowers us.

UELC's Guiding Principles:
Jesus is our Lord and Saviour; therefore, we are to:
  • Worship God in inspiring, diverse, and creative ways
  • Be a community engaged in spiritual practices that attune us to the Holy Spirit's guidance for our living
  • Welcome all people in their diversity to worship, learn, and serve with us
  • Be a safe place to learn, explore, and debate
  • Be generous stewards of the gifts God has given each of us to bless others and care for the natural world
  • Continue outreach to, and further develop connections with, the academic communities of Alachua County
  • Affirm human rights and work for social justice
Pastor's Corner

I have recently had the opportunity to interact with some UF students. I accepted these invitations because it’s what a leader of a congregation in the midst of a university ought to be doing. I think you will find what we discussed interesting for your own pondering.

The first invitation was from a reporter from the Alligator, the student newspaper. You may have seen the article about women in ministry, with my picture on the front page. My main point was that while “We’ve come a long way, Baby”, we still have a way to go for women to have full equality with men in acceptance and compensation. Here is the link, in case you missed the article.

It pleases me to say that I definitely have not experienced the lack of respect or compensation at UELC, and I am so grateful to be part of this congregation. At the same time, I invite you to pay attention to how women are treated in other settings.

I also had the opportunity to speak with students from a religion class. Sent out in teams, the students created questions for an interview with a religious leader about religious extremism. The first question was perhaps the most difficult: define religious extremism. Or even simpler: define extremism.

Two related questions we wrestled with were, “Was Jesus extreme in his day?” and “Were the Jewish leaders right to turn Jesus over to the Romans?” Our conversation led to more questions: “Did they have a choice?” “What was God’s plan?”

We came to agree that conversations with folks who disagree with us are important. We can look for ways to agree with each other and work together to create a more united and healthier culture. For example, Family Promise is not just a Christian project; it is supported by Christian, Jewish, and Unitarian Universalist organizations.

I invite you to ponder these questions about extremism: How do you define religious extremism? Was Jesus a religious extremist? What do you think about the Jewish and Roman response to Jesus? Why do these questions matter to you? Do they matter more during Holy Week?

Wishing you many blessings
Pr Lynn
President's Notes

Dear UELC family,

The council met on March 28th via Zoom to conduct the monthly meeting.

As a follow up to the Visioning Retreat held in the Kaiser Center on March 11th, the council unanimously voted to accept the purpose statement that was drafted at the meeting. This purpose statement reads that UELC is “to be a diverse and inviting congregation and campus ministry sharing God’s love with all in the community.” As you may recall, the Visioning Retreat was the most recent step undertaken in a structured curriculum, as outlined by the Synod, that congregations undertake during a pastoral change. The next step will be the formation of a Call Committee. The call committee will be comprised of 6 members of the congregation. It is a best practice to strive for diverse representation (e.g., length of membership, age, gender, ethnicity, etc.) on the call committee. The council will develop a slate of candidates and after confirmation of willingness to the serve on the call committee, an election by the entire congregation will be held at an upcoming special congregational meeting. If anyone is interested in serving on the call committee, please contact Becky Borgert ([email protected] or 352-672-5836). Council will strive to present a diverse slate of candidates for the congregation’s consideration.

Warm regards,
Becky Borgert
April Servants

Sunday, April 2
Preacher: Pr. Lynn Fonfara
Assisting Minister: Pat Dasler
Altar Guild: Jackie Klein
Lector: Rick Dienhart
Ushers: Ron Fourman, Ron Gordon
Sound Assistant: Melissa Singer
Video Assistant: Wilson Matungwa

Maundy Thursday, April 6
Preacher: Pr. Lynn Fonfara
Assisting Minister: Ron Bauldree
Altar Guild: Pat Dasler
Lector: Sandy Bauldree
Ushers: Jeanne Chamberlin
Sound Assistant: Melissa Singer
Video Assistant: Wilson Matungwa

Good Friday, April 7
Preacher: Pr. Lynn Fonfara
Altar Guild: Elaine Manion
Lector: Sandy Bauldree, Rick Dienhart
Ushers: Andy Noss
Sound Assistant: Amy Schirmer
Video Assistant: Wilson Matungwa

Sunday, April 9
Preacher: Pr. Lynn Fonfara
Assisting Minister: Sam Borgert
Altar Guild: Joan Anderson
Lector: Rick Dienhart
Ushers: John MontMarquette, Andy Noss
Sound Assistant: Melissa Singer
Video Assistant: Wilson Matungwa

Sunday, April 16
Preacher: Pr. Lynn Fonfara
Assisting Minister: Joel Beaudry
Altar Guild: Rachel Jin
Sound Assistant:
Video Assistant: Wilson Matungwa

Sunday, April 23
Preacher: Pr. Lynn Fonfara
Assisting Minister: Ron Bauldree
Altar Guild: Joan Anderson
Lector: Sandy Bauldree
Ushers: Ron Fourman, Andy Noss
Sound Assistant: Amy Schirmer
Video Assistant: Wilson Matungwa

Sunday, April 30
Preacher: Pr. Lynn Fonfara
Assisting Minister: Sam Borgert
Altar Guild: Elaine Manion
Lector: Rick Dienhart
Ushers: Ron Fourman, Roger Springfels
Sound Assistant: Melissa Singer
Video Assistant: Wilson Matungwa
UELC People

Thank you to Anna Grace for leading us in Lenten singing!
Thank you to Mikayla for the beautiful recital!
Evening Bible Study - April 19, April 26

The Evening Bible Study will finish the current topic of Leadership in the Bible April 19 and 26. Our next topic will be a 15-session video series called Searching for the Historical Jesus. The class will meet by Zoom at 7pm on Wednesday evenings, May 3, 17, and 24.

