As the colors of Autumn begin to bloom in North America, we embrace this final week of the Season of Creation with faithful hope and resolve to continue to follow in the footsteps of St. Francis of Assis and let justice and peace flow through our care for all of God’s creation. Providentially, we go forward into new seasons that continue to call us forward on our Franciscan mission.
A season to embrace gratitude and reflect upon our blessings, Autumn also serves as a time of preparation to endure the journey into the darker and leaner months of winter, as well as ensure that the spring months are able to nurture new life and growth. During this season, we continue to give thanks for all Creation and contemplate how we can empower our common home and its inhabitants to brave present challenges and embrace care for the vulnerable and an integral ecology to bring forth a future of hope.
Autumn flows into the Advent and Christmas seasons, which are especially poignant for Franciscans this year as we celebrate the 800th anniversary of St. Francis of Assisi’s recreation of the first Christmas in a cavern at Greccio. This simple display of faith and devotion witnessed to the gift and mystery of the Word of God becoming flesh. With hearts awakened to the true meaning of the season, we reflect upon Jesus’ arrival as a helpless infant in poverty and simplicity. Like St. Francis, we see the face of Christ in those experiencing poverty, injustices, and other hardships, and we are called to follow Christ’s example of love – feed the hungry, care for the sick, welcome the stranger, love our enemies, and care for our common home.
Inspired by the example of St. Francis of Assisi, let us go forward together to care for each other and all of God’s Creation. During this final week of the Season of Creation, we invite you to join us in prayer and reflection upon how this moment will flow into the next seasons of your life. How has your relationship with God and Creation been transformed? What will you carry with you going forward?
May God bless you in this and every season of your life!