This electronic communication is a resource providing businesses and interested parties with relevant information about funding sources, events, resources, and other local municipal information.

Official Plan Update - Your Vision for Petawawa

A virtual stakeholder meeting on the Official Plan was held on March 29th. Participants were asked a series of vision-leading questions about key priorities related to land use planning.

1. What is your vision of the Town of Petawawa for the next 25 years?

  • What makes us stand out within Renfrew County?
  • How do you want to see us grow?

2. How do we ensure housing is available for all residents?

  • How do changes in the demographics of Petawawa impact housing?
  • What types of housing are needed?
  • How can housing be provided for different age groups e.g., young and older adults?
  • What is an appropriate built form?

3. How can the Town support economic development?

  • What types of businesses or industries are needed?
  • Where should commercial and industrial uses be located?
  • Should residential developments include some percentage of commercial development as well?

4. How do we plan for an inclusive community?

  • What resources do we need in place for the youth of our community?
  • What resources do we need for an aging community?
  • What resources do we need for newcomers to the community?

5. What do you see as part of a “healthy community”?

  • What assets can be leveraged?
  • What are we lacking in our community?
  • What is the future of traditional gathering spaces in the Town (e.g., churches, schools, halls)?
  • What stakeholders should be engaged to preserve and sustain a healthy community?
  • How can we ensure the health of our community through the Official Plan?

6. How can the Town respond to climate change and be more resilient to disasters such as COVID-19? What types of alternative energy could the Town leverage?

  • How can the Town reduce its carbon footprint?
  • What types of land uses, built forms, and densities would be appropriate to create compact and walkable neighbourhoods?

7. What other ways would you like to see the Town engage with residents and stakeholders during this OP project?

8. Other topic areas that should be explored?

This list of questions and more details on the Official Plan Update process can be found on the municipal website: Official Plan Review Information - The Town of Petawawa

If you would like to submit written responses please do so before Friday, April 14th. Please email your responses to: Karen Cronier, Director of Planning and Development.

Community Improvement Plan

Grants are available to local commercial business tenants or property owners who are planning to make eligible improvements to their properties. Works may include accessibility features, signage, facades, and parking lots. Learn more about these 11 grant opportunities on the municipal website. Community Improvement Plan (CIP) - The Town of Petawawa

Business Sponsorship Opportunity - Yoga & Music

Sponsor our Yoga in the Market or our Music in the Market program. Entertainment each Friday late afternoon/early evening will occur during our market season. Sponsors will have their logos appear on the social media graphics and posters created and circulated for this program. Sponsorship is $250 and sponsors will retain the right of first refusal for annual participation of same. Learn more on the Petawawa Container Market pages.

UOV Chamber of Commerce Bursary Program

The Upper Ottawa Valley Chamber of Commerce is honoured to offer a bursary program for graduating secondary school students in the region. Recipients will be rewarded up to $250 toward the purchase of learning materials for post-secondary studies.

To apply, students must be residents of Renfrew County, graduating with an Ontario Secondary School Diploma in 2023, and accepted or enrolled to a recognized post-secondary school which may also include Ontario-accredited trade certifications and apprenticeships. Class of '23 Bursary Program - Upper Ottawa Valley Chamber of Commerce


The application for bursary includes a short essay on the topic “When you envision your career path ahead of you, what does success look like?” The deadline is April 30, 2023.

Bursaries will be presented by our member businesses or board members to successful applicants." If your business would like to contribute to support this bursary fund you can call 613-732-1492 and speak with Kelly or you can make an online payment through the Chamber website. Invest in your Chamber (

Save the Date: UOVCC golf tournament May 29th at Whitetail Golf Club in Eganville!


You are invited to participate in these upcoming opportunities to network and collaborate with fellow industry partners:

  • Ottawa Valley AGM - April 25th

Register 2023 Ottawa Valley Tourism Conference & AGM (

  • Culinary Market Readiness Workshop

Register Culinary Market Readiness Workshop (

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

8:30 am - 12:00pm

Murray Yantha Community Centre

2473 Russet Drive, Arnprior, ON

Join the OVTA and the Culinary Tourism Alliance in learning:

what is "culinary market readiness"

what are the tools and steps to getting there

what are some online marketing "must dos"

how to leverage "sourcing local" 

how "culinary" can be a relatively simple and profitable extension of your business

Enterprise Renfrew County News

Enterprise Renfrew County is hosting a series of French Language workshops and networking opportunities in March. This opportunity is made possible through a grant from the Province of Ontario focused on improving small business resources.

Town of Petawawa
Petawawa Business Advisory Network
1111 Victoria St. Petawawa, Ontario
Phone 1-613-687-5536

Petawawa Businesses be sure to use Shop Petawawa to drive additional sales to your businesses' shopping and social platforms. Need help using this FREE resource? Want to advertise your business event or celebration? Contact Christine 

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