Course Summary by National Geographic Historian Jean-Pierre Isbouts, DLitt

As the largest religion in the world, Christianity is comprised of thousands of denominations reflecting 2,000 years of ideas. While many branches of the faith vary wildly, they all spring from the same source: a rabbi from Galilee in the far provinces of the Roman Empire. To better understand Christianity today—and, thus, our world—you will journey back to the source and reflect on the man at the center of the Christian faith, the historical Jesus of Nazareth.

From the high priests of Judaism to Gnostic Christians to the Catholic Church, Jean-Pierre examines the mystery of Jesus after the brutality of his crucifixion. With generous quotes from scripture, 3-D animation, and beautiful cinematography of historical sites, Searching for the Historical Jesus brings to life a man whose message shaped the world.
Visit to Temple Shir-Shalom - April 21

The Evening Study group was discussing how Jesus would have worshiped and what happened in a synagogue during Jesus’ time. Pastor Lynn suggested visiting a local synagogue and contacted Rabbi Michael Joseph at Temple Shir-Shalom. Rabbi Joseph assured her that we would be very welcome at the temple for sabbath worship on any Friday night.

Pastor Lynn suggests going on Friday, April 21. Worship begins at 7pm, and uses both Hebrew and English, so we won’t be totally lost. Let’s meet at 6:45 at the Temple, 3855 NW 8th Avenue. For those who are unable to join in person, or who want a sneak peak, the Zoom link is on the congregation website.

It would be helpful to know how many plan to come, so a sign-up sheet will be available in the Kaiser Center.
Visioning Retreat

Thanks to all for your participation in the Visioning Retreat on Saturday March 11.

Through Bible study and prayer, and some fun, we are working together to determine God’s mission at UELC now. We are working together to pray, imagine, dream, and envision how God is calling us to be Jesus’ missionaries in this time and place.

All voices are important to the present and future of the congregation.
Gainesville Modern Sacred Spaces Tour Thank You

Thank you for letting Gainesville Modern tour University Lutheran Church for our Sacred Spaces tour. Everyone loved seeing the interior of the church. It was one of our most popular churches on the tour. I will be in touch within the next few weeks after we have gone over all of our finances with a contribution to the building. Thank you again for your support. The members of the congregation that were there on Saturday were delightful and very helpful.

Peter Aliberti 
Socialize with UELC

You can help University Lutheran reach more people in our community by following our social media profiles. The more people engage with our posts by liking them, writing comments, and sharing them, the more people will see what we are posting and sharing!
On Facebook, like our page at
On Instagram, follow our brand new campus ministry @campusministry_ulc
Offering Direct Deposits

It is Sunday morning and you are on your way to church. Part way there you remember you have not written a check for the offering plate.
It is another Sunday morning and you are sitting in the sanctuary you write a check and slowly you attempt to remove your check from your check book as quietly as possible.
It is another Sunday at church and you realize that your offering check and envelope remain at home on your dresser.
These are some of the ways that the use of direct deposit helps UELC to receive consistent income to pay its bills.
If you wish to learn more about the use of direct deposit, contact Jim Yale to get set up. 

Due to the Covid pandemic LIFT (Lutherans In Fellowship Together) has not met for its monthly potluck luncheons for the past two years. We plan on restarting the luncheons by the summer of this new year. Of course, that depends on a lessening of the impact that Covid-19 and it many variants have on our lives. Let us all be responsible and stay safe. 

Ron Bauldree
LIFT coordinator 
Young Adult and Campus Ministry

March was a slower month for CYAM due to Spring break. On March 30th Shari O’Brien did a presentation to the students exploring their spiritual gifts. Getting to know themselves and each other better. April 16th will be a student led service with our Peer Minister, Joel Beaudry, giving the message. All roles will be filled by students with perhaps a little guidance as needed from members. April is the month we bid our Senior students farewell. Graduating this semester are Joel Beaudry and Tiana Andriamiarantsoa. Wilson Matungwa will be graduating at the end of summer.  
The Bee

Although The Bee still is not meeting, they continue to be busy! Two projects were completed in March.
One Hundred children’s paperback books were given to the Early Learning Coalition of Alachua County to be given out to the families they serve.
Twenty four Book and Blanket Bags were given to Parker Elementary to be given out through their Guidance Office.
Village of Hope

Thank you to all who have renewed their sponsorship for 2023. There are now 13 students that are being sponsored. There is still time to renew or begin a new sponsorship. It remains at $480 for the year or $40 each month. Checks made out to UELC can be placed in the offering but be sure to put VOH sponsorship on the memo line. 

The school is back in session and the health center is seeing patients although there is still a concern for the violence that continues to occur in Haiti.
Family Promise

A huge thank you to our compassionate UELC congregation moved by the spirit to help ensure all children in our community have a home! First, to the Lutheran Gators Bed Race Team of 2023 for giving it their all and garnering our best placing ever -- 2nd place -- in Family Promise's 8th annual Bed Race Fundraising event on Feb. 25. Thank you to many others of you for contributing from your pocket books to compile a larger-than-usual donation for the fundraiser of $1,000. Included in that were your Christmas Christchild Tree offerings.
Our Pastor and Staff

Pastor Lynn Fonfara
Pastor, Congregation and Campus Ministry

Amy Schirmer
Music Ministry Coordinator

Mikayla Kreider

Evelyn Simmons