September 2024 | Volume 13: Issue 3 | |
In recognition of Bullying Prevention Month (October), we have shared a video that was produced by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation as part of their Welcoming Schools program. In the video titled What Can We Do? Bias, Bullying & Bystanders, educators model how to engage students in real conversations about bias-based bullying and standing up for each other.
This video is part of a collection of resources for parents, educators, students, and advocates that are available on our YouTube channel here.
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2024 Early Career Award Recipient
Congratulations to Lydia Laninga-Wijnen, PhD, on being selected as our 2024 Early Career Award recipient! The Alberti Center Distinguished Scholarly Contributions to Bullying Abuse Prevention Award, presented annually, recognizes an individual who has made exemplary scholarly contributions to the field of bullying abuse prevention and conducted research that has the potential to influence practice and policy. Dr. Laninga-Wijnen received a plaque and $1,000 in recognition of her achievements. Learn more about her research on our award page here.
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Alberti Center Annual Report
There is certainly no question about how busy the Alberti Center team has been over the past year! Our Annual Report, which includes data from July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024, can be found on our website along with an infographic summarizing highlights from the report. Some of the highlights from this past year include:
- 21 scholarly publications
- 2 funded research grants
- 6 book chapters published
- Over 200 attendees to our colloquium series
- Exceeding 1,000 followers on social media
You can find the full report and infographic on our website here.
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Welcome to Our Newest Team Members!
Rahnuma E Jannat, graduate assistant and Presidential Fellow, has a bachelor's degree in psychology and a master's degree in counseling psychology from University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. She is enrolled in the combined counseling and school psychology doctoral program at the University at Buffalo, with a concentration in school psychology. Rahnuma's research interests include cyberbullying and developing culturally informed school-based cyberbullying prevention interventions for adolescents.
Bea Mask, graduate assistant and Schomburg Fellow, has a bachelor's degree in psychology and specialist degree in school psychology from Texas Woman's University. She is currently a doctoral student in the combined counseling and school psychology program at the University at Buffalo, with a concentration in school psychology. Bea's research interests include bullying interventions, school climate and discipline, and supporting LGBTQ+ youth and educators.
Brianna Schlierf, research assistant, has a bachelor’s degree in neuroscience and psychology from West Virginia University. She is currently a student in the School Psychology MA/AC program at the University at Buffalo. Brianna’s research interests involve the effects of social media on mental health.
You can read about other members of the Alberti Center team on our website here!
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